
November 25, 2020

Parent Like A Boss: Virtual PLAY DAY

Join ATL Parent Like A Boss, Inc. (Parent LAB) on Saturday, December 5 for their free virtual PLAY DAY session.


ATL Parent LAB’s PLAY DAY Series engages participants in physically interactive games designed to connect the active body to brain development, and thus enhance cognitive learning experiences. During their sessions, ATL Parent Lab celebrates Black cultural traditions and invites everyone to reflect and share the traditions that have sustained their own diverse familial and ethnic traditions.


To register for this event, complete the online form. All are welcome.



November 5, 2020

Early Literacy Virtual Conference

Are you interested in learning actionable strategies for teaching the five pillars of reading, especially in distance and hybrid learning environments? Join Learning Ally on December 4, 2020 for the “Early Literacy Virtual Conference.”


Join Learning Ally on December 4 for a full day of early literacy professional learning featuring keynote speakers Kai-leé Berke and Barbara Steinberg, in addition to 12 other experts. By attending, professionals will:

    • Discover actionable strategies for teaching the five pillars of reading, especially in a distance or hybrid learning environment.
    • Understand the milestones in early literacy development so you can better meet the needs of all your students.
    • Learn what it means to be intentionally anti-biased and culturally relevant when teaching literacy in a diverse classroom.
    • Connect with the experts and other educators to share first-hand experiences to drive lasting change in your teaching practice.


To register for the conference, visit the Learning Ally website. Attendees will be able to earn up to 16 Continuing Education (CE) hours live or on-demand through January 31, 2021.


September 15, 2020

Advancing Anti-Racist Instruction in K-12 Curriculum

Are you interested in learning concrete strategies for implementing anti-racist content in your school or district? Join EdSurge on October 14 for their webinar, “Advancing Anti-Racist Instruction in K-12 Curriculum.”


In this webinar, participants will learn how educators, schools, and districts can and should intentionally interrogate representation within their curriculum and support anti-racism more broadly. In a time when actively anti-racist content is urgently needed in virtual and in-person classrooms alike, representative voices, diverse perspectives, and unheard narratives can still be hard to find in instructional content.

Hear from a panel of experts and education leaders about concrete strategies for implementing anti-racist content in your school or district, across subject areas and grade levels. Participants will also hear from school and district leaders about strategies for taking a multi-pronged approach.

Learning Objectives

During this webinar, participants will learn how to:

    • support anti-racism during remote learning;
    • develop robust instructional content that promotes anti-racism;
    • build an anti-racist culture and safe community in virtual and in-person spaces;
    • support teacher training on anti-racism; and
    • create buy-in for school and district-wide anti-racism efforts.


To register and learn more, visit the event webpage.


July 14, 2020

Culturally Responsive Parent Engagement

Are you interested in learning how to create a more culturally and linguistically responsive early learning environment? Join the National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement (NCPFCE) on July 28 for their webinar, “Culturally Responsive Parent Engagement.”


In this webinar, participants will explore tools, resources, and ideas they can use to create a more culturally and linguistically responsive environment. Join fellow educators to learn how it can help families engage in their child’s early learning and hear from programs that have successfully engaged families from diverse backgrounds as leaders and advocates.

This webinar is best suited for Head Start and Early Head Start directors, managers, family services staff, and parent leaders; T/TA providers; and early childhood leaders who support children and their families.


To register and learn more, visit the event webpage. Participants will receive a certificate of participation upon completion of the webinar.

More Information

For questions, contact NCPFCE at or 855.208.0909.


July 6, 2020

Embracing Anti-Bias Classrooms

Are you interested in learning how institutional racism becomes present in early childhood environments? Sign up to receive a recording of the live webinar “Embracing Anti-Bias Classrooms: A Response to Racism in America” on July 8.


In this webinar, the lead authors of the newly released book, Don’t Look Away, Embracing Anti-Bias Classrooms, will participate in a roundtable discussion on how to explore and address issues of bias, equity, low expectations, and family engagement to ensure culturally responsive experiences. Equipped with the tools and strategies to promote classroom change, educators will be empowered to do the following:

    • learn how institutional racism becomes present in early childhood environments;
    • discover how implicit bias, microaggression, and white privilege can play a role in undermining the learning experiences of marginalized Black and brown children and those who teach them;
    • embrace anti-bias and anti-racist teaching approaches; and
    • implement best practices for creating culturally-rich and supportive classroom environments that protect children from social-emotional and psychological trauma by affirming personal healing.

This webinar will be of interest to pre-k through elementary teachers; school and district leaders; coaches; trainers; and child care providers, owners, and administrators.


Live access to this event is sold out. Sign up to receive the event recording by visiting


July 1, 2020

PACCA Zoom Series: Racial Equity in Early Learning

Are you interested in learning how to embed racial equity into your early learning program? Join the Pennsylvania Child Care Association (PACCA) on Fridays from July 10 – 24 for their Zoom Series, “Racial Equity in Early Learning.”


This three-part professional development series is designed to help early learning and school-age programs embed racial equity from recruiting, hiring, and on-going training offerings for staff to interactions with children of color. After defining key racial justice terminology such as implicit bias, cultural competency, race, racism, antiracist ally, etc., participants are encouraged to identify concrete ways to embrace racial equity personally and professionally.

These Zoom meetings will be informative and interactive, and will provide participants with real resources and supports for classroom situations. Individuals who participate in all three meetings will receive 4.5 hours of PQAS credits and/or 4.5 Act 48 hours.


    • PACCA Members: $20 for all three meetings
    • Non-Members: $45 for all three meetings


To register and learn more, visit the event webpage.

Zoom links will be sent in a confirmation email when your registration is received. If you do not receive confirmation, please check your Junk inbox or contact


April 3, 2020

Equity in Education: An Examination of Practices in the United States

Are you interested in learning ways that you can address equity in your classroom as an educator? Join Steven Almazan on April 8 for the webinar, “Equity in Education: An Examination of Practices in the United States.”


Educational equity is impacted by many contributing factors such as race, gender, socio-economic status, language proficiency, learning disability status, and other social and cultural factors. Students who hold unique identities should receive an adequate amount of resources, human capital, instructional time, and social support to ensure that they are learning and growing at their fullest potential. What can teachers and administrators do to promote equity in schools and classrooms? What practices should be examined and challenged as inequitable?

In this webinar, presenters will explore a variety of policies and practices that aim to address the foundational challenges of achieving educational equity in the United States. They will also highlight ways educators can address equity in their school systems.

This webinar will be of particular interest to pre-k through middle school teachers and school and district leaders and administrators. Time for questions will be included.


To register and learn more, visit the event webpage!


November 13, 2019

Creating Patterns of Pride with Batik

K-12 educators are invited to join the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust on January 11, 2020, for “Creating Patterns of Pride with Batik.”


Join the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust to explore how patterns exist across cultures and how you can bring your own, as well as your students’ cultural identity into original pattern designs. Using resistance and color, participants will learn how to accurately reproduce repeating patterns to create a unique batik wall hanging. You will leave with resources to guide you on connecting culturally responsive teaching to arts integration and STEAM.

This workshop is intended for K-12 Educators. ACT 48 and PQAS hours available.


To register and learn more, visit the event webpage.


August 1, 2019

P.R.I.D.E. Pop Up Mini Art Festival

Visit the P.R.I.D.E. Pop Up Mini Art Festivals and experience fun activities designed to help young Black children learn about and celebrate their race, culture, and heritage. Children ages 3 to 8 will enjoy activity stations designed by trained artists and educators. Families are invited to enjoy free food, performances, art, and music!

Festival Date

Hill District


For more information, contact Adam Flango at 412.383.8726 or

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P.R.I.D.E. Pop Up Mini Art Festival

Visit the P.R.I.D.E. Pop Up Mini Art Festivals and experience fun activities designed to help young Black children learn about and celebrate their race, culture, and heritage. Children ages 3 to 8 will enjoy activity stations designed by trained artists and educators. Families are invited to enjoy free food, performances, art, and music!

Festival Dates

Upcoming festivals will be held at the following locations:

Hill District


For more information, contact Adam Flango at 412.383.8726 or

Share this flyer with your network.