
April 18, 2024

Brazelton Touchpoints Center: Learning to Listen – Conversations for Change

Brazelton Touchpoints Center is hosting its latest Learning to Listen: Conversations for Change event in early May. The focus of this conversation is the connections between racism- and sexism-inducted inequities in residential evictions and adverse birth and maternal outcomes.

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Dr. Shawnita Sealy-Jefferson – founder, director, and principal investigator of the Social Epidemiology to Eliminate Disparities (SEED) Lab – will lead the discussion. She will discuss how her participatory approach to research is mobilizing community power, wisdom, and radical truth-telling of Black women, families, and communities.

Sealy-Jefferson is a social epidemiologist whose primary research seeks action to combat manifestations of structural racism that limit the human rights of Black communities.

Brazelton Touchpoints Center’s Learning to Listen: Conversations for Change series is aimed at anyone who cares for and about babies and children as well as the families, professionals, and communities that protect and nurture them. Each conversation is an hour in length and features live Spanish translation. The conversations also include closed captioning and an interactive Q&A. Certificates of attendance are available.

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The Wednesday, May 1 conversation will take place at 3 p.m. ET/12 p.m. PT. Registration is now open.


April 10, 2024

Turtle Talk: Collectively Raising Indige Babies

Brazelton Touchpoints Center will host an event in May that focuses on how families raising Indigenous children help their children with issues surrounding identity.

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2024 Turtle Talk: Collectively Raising Indige Babies is a free virtual conversation series. Through conversations with families raising Indigenous babies and children, the discussion will center on what it is like to nurture children in the modern world.

The series will explore the ways in which families help their children to grow their Native identities and connections with land while navigating diverse systems of care and learning.

The series is led by Tarajean Yazzie-Mintz, Ed.D, the Indigenous Early Learning Collaborative’s institute director and co-founder and principal consultant at First Light Education Project.

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The four-part series begins on Friday, May 24 and continues through Friday, Oct. 18 Each webinar is an hour followed by a 30-minute Q&A session with parent panelists. Live Spanish translation is offered for all conversations.

Registration is required.


Turtle Talk: Collectively Raising Indige Babies

Brazelton Touchpoints Center will host an event in May that focuses on how families raising Indigenous children help their children with issues surrounding identity.

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2024 Turtle Talk: Collectively Raising Indige Babies is a free virtual conversation series. Through conversations with families raising Indigenous babies and children, the discussion will center on what it is like to nurture children in the modern world.

The series will explore the ways in which families help their children to grow their Native identities and connections with land while navigating diverse systems of care and learning.

The series is led by Tarajean Yazzie-Mintz, Ed.D, the Indigenous Early Learning Collaborative’s institute director and co-founder and principal consultant at First Light Education Project.

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The four-part series begins on Friday, May 24 and continues through Friday, Oct. 18 Each webinar is an hour followed by a 30-minute Q&A session with parent panelists. Live Spanish translation is offered for all conversations.

Registration is required.


Turtle Talk: Collectively Raising Indige Babies

Brazelton Touchpoints Center will host an event in May that focuses on how families raising Indigenous children help their children with issues surrounding identity.

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2024 Turtle Talk: Collectively Raising Indige Babies is a free virtual conversation series. Through conversations with families raising Indigenous babies and children, the discussion will center on what it is like to nurture children in the modern world.

The series will explore the ways in which families help their children to grow their Native identities and connections with land while navigating diverse systems of care and learning.

The series is led by Tarajean Yazzie-Mintz, Ed.D, the Indigenous Early Learning Collaborative’s institute director and co-founder and principal consultant at First Light Education Project.

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The four-part series begins on Friday, May 24 and continues through Friday, Oct. 18 Each webinar is an hour followed by a 30-minute Q&A session with parent panelists. Live Spanish translation is offered for all conversations.

Registration is required.


Turtle Talk: Collectively Raising Indige Babies

Brazelton Touchpoints Center will host an event in May that focuses on how families raising Indigenous children help their children with issues surrounding identity.

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2024 Turtle Talk: Collectively Raising Indige Babies is a free virtual conversation series. Through conversations with families raising Indigenous babies and children, the discussion will center on what it is like to nurture children in the modern world.

The series will explore the ways in which families help their children to grow their Native identities and connections with land while navigating diverse systems of care and learning.

The series is led by Tarajean Yazzie-Mintz, Ed.D, the Indigenous Early Learning Collaborative’s institute director and co-founder and principal consultant at First Light Education Project.

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The four-part series begins on Friday, May 24 and continues through Friday, Oct. 18 Each webinar is an hour followed by a 30-minute Q&A session with parent panelists. Live Spanish translation is offered for all conversations.

Registration is required.


April 3, 2024

Inside a Child’s Mind

The Brazelton Touchpoints Center is hosting a workshop in September that explores how caregivers and early education professionals can understand the unique experiences and developmental processes of children.

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Inside a Child’s Mind will explore how, from birth, children bring their own unique contributions to their development. Children’s temperaments, individuals competencies, and cultures all influence a child’s experience of themselves in their development process as well as their experience of the people and world around them. This workshop will explore children’s perspectives on their own developmental process from birth through preschool.

Who Should Apply

The course is aimed at professionals who work with young children. This includes early care educators, family child care providers, mental health consultants, home visitors, pediatricians, and early interventionists.

More Details

Certificates will be provided at the end of the six-hour course. The cost of the course, which begins Sept. 6, is $140 per seat. Each 90-minute live, interactive workshop will take place at 1 p.m. ET and 10 a.m. PT on Thursdays. Sessions will be recorded, and live Spanish translation and closed captioning will be available.

The dates and subject matter for the series include:

  • Sept. 5 – The Child’s Contribution to Their Developmental Process
  • Sept. 12 – Inside a Baby’s Mind: The Touchpoints of Infancy
  • Sept. 19 – Inside a Toddler’s Mind: The Touchpoints of Toddlerhood
  • Sept. 26 – Inside a Preschooler’s Mind: The Touchpoints of Preschool

Registration and other information can be found on Brazelton Touchpoints Center‘s website.


Inside a Child’s Mind

The Brazelton Touchpoints Center is hosting a workshop in September that explores how caregivers and early education professionals can understand the unique experiences and developmental processes of children.

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Inside a Child’s Mind will explore how, from birth, children bring their own unique contributions to their development. Children’s temperaments, individuals competencies, and cultures all influence a child’s experience of themselves in their development process as well as their experience of the people and world around them. This workshop will explore children’s perspectives on their own developmental process from birth through preschool.

Who Should Apply

The course is aimed at professionals who work with young children. This includes early care educators, family child care providers, mental health consultants, home visitors, pediatricians, and early interventionists.

More Details

Certificates will be provided at the end of the six-hour course. The cost of the course, which begins Sept. 6, is $140 per seat. Each 90-minute live, interactive workshop will take place at 1 p.m. ET and 10 a.m. PT on Thursdays. Sessions will be recorded, and live Spanish translation and closed captioning will be available.

The dates and subject matter for the series include:

  • Sept. 5 – The Child’s Contribution to Their Developmental Process
  • Sept. 12 – Inside a Baby’s Mind: The Touchpoints of Infancy
  • Sept. 19 – Inside a Toddler’s Mind: The Touchpoints of Toddlerhood
  • Sept. 26 – Inside a Preschooler’s Mind: The Touchpoints of Preschool

Registration and other information can be found on Brazelton Touchpoints Center‘s website.


Inside a Child’s Mind

The Brazelton Touchpoints Center is hosting a workshop in September that explores how caregivers and early education professionals can understand the unique experiences and developmental processes of children.

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Inside a Child’s Mind will explore how, from birth, children bring their own unique contributions to their development. Children’s temperaments, individuals competencies, and cultures all influence a child’s experience of themselves in their development process as well as their experience of the people and world around them. This workshop will explore children’s perspectives on their own developmental process from birth through preschool.

Who Should Apply

The course is aimed at professionals who work with young children. This includes early care educators, family child care providers, mental health consultants, home visitors, pediatricians, and early interventionists.

More Details

Certificates will be provided at the end of the six-hour course. The cost of the course, which begins Sept. 6, is $140 per seat. Each 90-minute live, interactive workshop will take place at 1 p.m. ET and 10 a.m. PT on Thursdays. Sessions will be recorded, and live Spanish translation and closed captioning will be available.

The dates and subject matter for the series include:

  • Sept. 5 – The Child’s Contribution to Their Developmental Process
  • Sept. 12 – Inside a Baby’s Mind: The Touchpoints of Infancy
  • Sept. 19 – Inside a Toddler’s Mind: The Touchpoints of Toddlerhood
  • Sept. 26 – Inside a Preschooler’s Mind: The Touchpoints of Preschool

Registration and other information can be found on Brazelton Touchpoints Center‘s website.


Inside a Child’s Mind

The Brazelton Touchpoints Center is hosting a workshop in September that explores how caregivers and early education professionals can understand the unique experiences and developmental processes of children.

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Inside a Child’s Mind will explore how, from birth, children bring their own unique contributions to their development. Children’s temperaments, individuals competencies, and cultures all influence a child’s experience of themselves in their development process as well as their experience of the people and world around them. This workshop will explore children’s perspectives on their own developmental process from birth through preschool.

Who Should Apply

The course is aimed at professionals who work with young children. This includes early care educators, family child care providers, mental health consultants, home visitors, pediatricians, and early interventionists.

More Details

Certificates will be provided at the end of the six-hour course. The cost of the course, which begins Sept. 6, is $140 per seat. Each 90-minute live, interactive workshop will take place at 1 p.m. ET and 10 a.m. PT on Thursdays. Sessions will be recorded, and live Spanish translation and closed captioning will be available.

The dates and subject matter for the series include:

  • Sept. 5 – The Child’s Contribution to Their Developmental Process
  • Sept. 12 – Inside a Baby’s Mind: The Touchpoints of Infancy
  • Sept. 19 – Inside a Toddler’s Mind: The Touchpoints of Toddlerhood
  • Sept. 26 – Inside a Preschooler’s Mind: The Touchpoints of Preschool

Registration and other information can be found on Brazelton Touchpoints Center‘s website.


April 2, 2024

Touchpoints in Schools: The How of Child and Family Engagement

Building collaborative relationships is among the most important responsibilities for teachers, principals, and other K-6 education professionals. The Brazelton Touchpoints Center is offering a course on how to strengthen collaborations with families, even when educators and family members have different points of view.

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The Touchpoints in Schools course consists of 22 training hours, including six monthly hour-long virtual reflective practice sessions. Attendance is required at all live sessions, each of which is four hours long. Participants who complete the course will receive a certificate of attendance.

What You Will Learn

In the course, the Touchpoints approach will offer strategies for educators to:

  • Understand the process of students’ development and examine how and why change in behavior occurs
  • Partner with families to promote child and family strengths
  • Address developmental or behavioral concerns with families
  • Reexamine assumptions, biases, interactions, and communication with families to foster students’ overall success

The training is ideal for teachers, instructional assistants, school counselors, family and community engagement specialists, out-of-school time providers, and administrators in a K-6 setting.

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The course will run from noon to 4 p.m. ET and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. PT on Aug. 27 and 29 and Sept. 3 and 5. The class requires a minimum of 10 participants and the maximum amount of attendees is 20. The cost for the course is $795.