December 20, 2019 Insights & Innovations: Early Childhood Education Conference Early learning professionals are invited to join the Learning Lamp on March 14 for the Insights & Innovations Conference. The conference will feature insights on the latest ECE teaching and administration strategies and will offer 6 PQAS and Act 48 credits. Sessions Insights & Innovations will include a variety of session topics, including: Danielson Framework Training; Program-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PW-PBIS); Loving Spaces and Learning Spaces for Infants and Toddlers; Keys to Success: Recruiting, Onboarding, and Retaining Quality Staff; Everything You Need to Know about STARS; and more. Visit the conference Eventbrite page to view the full agenda, speaker list, and more. Registration To register, visit the conference Eventbrite page. Registration fees include light continental breakfast, lunch, and snacks. More Information For questions, contact Anne McGrath at 814.242.6079 or Share this flyer with your network.
March 29, 2019 Lunch & Learn: Navigating the Future of Learning Join Remake Learning on April 25th to explore KnowledgeWork’s most recent forecast on the future of learning, “Navigating the Future of Learning.” Context Engaged citizens and civic organizations are seeking to rebalance power. Artificial intelligence and algorithms are automating many aspects of our lives. People have increasing access to tools and insights that are reshaping our brains in intended and unintended ways. Outdated and misaligned systems and metrics of success are contributing to chronic health issues. Communities are working to remake themselves in the face of deep transitions. How these forces combine and interact will present a new context for education and a new landscape of choices for transforming teaching and learning. About the Event As always, this is free, open gathering designed to forge and develop relationships between the educators, innovators, and change agents that make up the Remake Learning Network. Join to discuss your craft, address issues, share opportunities, and connect to resources. Learn more at Lunch will be provided with a vegetarian option. Please help reduce food waste by letting them know if you need to cancel your registration. The cut-off date for special food requests is April 21. Registration To register, visit Remake Learning’s event page. Questions & Concerns For any questions or concerns, email Ani at