June 12, 2024 New Look and Website Coming for COMPASS COMPASS, an online tool for Pennsylvanians to apply for health and human service programs, will debut a new look and website URL in mid-June. Learn More Beginning June 16, changes to the website will allow users to navigate it on a desktop computer or mobile device much easier than before. The new URL will be: www.compass.dhs.pa.gov/Compass.Web/Public/CMPHome. Pennsylvania residents use COMPASS to apply for a variety of health and human service programs. It also helps residents to manage benefits information. Through COMPASS, state residents can apply for Child Care Works (CCW), healthcare coverage, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), free or reduced-price school meals, and other services. Clients who have applications that they need to finish must complete them by June 14 or they will need to start the application process from the beginning once the new site debuts. While some existing navigational objects will be missing from the new provider search design, users will now be able to complete applications on their mobile devices.