August 1, 2023 Grandfamily Tip Sheets Provide Information on Self-Care and Youth Mental Health Generations United, with support from Humana, recently developed tip sheets on self-care and youth mental health for grandfamily caregivers. Tip sheets include specialized information and resources for grandfamilies and grandparents who care for young children. About Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheets According to Generations Untied, there are 2.6 million children in the U.S. living in households headed by a grandparent, another relative, or close family friend without a parent present. Consequently, these families, often referred to as “grandfamilies,” require unique supports. Tip sheets, tailored to grandfamilies, serve Generations United’s mission to improve the lives of children, youth, and older people through intergenerational collaboration. Thus far, two grandfamily caregiver tip sheets have been developed: Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Self-Care, and Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Youth Mental Health. Both are available in English and Spanish. Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Self-Care The grandfamily caregiver tip sheet on self-care: defines self-care, explains the need for grandfamily self-care, estabilishes challenges grandfamilies face in receiving self-care, provides self-care tips for grandfamily caregivers, and, also provides examples of self-care. Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Youth Mental Health The grandfamily caregiver tip sheet on youth mental health: explains the impacts of childhood trauma, shares recommendations on mitigating the impact of trauma, highlights warning signs of child mental health challenges, shares recommendations for talking to children about mental health, and, additionally, provides mental health resources. Access the Tip Sheets To access the tip sheets, utilize the following links: Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Self-Care (English) Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Self-Care (Spanish) Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Youth Mental Health (English) Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Youth Mental Health (Spanish) Additionally, tip sheets are available on the Generations United website. Learn More To learn more, visit the Generations United website. Related Content & Resources Types of Family Structures Support Resources for Parents and Caregivers Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series: Family Dynamics Grandparent Council Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series: Caring for the Caregiver A Guide to Caring for Yourself While Caring for Others Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series: Childhood Mental Health A Guide for Families: Childhood Mental Health
January 5, 2022 Bilingual Assistance Offered for ARPA Stabilization Grant Applications The Pennsylvania Key will host recurring office hours for Spanish speaking early childhood education providers interested in applying for the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Stabilization grant. About All types of child care settings–center, group, and home-based–are invited to participate in this effort, geared to support Spanish speaking owners, directors and administrators. During the office hours, a bilingual (Spanish/English) representative will be available to translate on the call, as well as a Registry Specialist who can answer questions and provide demonstrations relating to the PA PD Registry and the ARPA Stabilization Grant. How to Participate The first series is Assistance with APRA Grant applications in the PD Registry. Registration is not needed to participate. Thursday, January 6, 2022, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 966 3255 8093 Thursday, January 20, 2022, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 981 6408 0605 The ARPA Stabilization Grant application will be available in the PD Registry until January 31, 2022. In February 2022, monthly office hours will continue to occur in Spanish to help with Career Pathway level processing, financial aid for the CDA, and additional topics that meet the need of the Spanish speaking early childhood professionals in Pennsylvania. Questions? For more information, please email (English) or (Spanish).
November 16, 2020 Support Available Through Family Hotline Need assistance in navigating the academic and personal needs of those in your household? Call this Family Hotline offered by the Pittsburgh Learning Collaborative. About In August 2020, A+ Schools, ARYSE, Lawrenceville United, the Latino Community Center, the Boys & Girls Club, and Heinz Fellows launched their new Family Hotline to answer questions and offer support to families as they navigate the academic and personal needs of those in their household. The Hotline is available in 14 languages, including English, Spanish, Uzbek, Swahili, Nepali, Tigrinya, Kinyarwanda, Mandarin, Hindi, Burmese, French, Dari, Portuguese, and Arabic. Calls can be received 24/7. A representative may answer your call, but if not, please leave a voicemail. You will receive a call back within 48 hours on weekdays. Voicemails can be left in any language. Hotline Phone Numbers For calls in any language: 412.256.8536 Para llamadas en Español: 412.335.7446 Share these flyers with your network: English, Español, Uzbek, Swahili, Nepali, Tigrinya, Kinyarwanda, Mandarin, Hindi, Burmese, French, Dari, Portuguese, Arabic.
October 30, 2020 Strategies to Support DLLs and Their Families Are you interested in learning strategies to support dual language learners (DLLs) and their families? Join presenters Lea Ann Christenson, Ph.D., and Nadia J. Jones, Ed.D., on November 10 for “Strength in Diversity: Practical Theory and Strategies to Support DLLs and Their Families.” About This webinar will cover practical theory, easy-to-use advice, and strategies to support dual language learners and their families. In addition, participants will learn how to cultivate empathy, perspective, and high expectations for all children. The content of this webinar can also benefit English-only (EO) young children and their families. Time for questions will be provided. Featured Topics Participants will walk away with the conceptual understanding of the content which they can put to use in their classrooms, schools, and centers immediately. Educators will learn: demographics of young DLLs in classrooms today, the basics of second-language acquisition theory, effective teaching strategies and principles of instruction, how and why honoring the home language supports English acquisition, and tips for engaging the families of DLLs. Registration This webinar is best suited for anyone in the early childhood field, including teachers, instructional aides, administrators, and district office personnel. To register, visit the EdWeb website.
September 18, 2020 English Learners: Strategies for Digital Learning Are you interested in learning digital learning strategies to support English Learners in your online classroom? Join Digital Promise on September 30 for their webinar, “English Learners: Strategies for Digital Learning and the Language of Academic Content.” About During this webinar, speakers will share research-based learning strategies and supports that address learner variability, the shift to digital, and the specific challenges and opportunities for English Learners. Additionally, speakers will: provide a framework for teaching the language of content, with a focus on math and science examples; examine how to translate word walls, manipulatives, sentence frames, and many other research-based strategies to a digital-learning environment; highlight the importance of family-teacher-student partnerships that help learning happen; and explore research-based factors of learning that have an impact on all English learners. This webinar is best suited for K-12 teachers and administrators, especially those who teach English Learners; instructional coaches; ELS coordinators; EdTech coordinators; and other school and district leaders. Time for questions will be provided. Registration To register and learn more, visit the event webpage.
May 27, 2020 Virtual Home Visits and Socialization Activities Are you interested in learning how to plan virtual home visits and socialization activities with families? Join the National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning (NCECDTL) on June 10 for their webinar, “Planning Virtual Home Visits and Socialization Activities with Families.” About In this webinar, participants will learn how to plan and individualize virtual home visits and socialization activities with families. Presenters will explore effective virtual engagement practices and review available resources to assist participants’ continued work with families. Both This webinar is best suited for program directors; education managers; home visitors and their supervisors; teachers who are engaging virtually with children and families; and regional T/TA staff who support home visiting programs and home-based program staff. English and Spanish captioning will be available. Featured Topics Planning a developmentally appropriate virtual home visit as well as socialization activities with families. Exploring tools to increase family engagement in home visits and socialization from a distance. Reviewing resources to support home visitors and their work with families. Registration To register and learn more, visit the Home Visiting Webinar Series webpage.
April 16, 2020 COVID-19 Support Programs Webinar Join MomsRising, along with experts from CLASP, National Employment Law Project (NELP), Food Research and Action Council (FRAC), and National Immigration Law Council, on April 21 for “COVID-19 Support Programs Webinar” to learn what you need to know to apply for assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic. About This online webinar will provide information on how to access the new COVID-19 programs recently passed by Congress, including paid sick days, paid family leave, unemployment insurance, and nutrition assistance. Presenters will also discuss the impacts of these programs on immigrant families. The webinar will take place on Zoom and will include both Spanish and English language options. Registration To register, please visit the event webpage. If you are unable to attend the day of the event, a recording of the webinar and a resource page will be sent out as well after the conclusion of the event.
April 15, 2020 Family Strengths Survey Now Available During the COVID-19 pandemic, parents and adult caregivers are vital in supporting the care, education, and healthy development of young children. Each caregiver and family will have their own unique experiences during these tough times, with many requiring assistance to acquire food, pay bills, and access other critical services. To better understand which resources have been the most helpful and to ensure that these resources remain available, the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine’s Department of Pediatrics launched the “Family Strengths Survey.” The survey is open to the public and all answers will be submitted anonymously. Take the Survey If you are interested in submitting the Family Strengths survey in English, please visit the survey webpage or call 412.692.8026. The survey is also available in Spanish. You Could Win At the end of the survey, participants will have the choice to enter your name and contact information for a chance to receive a $100 gift card. Five people will be randomly selected each week from everyone who answers the survey. The contact information that you provide will never be linked to your answers in the survey. Visit the survey webpage to learn more. More Information For more information about the survey or to see weekly updates on survey results, please visit the Family Strengths Survey webpage. For questions, please contact For more information on COVID-19, including daily updates, please click here to visit our COVID-19 resources page.
February 11, 2020 Refugee Education Workshop Series: Putting Information into Action Join Dr. Xia Chao for the last interactive workshop of the 4-part series dedicated to helping educators understand the literacies, cultures, and needs of the Pittsburgh area’s refugee communities. About Through a grant from the National Geographic Society, Dr. Chao has conducted research over the past several years that explores the experiences and narratives of local refugee communities including the Nepali, Karen, and Somali Bantu. This workshop series seeks to incorporate the findings of Dr. Chao’s research in order to offer local educators insight into working with students from these communities and resources for supporting immigrant and refugee families in their interactions with the American educational system. This session will help educators learn specific strategies for teaching English learners. Registration To register, visit the Eventbrite page. Light refreshments and Act 48 credits will be provided. More Information For more information on the workshop series and content, please contact Dr. Xia Chao at For information about the event, ticketing, and logistics, please contact Taya Jackson at Share this flyer with your network.
December 2, 2019 The Vocabulary Edge for English Learners | Webinar How do we best support the vocabulary, comprehension, and knowledge-building of our English Learners (ELs)? By building on their strengths! Join Dr. Elfrieda Hiebert on December 11 for her webinar exploring opportunities to better support ELs. About Developing a solid foundation in core vocabulary, which represents the key ideas about the world which ELs already have, is fundamental to supporting ELs in accessing their existing knowledge. By following Dr. Hiebert’s research-based principles, ELs become equipped with both the context and fluency required to understand the majority of text that they read—allowing them to later learn more difficult and rarer words with greater ease. This session will be of interest to pre-k through elementary teachers, librarians, and school and district leaders. Time for questions will be provided. Registration To register and learn more, visit the edWeb website. *Information provided by