February 14, 2024 Hi5! Kindergarten Transition Info Session Do you have questions about enrolling your child in kindergarten? We would love to answer them. Join Reading Ready Pittsburgh and Valerie Williams, Trying Together’s Kindergarten Transitions Program Director, for an informational session on how to prepare your child and family for the transition to kindergarten. A Steel Valley representative will be present to answer district-specific questions. Event Details Wednesday, 03/20 | 4 p.m. B is for Books Bookstore, 222 E 8th Avenue, Homestead, PA 15236 RSVP Today! Additional Details Childcare and snacks will be provided. Share this flyer with your networks.
June 29, 2023 Kindergarten: Here I Come! Visit the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh for one of their milestone events for early childhood education with “Kindergarten: Here I Come!” The 17th annual kindergarten readiness celebration takes place on Saturday, August 12, from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. At this event, children entering kindergarten in the fall can experience a day full of fun activities, resources and learning from Children’s Museum staff and our amazing partners from around the city. There will be back-to-school giveaways, resources for parents and caregivers, and even a real school bus! Kindergarten: Here I Come! is free for one rising kindergarten student and one accompanying adult. Reserve Your Tickets For questions or to learn more, visit the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh website.
June 14, 2023 How Family Engagement Supports Kindergarten Readiness & Early School Success Family engagement is a critical driver in ensuring that all children enter kindergarten “ready to learn” and experience early school success. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, kindergarten readiness can impact how successful a child is in high school and beyond, leading to better grades and lower dropout rates, as well as better health and lifestyle habits. Children who enter school with key readiness skills have an 82 percent chance of mastering basic skills by age 11, compared with 45 percent for young children who are not “kindergarten ready.” Yet, many children nationwide are still unable to reach this pivotal benchmark. Join the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) at this webinar to hear from education leaders and practitioners who will share the latest research and on-the-ground lessons for how family engagement has improved kindergarten readiness and early school success in their states, districts, and communities. Moderated by Yolie Flores, President and CEO of Families In Schools, this panel conversation will explore: Why engaging families early matters for children’s long-term success How innovative technologies can be leveraged to support families The role that curriculum, professional development, and supplemental resources play in family engagement Session Details Tuesday, June 27 | 1 – 2:30 p.m. Virtual Register Learn More This webinar is the fifth in a series of conversations designed to boost family engagement practices between school and home. The six-month series, produced by the U.S. Department of Education in partnership with Carnegie Corporation of New York and Overdeck Family Foundation, will explore bright spots in the field and provide education leaders and practitioners with resources and evidence-based strategies to support student success. Featured panelists include: David Cintron, Superintendent, District 14, NYC Department of Education, New York, NY Rebecca Crouse Kelley, J.D., Executive Vice President of Advocacy, Waterford.org Shawn Foster, Ed.D., Superintendent, Orangeburg County School District, Orangeburg, SC Kai-ama Hamer, Director, ParentCorps Priscilla Hopkins, Executive Director, Denver Public Schools, Denver, CO Deborah Leong, Ph.D., Co-founder and President, Tools of the Mind To learn more, visit the event page on Eventbrite.
April 12, 2023 Applications Open for PA Farm-to-School Grant Program The application period for the Pennsylvania Farm-to-School Grant Program is now open. Through the program, any school, program, or center with a pre-kindergarten through 8th-grade classroom can apply for up to $15,000 in funding for healthy foods. Applications are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 19. About the Farm-to-School Grant Program The Pennsylvania Farm to School Grant Program aims to bridge the gap between children and the food system by connecting them to the fresh, healthy food available from Pennsylvania agricultural producers in their community and the surrounding areas. Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (DOA), it can change food purchasing and education practices at schools and early childhood education sites, and help children become more aware and engaged with their local food system. Farm-to-School Grant Program Details Eligibility All public school districts, charter schools, or private schools with pre-kindergarten classes, kindergarten classes, or elementary school classes through the eighth grade, and all center-based pre-schools located and operating within Pennsylvania may apply. However, school districts wishing to submit multiple applications must have individual schools apply. This means that the applicant information must reflect the individual building, not the district or an individual person. Grant Limitations $500,000 is available for the Pennsylvania Farm-to-School Grant Program. Grants will be awarded on a funds-available basis. Projects must be completed no later than June 30, 2025. Grants will be funded as reimbursement grants. A single grant shall be limited to 75% of the cost of the project. Grant recipients must fund at least 25% of the project with a minimum 25% match cash or in-kind. Each school may receive no more than $15,000 annually. Recipients may use the value of in-kind support to match the amount granted. Grant Uses Grants can be used for: training for teachers and staff procuring local foods for school cafeterias food supplies educational opportunities: classroom curricula experiential learning family and community involvement field trips to local farms or other agricultural operations school gardens for the purpose of education or to supply the cafeteria Apply for a Farm-to-School Program Grant Interested applicants must submit an application through the Single Application for Assistance online application between system before 5 p.m. on May 19. The DOA will not consider or review applications received after that time. Applications Requirements Interested applicants must: read the Application Instructions thoroughly, and follow them meticulously complete the Application Template prior to accessing the Single Application for Assistance complete the budget on the Budget Template upload both the completed Application Template and Budget Template as addenda in the Single Application for Assistance Learn More To learn more, visit the Farm-to-School Program Grant webpage, the Pennsylvania Bulletin website, or contact Patrick Andrews at RA-AGFARMTOSCHOOL@pa.gov or 717-772-1429.
September 6, 2022 Professional and Family-Friendly Resources Available to Support Early Learning Early learning materials are available at no cost to Pennsylvania early learning programs (including Early Intervention and evidence-based home visiting programs), kindergarten classrooms, afterschool programs, and other programs who reach families with young children. Learn More These materials contain activities to do with a young child to help them learn. All of the activities align with the Pennsylvania Early Learning Standards. Supplies are limited and requests will be fulfilled in order as received. Materials are for Pennsylvania programs and partners only. Learn more and submit a request. Visit the PA’s Promise for Children website to view the available resources.
April 8, 2021 Hi5! Celebration of Kindergarten Registration and Transition Hi5! is hosting a celebration of kindergarten registration and transition. Hi5! is a partnership between the Allegheny Intermediate Unit, Trying Together, and the United Way of Southwestern PA. Over the past year, Hi5! has been gathering the entire region virtually to share and learn with one another. The pre-k to kindergarten transition marks a critical point in the lives of children and families. Early and on-time registration allows elementary schools to plan for classroom materials, resources, and staff as they prepare to welcome a new group of students. It also enables families to establish relationships with teachers and administrators that are so important for easing the stress and anxiety of children (and their families) as they begin elementary school. Early childhood professionals play an important role in supporting the transition from pre-k to kindergarten. Children are eligible to register for kindergarten if they are 5, or are turning 5 by September 2021. View the birthdate and registration requirements for the region’s school districts on the Trying Together website. An online registration form is available for early learning programs to attend the event. Providers should share the number of children eligible for kindergarten at the time of registration. Information will be collected now through May 10, 2021. Participants will be entered into a raffle to receive Lakeshore gift cards or a mini library of books. Early learning programs who participate will also receive a certificate and be recognized at the May 17th virtual celebration event. More Information Additional information about Hi5! can be found on the Trying Together website. For additional questions, please contact hi5@tryingtogether.org.
November 24, 2020 Free Tutoring Available for K-12 Students Gwen’s Girls will continue to offer its free Academic Support Initiative virtual tutoring services for the upcoming 2020-21 school year. These services are available to any K-12 student who is attending school in Allegheny County. About Academic Support Initiative (ASI) tutoring is a free service offered to any K-12 student in the Pittsburgh area. Available tutors have a wide skill range that includes English Language Arts (ELA), Math, Science, Foreign Language, Special Education, and others. Tutoring services are offered throughout the academic year. Gwen’s Girls offers group sessions for grades K-8 that are available Monday through Friday from 9 to 11 a.m., as well as individual sessions that are available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tutoring services will be provided through remote live sessions. Registration To register for tutoring, visit the Gwen’s Girls website. Gwen’s Girls will assist families in getting the necessary equipment for success. More Information For questions, contact Gwen’s Girls at 412.904.4239 or contactus@gwensgirls.org. Share this flyer with your network.
September 15, 2020 Advancing Anti-Racist Instruction in K-12 Curriculum Are you interested in learning concrete strategies for implementing anti-racist content in your school or district? Join EdSurge on October 14 for their webinar, “Advancing Anti-Racist Instruction in K-12 Curriculum.” About In this webinar, participants will learn how educators, schools, and districts can and should intentionally interrogate representation within their curriculum and support anti-racism more broadly. In a time when actively anti-racist content is urgently needed in virtual and in-person classrooms alike, representative voices, diverse perspectives, and unheard narratives can still be hard to find in instructional content. Hear from a panel of experts and education leaders about concrete strategies for implementing anti-racist content in your school or district, across subject areas and grade levels. Participants will also hear from school and district leaders about strategies for taking a multi-pronged approach. Learning Objectives During this webinar, participants will learn how to: support anti-racism during remote learning; develop robust instructional content that promotes anti-racism; build an anti-racist culture and safe community in virtual and in-person spaces; support teacher training on anti-racism; and create buy-in for school and district-wide anti-racism efforts. Registration To register and learn more, visit the event webpage.
August 19, 2020 Why Care about Child Care? Are you a parent who needs child care? Are you interested in learning how to get help paying for child care? Are you worried about your child’s kindergarten readiness? Join the Pennsylvania Child Care Association on August 26 to explore these topics and more in their webinar, “Why Care about Child Care?” Register This webinar will act as an introduction for parents and other caregivers (grandparents, guardians, foster families, etc.) to the child care landscape in Pennsylvania. To register, visit the event webpage. Submit A Question You may ask questions in advance (anonymously if you prefer) by emailing shawn.towey@pacca.org, or you can enter them in the chatbox during the session. Share this flyer with your network.
August 18, 2020 Virtual UnConference: Caring in a “New Normal” Join Trying Together from September 14–23, 2020 for our second free Virtual UnConference: Caring in a ‘New Normal’. PQAS and Act 48 credit hours will be available. Registration is required. About Virtual UnConference: Caring in a ‘New Normal’ will feature a panel discussion and three workshops on topics including finance, interacting with young children, and social-emotional health during the COVID-19 health crisis. This UnConference will build on guidance shared during our first Virtual UnConference: Re-Opening to Our ‘New Normal’. To watch a recording, visit our UnConference page. Featured Workshops Positive Interactions During the Pandemic Monday, September 14, 2020 | 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. | Register In this workshop, Sarah Grubb from ELRC Region 5 will walk early childhood educators through the essential elements of positive interaction, the educator’s role in co-regulation, and strategies for supporting children best through positive, day-to-day interactions. A Conversation on How to Support the Social/Emotional Needs of Children Thursday, September 17, 2020 | 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. | Register Join Diana Schwab for a conversation and Q&A focused on the social and emotional needs of children. In this workshop, participants will discuss early childhood social and emotional development with a particular focus on how children communicate social and emotional needs through behavior. This workshop will also discuss how to focus a child’s behaviors as a communication of developmental strengths and vulnerabilities, as well as mental health needs. Building a Foundation for Your Organization’s Financial Wellness Monday, September 21, 2020 | 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. | Register This workshop will discuss the importance of building a business plan and budget as the foundation of your organization’s financial wellness, especially during this time of changing external forces due to COVID-19. Presenter Chris Pentrack of Supporting Strategies will suggest beginner tools and methods to build these items, as well as resources for additional assistance. Presenters will discuss topics such as profit and loss statements, balance sheets, monitoring, and forecasting cash for the organization. Providing Safe and Healthy Care in Child Care Now and Beyond the Pandemic Wednesday, September 23, 2020 | 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. | Register This workshop will feature a panel of directors who will discuss the measurements currently being followed to prevent the spread of illness in their individual child care programs. A portion of the conversation will include health and wellness tips that can help support your staff and teachers during these challenging times. The discussion will conclude by identifying which health and safety practices will most likely be permanently incorporated into everyday practice moving forward beyond COVID-19. Registration Registration for this UnConference is being completed on the PD Registry. If you do not have a PD Registry account, please complete this online form to create one. If you are unable to create an account, please contact Jasmine Davis at jasmine@tryingtogether.org for more information. Click the links below to register for each workshop you are interested in. Registration is required. Positive Interactions During the Pandemic Monday, September 14, 2020 | 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. A Conversation on How to Support the Social/Emotional Needs of Children Thursday, September 17, 2020 | 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Building a Foundation for Your Organization’s Financial Wellness Monday, September 21, 2020 | 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Providing Safe and Healthy Care in Child Care Now and Beyond the Pandemic Wednesday, September 23, 2020 | 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. More Information For questions, contact UnConference Director Yu-Ling Cheng at conference@tryingtogether.org.