February 20, 2020 (re)Designing Space(s) Recognize that your space isn’t fitting your organization’s needs as well as it could be? Have you or your team thought about making changes, imagined improvements, or started a plan? Join APOST and their guest presenter Heather Mallak of PUBLIC STUD/O at Sarah Heinz House for this interactive workshop aimed to support your space design efforts! About In this training, participants start with a tour of Sarah Heinz House’s facilities to see how rethinking space design has improved their program, then review some examples of low to high budget, high impact transformations that focus on supporting the identified “design drivers” in your space to help you better mold it to fit the needs of your youth. Participants will gain insights from collaborating professionals—architects, designers, and informal learning space providers–who have undertaken larger scale redesign efforts. You’ll leave this session with insights, techniques, and resources for use in co-designing with your intended audience to improve experience. Lunch will be provided and free parking is available. Registration To register, visit the Eventbrite page. More Information For more information, contact APOST at 412.456.6876.
July 1, 2019 Theiss Community Resource Fair Join the Family Engagement Team of the Matilda H. Theiss Early Childhood Behavioral Health and Trauma Treatment Center on August 23 for the Theiss Community Resource Fair. About Held at the Hill House Association, the Theiss Community Resource Fair seeks to provide families and the community with information about local organizations and opportunities to engage with Allegheny County Community Providers that serve families and children. More Information For more information or to host a table, contact Ms. Dee Burgess at 412.383.1557. Share this flyer with your network.
June 14, 2019 Family Support Annual Outing Community members are invited to join together in celebration at the Family Support Annual Outing. Activities The event will feature free, fun activities, including: an obstacle course, face painting, air tattoos, a bouncy house, lawn games, music, Kona Ice Truck and other food, and more! Learn More To learn more and sign up, contact your local Family Support Center. Share this flyer with your network.
May 31, 2019 Mister Rogers Family Day 2019 On June 8, families and community members are invited to join Mister Rogers Family Day in downtown Labrobe–the “original” Neighborhood of television personality Mister Rogers–for a FREE day of activities to celebrate Fred Rogers’ life and legacy. About At the event, families and community members are invited to enjoy activities, live entertainment, food, a trivia stroll, and more, all centered around the center of downtown Latrobe, making for a fun-filled day for the entire family. Activities Examples of activities at the event include: Storytime, Puppets, Arts & Crafts, Silk Screen Painting, Live Performances, Fred Rogers Trivia Stroll, Bouncy House, Obstacle House, and more! Learn More This event is free and open to the public. Free Parking available. To learn more, visit the Facebook event page!
May 9, 2019 Historic Increases for Early Learning & Development Programs The House Appropriations Committee recently approved the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education spending bill for FY2020, which outlines funding for early care and learning programs critical to babies’ development. The first three years are a time in development unmatched by any other later point in life. But the recently released State of Babies Yearbook: 2019 reveals troubling early warning signs that too many young children face conditions that place their development – and our future – at risk. About the Bill The bill includes historic increases to key early learning and development programs that can help to reverse this path we have set for our future, including: An increase of $2.4 billion for the Child Care and Development Block Grant; $525 million increase in the set-aside for the expansion of Early Head Start, including through EHS-Child Care Partnerships; Doubling of the Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Grant Program, to a total of $10 million; and An increase of $21.3 million for Part C Early Intervention. By laying the foundation today for 12 million infants and toddlers living in the U.S., we are investing in our society’s future. Learn More To learn more, see Zero to Three’s full statement. *Information provided by Zero to Three
May 7, 2019 Email Congress in Support of the FAMILY Act This week, the House Ways and Means Committee will hold a hearing on paid family and medical leave, with testimony from expert witnesses, including advocates, a business owner, a state official, and researchers. But without your expertise, they will miss the voice of crucial stakeholders – babies! What You Can Do In advance of the hearing, babies need you to contact your Members of Congress and urge them to support comprehensive paid leave for working families – the Family and Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act. The Family Act is: Inclusive: Provided to all working people, no matter where they live or the nature of their job; Comprehensive: Offers extensive coverage of personal family caregiving and medical needs; Meaningful: Gives a meaningful duration of leave to allow people sufficient time to meet their care and health needs – at least 12 weeks – and a wage replacement rate and benefit level that makes taking leave financially possible for everyone; Sustainable: Funded in a way that is affordable for workers, employers, and the government without harming other essential programs; and Secure: Protects workers from retaliation or adverse employment consequences for requesting or taking leave. With public demand for comprehensive national paid leave stronger than ever before, now is the time to urge your Members of Congress to cosponsor the FAMILY Act. Take Action Email your Members of Congress now in support of our nation’s babies and families! *Information provided by Zero to Three
April 5, 2019 Homewood Event Series: Fuel Up Join Operation Better Block this April and May for the Fuel Up, Redd Up, Get Up event series (4/12, 20, & 5/5). *The calendar information for this event page links with the April 12 event: Fuel Up* April 12: Fuel Up The series will kick off on April 12 with a free community dinner from 6 – 7:30 at the House of Manna. The dinner will feature vendors, food, music, community discussion, and more! To attend, you must register with NaTisha by calling 412.731.1908 or by visiting the Operation Better Block office. April 20: Redd Up The series continues on April 20 with an annual clean-up day claimed by the phrase “Redd Up.” This will be a day of volunteering for all to go out and clean the streets and sidewalks of Homewood. Sign-ins and tool pickups will start at 9 a.m. in the YMCA basketball court. The day will end with lunch at 11:30 a.m. For calendar information on this event, visit its event page. May 5: Get Up The series will close on May 5 by gathering to cheer on the marathon runners as they make their way through the Homewood community. Volunteer sign-ups will be available for the marathon through Camille via phone at 412.731.1908 or by visiting the Operation Better Block office. Volunteers will provide your name and t-shirt size and will meet in front of the Homewood House from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. For calendar information on this event, visit its event page. More Information For more information, visit the series’ event page.
March 27, 2019 Jeremiah’s Place: Spring Open House Join Jeremiah’s Place for their Spring Open House on Thursday, April 25th to take a tour of Pittsburgh’s only emergency child care center, explore volunteer and employment opportunities, and learn more about how you can utilize their services. About Jeremiah’s Place Jeremiah’s Place provides emergency care for children ages 0-6 for a few hours or a few days based on the needs of the family. The primary focus at Jeremiah’s place is to keep children safe and to provide a supportive solution for families in need. Located in the East Liberty section of Pittsburgh, Jeremiah’s Place is staffed by trauma-informed caregivers and social workers. All services provided by Jeremiah’s Place are free, available 24 hours a day, and most importantly, judgment-free.