November 12, 2020 Make the Most of Learning at Home With PBS KIDS Are you interested in learning how to develop a learning routine for your family and increase your child’s motivation to learn? Join PBS Kids on November 18 for their online event, “Make the Most of Learning at Home With PBS KIDS.” About With children across the country learning at home, parents and caregivers are facing new challenges. PBS KIDS invites parents and caregivers of children ages five to eight to come together for a discussion with educators, a child psychologist, and fellow parents. Get ideas on how to use PBS KIDS resources to encourage everyday playful learning. Presenters will answer questions and share tips on how you can maintain a strong connection with your child’s school, help your child stay motivated to learn, and develop a learning routine for your family. Registration To register for this event, visit the PBS Kids website.
July 7, 2020 A Routines-Based Approach for Young Children with Disabilities Are you interested in learning about a routines-based approach for providing early intervention to young children with disabilities? Join ZERO TO THREE on July 15 for their free webinar, “Where Intervention Happens: A Routines-Based Approach for Young Children with Disabilities.” About Throughout the day, children learn during their everyday routines, including during child care. Ensuring that infants and toddlers with disabilities get the most intervention possible and the most relevant intervention possible means building their caregivers’ capacity. This webinar will address the assessment of child and family needs, the use of a primary service provider, collaborative consultation, data collection, and how to train staff to use a routines-based approach. This webinar is best suited for early intervention professionals, as well as caregivers who have or would like to have an early intervention professional working with them. Registration To register and learn more, visit the event webpage. For those who are unable to attend the session, please note that all registrants will receive a link to the webinar recording 24 to 48 hours after the session.
June 30, 2020 National Family Child Care Conference Are you interested in celebrating and exploring the field of family child care? Join the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) on July 17 and 18 for the 30th National Family Child Care Conference! About Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, NAFCC will host its annual National Family Child Care Conference virtually on the evening of Friday, July 17 and all day on Saturday, July 18. The conference will feature: live and on-demand workshops, an opportunity to earn up to 24 hours (or 2.4 continuing education units) of training credit, a Spanish track with four live sessions presented in Spanish, a Black and Latina caucus where participants can discuss the things that are important to them, and a virtual exhibit hall where participants can view vendors without leaving their homes. Featured Topics Live and on-demand workshops will cover a variety of topics, including, but not limited to, the following: record-keeping and tax implications of COVID-19, organizing a sustainable daily routine that supports health and wellbeing, how to make your home a place of inquiry, play, and experimentation, strategies for creating an environment that promotes a variety of social-emotional skills, finding out and improving your business’ profit margin, and recognizing early signs of mental illness in young children. View the schedule and full workshop descriptions. Registration To register and learn more, visit the event webpage. For questions, submit NAFCC’s online contact form.
June 22, 2020 Everyday Interactions Matter: Noticing the Simple and Ordinary Are you interested in learning how to maintain essential interactions with young children during this difficult time of masks and physical distancing? Join Trying Together on July 8 for our free online session, “Everyday Interactions Matter: Noticing the Simple and Ordinary.” About The primary ingredient of early childhood quality begins with the “everyday interactions” between educators and children. These simple and ordinary interactions that take place during play, transition, and daily routines form the very foundation of learning and growing. How can educators uphold these essential interactions with children during this challenging time of masks and physical distancing? Early learning professionals are invited to join Trying Together on July 8 at for our online module “Everyday Interactions Matter: Noticing the Simple and Ordinary” to engage with the Everyday Interactions Matter approach through a process of careful observation, discussion, and self-reflection. As a part of the “Connections and Conversations: Virtual Check-Ins” series, this session will encourage educators to recognize powerful moments of connecting, sharing, growing, and belonging in their everyday interactions with young children. Learning Objectives Observe video footage of children and their caregivers in authentic settings and describe positive interactions. Recognize moments of connecting, sharing, growing, and belonging in everyday moments in the early childhood setting. Registration To register, visit the event webpage. Registrations must be submitted by July 6, 2020. Space is limited. Participants will receive the course Zoom link via email within 24 hours before the start date for the course. For questions, contact Rosie Hogan at or Sarah Grubb at Virtual Series Overview Connections and Conversations: Virtual Check-Ins are interactive sessions that highlight topics of interest to the field of early childhood education. Participants will engage in virtual discussions via Zoom with child development experts while interacting with early learning practitioners to share questions, experiences, and expertise about the highlighted topic. Sessions will be offered biweekly and will offer one hour of PQAS credit. Act 48 credit will not be offered. Session Rules and Guidelines These virtual discussions are designed to provide educators the opportunity to grow professionally and share knowledge on early childhood topics. During the meeting, participants should follow the guidelines below to ensure a successful virtual meeting for all participants. Please allow all participants a chance to speak. Listen respectfully and actively. Commit to learning about each other, not to debating the topic. Embrace differences of opinion as healthy and support each person’s authentic self-expression. Participants will be muted for the beginning portion of the session. Participants may use the “Raise Hand” feature in Zoom to request an opportunity to comment or ask a question. Individuals will be temporarily unmuted by the moderator. Participants may type a comment or question in the Chat or may send comments or questions directly to the moderator for them to share. To receive PQAS credit, you must complete an evaluation at the end of the session and include your PD Registry number. Have fun, make connections, and engage in the conversations! More Information For questions or more information, please contact Rosie Hogan at