
January 27, 2025

Fred Rogers Institute Guide Provides Guidance on Children Dealing with Difficult Situations

The Pennsylvania Key has shared a guide from the Fred Rogers Institute about how to support children during difficult moments in life.

Learn More

When Difficult Things Happen” is a PDF that shares kind words that adults can say to children who are experiencing loss. It also lists various things for adults to do to support children during this process.

Among the items listed on how to support children facing a loss include:

  • Being there for them without judgment while the child experiences whatever feelings come up
  • Helping them to know that their feelings are valid and accepted
  • Sharing some of your own feelings
  • Aiming to keep routines and expectations consistent, or letting them know what has to change and why
  • Letting them know that difficult feelings don’t last forever
  • Making space for play

For more information or to read other methods to help children cope with difficult situations – such as loss – read the Fred Rogers Institute guide.


January 26, 2021

Educators’ Neighborhood Community Sharing Event: Music and Sounds

Are you interested in discussing the relevance and impact of Fred Rogers’ approach with music and sounds for children, families, and educator-helpers? Join the Fred Rogers Center on Thursday, February 4 for their event, “Educators’ Neighborhood Community Sharing Event: Music and Sounds.”


During this Educators’ Neighborhood Community Sharing Event, participants will discuss the relevance and impact of Fred Rogers’ approach with music and sounds for children, families, and educator-helpers. Participants will watch segments of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood episodes and learn from a panel of practicing educators.


To register, complete the online registration form. All educators, caregivers, parents, and community members are welcome. Share this flyer with your network.


November 3, 2020

WQED Cardigan Day

Did you know that Friday, November 13 is both World Kindness Day and King Friday the XIII’s birthday? Join WQED to celebrate kindness and the inspiring work of Fred Rogers during their 3rd Annual Cardigan Day.


As a day of festivity, Cardigan Day brings the community together to celebrate kindness. Beginning at 10 a.m., WQED will showcase the “Mister Rogers Neighborhood” castle in the street outside of the WQED building (4802 Fifth Avenue). This street lane will be closed to regular traffic, allowing motorists with children to safely pull up to see the castle and receive a kid’s kindness bag. Each bag comes filled with snacks, crown-making materials, and Sarris Candies chocolates.

The castle will be available, weather permitting, for picture taking from the car, and kindness bags will be offered while supplies last. Following COVID Safety Guidelines, the event will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Motorists MUST remain in their car at all times.

Wear Your Favorite Cardigan

As has been the yearly Cardigan Day tradition, WQED asks its neighbors to support kindness by donning their cardigans and using social media to post photos using #CardiganDay. Last year, Cardigan Day blew-up social media, trending as number one, as cardigan-wearing babies, pets and entire classrooms of students overtook Facebook and Twitter.

Episode Screening of Mister Rogers Neighborhood

WQED will culminate the celebration with a Family Movie Night featuring a Mister Rogers Neighborhood “kindness” episode. The show begins at 7 p.m. on Facebook. The event link will be available soon. Please continue to monitor the Facebook event page for updates.

More Information

For more information, visit the event Facebook page.