
December 28, 2020

New Study on Racial Socialization and Young Children

Point Park University Doctoral Candidate Sherlyn Harrison recently launched a new research study to learn how parents’ racial socialization practices can be integrated into early childhood classrooms.


Like adults, young African American children experience racism. To protect and prepare their children for the harsh reality of living in a racist society, African American parents have historically conveyed racial socialization practices. Racial socialization practices build resilience and promote positive racial identity development among young African American children.

To explore how parents’ racial socialization practices can be integrated into early childhood classroom settings, Point Park University Doctoral Candidate Sherlyn Harrison launched a new research study entitled, “Racial Socialization and Young Children.”

If you are interested in participating in the study, complete this online survey.

Survey Expectations

Survey participants will be asked six questions, including a list of demographic items that best describe you. By completing the survey and clicking submit, survey respondents consent to participate in the study. The study should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.

Following the survey, participants will be invited to talk with the researcher further about the topic. To be invited, survey participants must provide their contact information in the space provided in the survey. Within a week, the researcher will contact you to schedule an interview on Zoom. The interview will consist of open-ended questions to gain more information about how the survey respondent communicates and engages with young African American children regarding race.

More Information

Participation in this study and all personal information provided will be kept confidential at all times. Participants’ names will never appear on any survey or research instruments. If you have any questions, please contact 412.583.3658 or



June 4, 2020

Anti-Racism Tools

As caregivers, community members, and early childhood educators, we have a responsibility to ensure each child, family, and caregiver is safe from racism and discrimination and has equitable opportunities to thrive.

To do this, we must begin with ourselves. With the correct anti-racism tools, a community can continue to grow and learn. Set aside time in your day to do a personal inventory. What thoughts, feelings, and behaviors have you contributed to upholding systems of racism? Are you making assumptions? What actions or inactions have you taken that contribute to systems of oppression?

Next, consider your family and your friends—what behaviors, statements, or jokes have gone unchecked? What actions or inactions have you taken within your interpersonal relationships that have contributed to an unsafe community for our black and brown children, neighbors, and colleagues? How might you begin to lead by example within your own family or community?

Anti-racism work is something that has to be attended to in an ongoing way. To support this work, we have compiled the following anti-racism tools. Note that this list is not exhaustive.

Anti-Racism Tools for Adults

Videos & Podcasts:

Tools & Reading Lists:


Take Action:



Anti-Racism Tools for Educators

Personal/Professional Development:

Classroom/Community Development:


Anti-Racism Tools for Children

 Discussing Racism with Children

Discussing Racism, Violence, and Protests with Children

Children’s Books

Anti-Racism Tools for Social/Emotional Development