June 17, 2022 New Text4FamilyServices Available for Head Start Professionals On June 16, The National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement (NCPFCE) launched its new Text4FamilyServices. The text messaging service is dedicated to supporting and enhancing the vital work of Head Start and Early Head Start family services professionals, supervisors, and other staff who work directly with families. About Text4FamilyServices is a messaging service that supports the work of Head Start and Early Head Start family services staff, their supervisors, and other program staff who work with families. Individuals who sign up, will receive free text messages, including: Two to three texts messages per month with information and links to helpful resources to strengthen their practice with families Additional messages about: Upcoming parent, family, and community engagement (PFCE) professional development opportunities and new resources Office of Head Start campaigns and initiatives Subscribe To subscribe for Text4FamilyServices, text PFCE to (toll-free) 833-302-0206. Select your job title [family services staff, supervisor, other] and preferred language [English or Spanish] to start receiving free PFCE (Parent, Families and Community Engagement) text messages. Text STOP to (toll-free) 833-302-0206 to unsubscribe or HELP for technical assistance or reach out to pfce@ecetta.info. Learn more about Text4FamilyServices.
July 14, 2020 Culturally Responsive Parent Engagement Are you interested in learning how to create a more culturally and linguistically responsive early learning environment? Join the National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement (NCPFCE) on July 28 for their webinar, “Culturally Responsive Parent Engagement.” About In this webinar, participants will explore tools, resources, and ideas they can use to create a more culturally and linguistically responsive environment. Join fellow educators to learn how it can help families engage in their child’s early learning and hear from programs that have successfully engaged families from diverse backgrounds as leaders and advocates. This webinar is best suited for Head Start and Early Head Start directors, managers, family services staff, and parent leaders; T/TA providers; and early childhood leaders who support children and their families. Registration To register and learn more, visit the event webpage. Participants will receive a certificate of participation upon completion of the webinar. More Information For questions, contact NCPFCE at pfcewebinars@ecetta.info or 855.208.0909.