
June 3, 2019

APOST Summer Conference for Out-of-School Time

Join Allegheny Partners for Out-of-School-Time (APOST) on June 14 for their Summer Conference for Out-of-School Time. PQAS/Act 48 credit available upon request.


The APOST Summer Conference for Out-of-School Time is a professional development conference that shares best practices in youth development. This conference is open to youth practitioners who desire to increase their skills in working with youth in out-of-school time programs or in mentoring relationships. This year’s event will feature Keynote Speaker Timothy Jones, an expert in youth development and hip-hop culture/pedagogy who has developed, implemented, and evaluated out-of-school time programs inside and outside of schools for over 20 years.

Limited free parking is available, but carpooling is recommended.

More Information

To learn more and register, visit APOST’s Eventbrite page.

For questions, contact APOST via phone at 412.456.6876.


April 16, 2019

Workshop: Supporting Pittsburgh’s Refugee Students

Join Dr. Xia Chao for the first of four interactive workshops in a series dedicated to helping educators understand the cultures, needs, and assets of the Pittsburgh area’s refugee communities.

Through a grant from the National Geographic Society, Dr. Chao has conducted research over the past several years that explores the experiences and narratives of local refugee communities including the Nepali/Bhutanese, Somali Bantu, and Sudanese. This workshop series seeks to incorporate the findings of Dr. Chao’s research in order to offer local educators insight into working with students from these populations and resources for creating culturally sustaining practices.

This event is free and light refreshments and Act 48 credits will be provided.


Workshop topics will be as follows:

  1. Understanding the Local Immigrant and Refugee Landscape | May 13, 2019 | City Theatre
  2. Culturally Relevant Pedagogy with Refugee Populations | June | TBA
  3. Cultural Navigation and Cultural Humility | Fall | TBA
  4. Putting Information into Action | Fall | TBA

More Information

For information on the May 13 event, contact Jenna Geiman at

For more information on the workshop series and content, contact Dr. Xia Choa at

See the event’s Facebook page.