November 11, 2019 PD Registry & Career Pathway | Director Webinar Join Pennsylvania (PA) PD Registry and Career Pathway staff at the Pennsylvania Key on December 4 for their webinar, “PD Registry and Career Pathway Information for Directors.” About This webinar seeks to support program directors in their effort to help their staff use PA’s PD Registry and understand the ECE Career Pathway. Featured topics include completing a PD Registry profile, uploading education documents, and submitting information to be placed on the Career Pathway. More information on Pennsylvania’s Quality Initiatives for the Early Childhood Education workforce will be provided. Registration To learn more and register, visit the event webpage. More Information For questions, call 1.800.284.6031 or email
August 13, 2019 Community Members Encouraged to “Call It Child Care” In June 2018, the Pennsylvania state legislature passed House Bill 1677 to update Pennsylvania’s regulations and code to use the term “child care” rather than “day care” to reflect the work of early learning programs more accurately. Trying Together worked closely with the bill’s prime sponsor, Representative Jason Ortitay, who represents Allegheny and Washington counties. To further support this effort, Trying Together is launching the “Call It Child Care” initiative. Why Call It Child Care? Trying Together recognizes that shifting commonly used language can be difficult. However, by using the term “child care” instead of “day care,” you recognize that: 1. The impact of child care is much longer than a day. Early childhood programs support lifelong success for children and families. Research has shown that high-quality child care builds a strong foundation from which children grow and thrive. By having access to early care and education programming, families experience multi-generational benefits, with young children achieving higher test scores and graduation rates, committing fewer crimes, and earning higher wages, to name a few. Caregivers are able to reenter the workforce, increasing the financial stability of the family and the long-term professional success of the caregiver. 2. The words we use matter. The words we use affect the public’s perception of the early care and education field and affect the field’s own accountability in providing high-quality care. Using “child care” rather than “day care” recognizes the important work of these professionals, in addition to the work children put in to learn, develop, and grow. Accurate language is critical to gaining respect, validation, and investments in currently under-resourced systems. 3. “Child care” acknowledges the complexity of high-quality early care and education programs. High-quality child care programs employ, develop, and retain educated credentialed staff. Child care professionals use a curriculum, lesson plans, and family engagement activities to promote the cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development of the children they serve. How You Can Help Please join us in the coming months as an advocate for the “Call It Child Care” initiative. If you’re an early care and education professional, use the term “child care” when speaking about your work and update your materials as needed. If you’re a family or community member, embrace the term “child care” and use it when referencing your child’s program! Digital Resource Toolkit Interested in doing more? Use our digital resource toolkit to advocate for “Call It Child Care” today! Help spread the word about using the term “child care” by having conversations with your colleagues, family, and friends. Share a graphic on social media and tell your followers about the initiative. Write a letter or email to the families in your early learning program. Print the Call It Child Care posters and post them around your office or program. Read a letter from the Trying Together Executive Director. Learn More To learn more about the initiative, visit our Call It Child Care page.
August 8, 2019 Applications Open | Building Capacity for Coaching Initiative In collaboration with The Pennsylvania Key, the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) recently announced the “Building Capacity for Coaching Initiative” in support of developing internal coaches in STAR 3 and STAR 4 facilities. About The purpose of this initiative is to leverage coaching supports from Penn State Better Kid Care (BKC) and other professional growth activities to develop internal coaches in STAR 3 and STAR 4 facilities. Selected applicants will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of early childhood practices and must have the approval of their administrator or director as this will require a time commitment. Family Child Care providers can apply if they are able to support other family child care providers in their coaching efforts and commit the time necessary to complete the program. Benefits Facilities will develop the internal capacity to offer coaching to other staff to ensure continuous quality improvement; receive exceptional professional development opportunities at no cost as well as access to the Learning Community; and gain valuable insight as OCDEL works to learn about needed coaching supports for ECE providers. Coaching & Staff coaches receive a one-time stipend of $2,500 and teachers receive supports and coaching on areas of practice that can strengthen or improve child experiences in their classroom. What Will Be Expected Facilities participating in this program must meet the following expectations: Facility identify a coach (lead teacher, director, assistant director, or another instructional leader); have two teachers, identified by the coach, complete four free modules; have coach-staff teams select one coaching guide as a framework for coaching; and complete additional recommended professional development supports as needed. Coach attend a one-day in-person coach training; complete two free BKC online modules; observe and then facilitate bi-weekly coaching sessions with selected teachers; complete a coaching log; participate in monthly learning community webinars; and participate in two touchpoints per month. Applications To apply for this program, visit their online form. All applications must be submitted by Friday, September 20, 2019. Learn More To learn more, visit the Pennsylvania Key website. Questions For more information or questions, contact Barbara Willier at