September 11, 2020 Unpacking Research on the COVID Slide Are you interested in learning about how much learning loss students are experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic? Attend the webinar “Unpacking Research on the COVID Slide and Recommendations to Close the Gap” on September 16 to hear from researchers Dr. John Bielinski, Dr. Rachel Brown, and Dr. Kyle Wagner. About During this webinar, the researchers who authored the just-released report, “COVID Slide: Research on Learning Loss and Recommendations to Close the Gap”, will review the data and answer the following questions: Did certain grade levels experience more pronounced learning loss than others? Will core subjects experience the same levels of learning loss, or will one suffer more than the other? Exactly how far behind can I expect students to be when we resume instruction? What can I do to help catch students up quickly? This webinar will be of interest to K-12 teachers, school and district leaders, guidance counselors, and school psychologists. Time for questions will be provided. Registration To register and learn more, visit the event webpage.