
November 7, 2019

Raising Readers: Picture Book Selection Potluck

Parents and caregivers of young children are invited to join Trying Together for two sessions to review, discuss, and choose quality picture books!


By participating, parents and caregivers will help Trying Together select which picture books will be read during the upcoming Raising Readers Together Club series. This is a potluck event, so main course or side dishes are appreciated. Trying Together will provide dessert.

The Spring 2020 Raising Readers Together Club series will run February 6–March 26, 2020 on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. at The Homewood Early Learning Hub and is suitable for children ages five and younger.

More Information

For questions, contact Cynthia Battle at or 412.567.1304.

Share this flyer with your network.


December 6, 2018

100,000 Books Campaign: Free Book Fair

United Way’s 100,000 Books initiative is giving away new and gently used books to support your students’ developing reading skills.  A variety of books are available for various age groups, although this year’s selection appears to have more in the pre-k to 3rd-grade range.

To qualify, your program must use a mentor – reader model. This event is first come – first serve, so show up early. Bringing boxes is recommended. Register here.

What is 100,000 Books?

100,000 Books builds on research that demonstrates the importance of connecting a caring adult or older student with a child.  This mentor model has been shown to have a significant impact on the life of a child and will be the primary model that 100,000 Books uses to support reading skills development.  Mentors (teachers, librarians, youth workers, caring adults, older students…) will reinforce reading skills through one time and on-going read-along opportunities that will help kids to build this critical love of reading.


If you have any questions, please contact Tanya Baronti at or Joe Welsh at