September 25, 2023 U.S. Maternal Deaths Rise as Health Disparities Increase; Local Resources Offer Support A new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has revealed significant increases in pregnancy-related deaths across the United States, with disproportionate losses among Black, Native American, and Alaska Native people. About the Study Entitled, “Trends in State-Level Maternal Mortality by Racial and Ethnic Group in the United States,” the study analyzed state-by-state census data from 1999 to 2019 on pregnant or recently pregnant individuals aged 10 to 54 years, to provide comprehensive evidence on maternal morbidity and to guide policies aimed at preventing maternal deaths. Key Findings Results revealed a stark spike in maternal mortality rates, with pregnancy-related deaths more than doubling among all racial and ethnic groups across the U.S. over the last 20 years, and more than tripling for Native American and Alaska Native people. However, maternal mortality remains the highest among the nation’s Black population, continuing historic trends. Unfortunately, worsening healthcare for Black and BIPOC mothers—a trend typically relegated to southern states—is expanding. According to the study, New York and New Jersey saw an increase in Black and Latina deaths, while more Asian mothers died in Wyoming and Montana. Supporting Information In interviews with study authors and other medical professionals, WESA, an NPR affiliate, revealed the uniqueness of this upward trend, noting that other high-income countries have seen their maternal morbidity rates decline as a result of increasingly accessible healthcare. Consequently, state review committees consider most maternal deaths preventable, as most deaths appear linked to untreated health conditions and complications. Thus, WESA sites researchers are advocating for improved access to care, which Medicaid may allow, as the program pays for about half of U.S. births. Local Maternal Health Resources Local programs and services may help new and expecting mothers in the Greater Pittsburgh Area and Pennsylvania. Some of these resources include: 211 Pennsylvania Prenatal Care Services AHN Pregnancy and Newborn Services Allegheny County Office of Family and Child Health Catholic Charities Roselia Pregnancy and Parenting Support Services Health Coverage If You’re Pregnant, Plan to Get Pregnant, or Recently Gave Birth Healthy Beginnings Plus Healthy Start Pittsburgh Hello Baby: Home Visiting Medical Assistance for Children and Pregnant Women The Midwife Center for Birth & Women’s Health UPMC Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine Learn More Find the status of local maternal health and learn about the state maternal morbidity review committee on the Pennsylvania Department of Health website. To learn more, read the NPR and WESA article, “U.S. maternal deaths keep rising. Here’s who is most at risk.” Sources Information for this post was taken directly from “Trends in State-Level Maternal Mortality by Racial and Ethnic Group in the United States”—a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)—and the NPR and WESA article, “U.S. maternal deaths keep rising. Here’s who is most at risk.” Text has been added, paraphrased, and adapted for reproduction, readability, and comprehension, and resources curated from a number of online sources. Related Content & Resources National Maternal Mental Health Hotline Available Prenatal-to-Three Playbook Details State of Child Care in Allegheny County, Shares Resources Resources for May Observances: Mother’s Day PA Receives $1.2 Million to Promote Maternal and Child Health Through 2026
June 29, 2023 Resources for July Observances Various organizations, states, and nations recognize a number of observances each month. Resources help parents, caregivers, and child care professionals acknowledge and navigate them. Here is a list of resources for July observances: Month-Long Observances National Parks and Recreation Month City of Pittsburgh Department of Parks & Recreation, CitiParks Summer Program Guide, Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy Top Green Spaces and Public Parks in Pittsburgh, Visit Pittsburgh Growing Equity in City Green Space, Eos Rocking and Rolling. Fresh Air, Fun, and Exploration: Why Outdoor Play Is Essential for Healthy Development, National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Why Kids Need to Spend Time in Nature, Child Mind Institute Free Worksheet: Thank a Park Ranger Card, Become a Junior Ranger, National Park Service Five Fun Activities for Teaching Kids About Conservation, National Recreation and Park Association Allegheny County Shares Summer Safety Guidance, Trying Together National Make a Difference to Children Month 5 Pittsburgh Organizations supporting Our Most Vulnerable Children–and Inspiring Us to Help, Kidsburgh Most Popular Pittsburgh Children & Youth Nonprofits and Charities, Great Nonprofits Positive Parenting, National Institute of Health The Power of Positive Parenting, UC Davis Health 8 Ways to Strengthen a Parent-Child Relationship, Family Services of Northeast Wisconsin Bonding with Stepchildren: 7 Tips for Building a Strong Relationship, Three Principles to Improve Outcomes for Children and Families, Harvard University Center on the Developing Child Strategies to Support Black Students, Teachers, and Communities in Schools, Education Northwest 12 Powerful Statistics That Prove Why Teachers Matter, We Are Teachers Family Engagement, Office of Head Start and Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center Raise Child Care, Start Strong PA National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month Prioritizing Minority Mental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) BIPOC Mental Health, Mental Health America Mental Health Disparities: Diverse Populations, American Psychiatric Association Contextualizing BIPOC Youth Mental Health, National Black Women’s Justice Institute Mental Illness Doesn’t Discriminate, so Why Do BIPOC Communities Have Difficulty Accessing Care?, Jefferson Center for Mental Health Erasing Mental Health Stigma in the Black Community, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) BIPOC/AAPI Mental Health Resources, NAMI New Hampshire Where to Find Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents in Pittsburgh, The University of Pittsburgh: Youth and Family Research Program Anti-Racism Resources for Families, Trying Together Multilingual Trauma Resources, The Child Mind Institute Days of Recognition July 4 is Independence Day Ways to Celebrate Independence Day in Pittsburgh in 2023, VisitPittsburgh 23 Crafts and Activities for Independence Day, WeAreTeachers The History of Independence Day, History Channel A Nation’s Story: “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?”, National Museum of African American History & Culture (NMAAHC) The Fourth of July is a Black American Holiday, The Washington Post 19 Children’s Books to Inspire Courage and Activism, HarperCollins Publishers July 14 is International Non-Binary People’s Day Gender Identity Development in Early Childhood, Trying Together Resource List: LGBTQ+ Organizations, Trying Together A Guide to Gender Identity Terms, NPR & WESA Understanding Nonbinary People: How to Be Respectful and Supportive, National Center for Transgender Equality 10 Ways to Step Up as an Ally to Non-Binary People, Stonewall 20 Picture Books to Help You Raise Kind, Tolerant Kids, Today Early Childhood Book List: Learning About Gender Diversity, Social Justice Books July 24 is National Parents’ Day 7 Fun Ways to Celebrate Parents’ Day This Year, Parents Caring for the Caregiver, Trying Together Positive Parenting Tips, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series, Trying Together Outside Gender Norms: Father’s Day and Mother’s Day Aren’t Easy First for LGBTQ Families, The Standard-Times Parenting Resources for Foster Parents, Child Welfare Information Gateway Being a Step-Parent and Raising Your Partner’s Child, Raising Children Resources to Share with Expectant Families, Office of Head Start Find Child Care, ELRC Region 5 July 25 is World Drowning Prevention Day Drowning Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Drowning Prevention & Facts, American Red Cross Water Safety at Home, Safe Kids Worldwide Water Safety Tips for Families, Seattle Children’s Hospital Toddler Water Safety: 14 Ways to Keep Safer, Stop Drowning Now Water Safety for Your Special Needs Child, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Resources: Learn to Swim, Allegheny County 4 Places To Get FREE Summer Swim Lessons For Kids In The ‘Burgh, Macaroni Kid How to Perform Child and Baby CPR, American Red Cross Trying Together and ELRC Region 5 Partnering to Offer First Aid & CPR Training, ELRC Region 5 July 26 is National Disability Independence Day Guide to Disability Rights Laws, U.S. Department of Justice: Civil Rights Division Ideas for Celebrating the ADA, Disability and Autism Supports, Allegheny County Department of Human Services Disability Resources in the Community, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) 16 Shelf-Worthy Children’s Books About Disabilities for All Students, WeAreTeachers Representation Matters: Kids Books That Embrace Disability and Difference, New York Public Library Service Dogs 101—Everything You Need to Know, American Kennel Club Assistive Devices for Children: Walking and Mobility, KidsHealth
April 27, 2023 Resources for May Observances Various organizations, states, and nations recognize a number of observances each month. Resources help parents, caregivers, and child care professionals acknowledge and navigate them. Here is a list of resources for May observances: Month-Long Observances May is National Foster Care Month Foster and Adoptive Families, Trying Together What to Know About Becoming a Foster Parent in PA, Pennsylvania Statewide Adoption & Permanency Network (SWAN) Top 10 Tips for New Foster Families, Fostering Families Today Parenting Resources for Foster Parents, Child Welfare Information Gateway Ways to Help Foster Children, Adopt US Kids National Foster Care Month 2023 Virtual Event: Foster Care and Mental Health, Children’s Bureau 5 Things Foster Youth Want All Teachers to Know, We Are Teachers May is Mental Health Awareness Month Where to Find Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents in Pittsburgh, The University of Pittsburgh: Youth and Family Research Program Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series: Childhood Mental Health, Trying Together Preventing Parent Burnout: Meeting the Emotional Challenges of Caring for Children with Mental Health Issues, The Child Mind Institute Parenting with a Mental Health Condition, Mental Health America 44 Children’s Books About Mental Health, The Child Mind Institute Creating an Inclusive Classroom for Neurodivergent Learners, Edutopia May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Month Recognizing the Influence, History, and Achievements of Pittsburgh’s AAPI Residents, Visit Pittsburgh DEI Resources: Supporting AAPI Communities, National Head Start Association A Guide for Parents on Talking to Kids about Asian American Identity & Racism, Immigrant History Initiative AAPI Books for Kids of All Ages, Chicago Parent 85 Brilliant Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month (AAPI) Children’s Books, Imagination Soup 18 Student Activities for AAPI Heritage Month, We Are Teachers Weeks of Recognition May 1 – 7 is Children’s Book Week Children’s Book Week Poster and Activity Pages, Every Child a Reader Creative Ways to Celebrate Children’s Book Week, BookTrust 125 Books We Love for Kids, New York Public Library May 8 – 12 is National Teacher Appreciation Week 10 Ways Families Can Celebrate Teachers, National PTA Teacher Appreciation Week: How Caregivers Can Celebrate and Show Gratitude, Harper Collins Publishers How Can Parents Best Support Teachers? We Asked, Education Week Why Teacher Self-Care Matters and How to Practice Self-Care in Your School, Waterford Days of Recognition May 7 is National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day Data and Statistics on Children’s Mental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Children and Mental Health: Is This Just a Stage?, National Institute of Mental Health A Teacher’s Guide to Anxiety, The Child Mind Institute Parenting Guides on Child Mental Health Disorders, The Child Mind Institute Find additional resources under “Mental Health Awareness Month” above. May 12 is National Child Care Provider Appreciation Day Self-Care for Child Care Professionals, HiMama Remember to Take Care of Yourself: Six Ideas for Family Child Care Providers, National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) 101 Thoughtful Ways to Express Gratitude for Your Childcare Staff, Brightwheel Raise Child Care, Start Strong PA Advocate: Take Action, Trying Together Find additional resources under, “National Teacher Appreciation Week” above. May 14 is Mother’s Day Celebrate Mother’s Day in Pittsburgh, Visit Pittsburgh 10 Mother’s Day Craft Ideas for Kids, Artful Parent 33 Preschool Activities to Honor Mom in the Classroom, Teaching Expertise Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series: Caring for the Caregiver, Trying Together Find Child Care, ELRC Region 5 Moms’ Mental Health Matters, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development National Maternal Mental Health Hotline: 1-833-943-5746 (1-833-9-HELP4MOMS) Working Together to Reduce Black Maternal Mortality, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Resources to Share with Expectant Families, Office of Head Start May 28 is World Hunger Day Hunger & Poverty in America, Food Research and Action Center Child Hunger in America, Feeding America Food Resources for Pennsylvanians, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Food Resources in Pittsburgh, City of Pittsburgh Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank Walk-In Food Distribution at The Hub, Trying Together
March 10, 2023 Talking with Families About Substance Use During Pregnancy Expectant parents who struggle with substance use may not ask for help for various reasons. Judgment-free conversations about substance use can help expectant parents get the support they need to have a healthy pregnancy. Join the Office of Head Start and its National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety for this webinar, and learn how to have compassionate and helpful conversations about substance use and recovery that lead to greater health equity. This webinar is offered with simultaneous interpretation in Spanish. Session Details Thursday, March 23 | 1 – 2 p.m. Virtual Register Learn More In this webinar, Head Start will discuss: how substance use affects the health of the expectant parent and baby how to use motivational interviewing techniques to reduce stigma during conversations about substance use and recovery why talking with expectant parents about substance use and recovery is important to achieving health equity This webinar benefits: Head Start and Early Head Start program staff, families, directors, managers, and administrators Home visitors Infant and early childhood mental health consultants To learn more, visit the Head Start website.
Parenting While Black – Episode 2: Birthing While Black – Pregnancy, Birth, and the First 1,000 Days Join the Brazelton Touchpoints Center for this webinar exploring protective pathways for embracing pregnancy, birth, postpartum experience, and fostering health, respect, care, joy, healing, and radical resistance. Session Details Monday, April 17 | 3 – 4:30 p.m. Virtual Register Learn More This webinar is part of the Brazelton Touchpoints Center’s Parenting While Black series, “Radically Resistant: Fostering the Brilliance and Awe of Raising Black Children.” This free virtual series offers a safe and welcoming space to hold conversations for and by Black families. Each webinar includes live Spanish language translation and closed captioning. Future episodes are scheduled as follows: Episode 3: Monday, May 15, 3 – 4:30 p.m. Episode 4: Monday, June 12, 3 – 4:30 p.m. Episode 5: Monday, June 26, 3 – 4:30 p.m. To learn more about Episode 1 or the Parenting While Black series, visit the Brazelton Touchpoints Center website.
February 23, 2023 EmployHER Pittsburgh Opportunity Fair Join EmployHER Pittsburgh for this event supporting all types of female success. Event Details Monday, March 27 | 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. & 3 – 7 p.m. University of Pittsburgh Community Engagement Center 622 North Homewood Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15208 Register Learn More At the Opportunity Fair, attendees can find: direct access to supportive services for themselves and their families opportunities to enroll in personal and professional development training programs on site interviews from employers Knichel Logistics, Inc. & University of Pittsburgh connection with success partners in support of personal and professional goals self care stations, food, a DJ and so much more Free onsite child care will be provided. To learn more about the Opportunity Fair, visit the EmployHER website.
September 14, 2020 Hello Baby: A New Website for Parents in Allegheny County For many new parents, particularly those with limited resources and support, welcoming a child to the family can be both a joy and a challenge. That’s why the Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS) created Hello Baby, a voluntary program for any Allegheny County family with a newborn or young child. What is Hello Baby? Hello Baby is a voluntary program for parents of new babies that is designed to strengthen families; improve children’s outcomes; and maximize child and family well-being, safety, and security. Every new mother in Allegheny County will receive information about Hello Baby and may receive an initial visit from a nurse to talk about the program in more detail. Information will be available at primary birthing hospitals, obstetrician/gynecologist offices, and pediatric practices, and will be mailed to new mothers as a postcard. Hello Baby will reach families with moderate to high levels of need through the existing network of Family Centers. However, any family can request services from a Family Center through the Hello Baby website, 2.1.1 warmline, or texting service. All services are voluntary. Featured Information The Hello Baby website was created for parents to quickly and easily find local resources and information on the following topics: Health and Safety (immunizations, safe sleep, car safety, etc.); Child Care and Development (home visiting, head start, emergency child care, etc.); Family Supports (Family Centers, programs for dads, immigrant services, etc.); and Essentials (food and formula, baby items, housing supports, etc.). To learn more and view the full range of services, visit the Hello Baby website. More Information Hello Baby is a collaborative effort among family-focused organizations in Allegheny County including Allegheny County DHS, Health Department, Healthy Start, Family Centers, NurturePA, and the United Way of Southwestern PA. For more information, visit the DHS website or view answers to frequently asked questions.
August 7, 2020 Brown Mamas Launches Mama Mentorship Initiative Are you interested in receiving advice, resource assistance, and emotional support from a mama mentor? Sign up to join Brown Mamas’ new Mama Mentorship program! About Motherhood can be tough, and it becomes even more challenging when you don’t have anyone to ask for advice, assist in resource acquisition, and lean on for mental and emotional support. That’s why Brown Mamas launched its Mama Mentorship Initiative. By galvanizing the collective knowledge in the Black mothering community, Brown Mamas will provide their moms with access to a group of mothering elders who have wisdom and experiences to share. Once per month, Brown Mamas will host virtual Mama Mentoring sessions for up to 15 mamas. They will work with experienced moms from the local community to mentor new and ‘in the thick of it’ mamas through their motherhood journey. The first Mama Mentorship cohort begins in August. Registration If you are interested in joining Brown Mamas’ Mama Mentorship program, visit their website to complete the online signup form. More Information This information was provided by Brown Mamas. For more information, visit the Brown Mamas website.
April 15, 2019 Sign-On to Support Families Impacted by Postpartum Depression Understanding the Need Postpartum depression can strike any new mother. Research shows that approximately 15 percent of new mothers suffer from postpartum depression. In Pennsylvania, this means about 21,000 infants and moms are affected each year. The American Academy of Pediatrics reports that when a mother suffers from postpartum depression, both mothers and babies experience negative effects, including: adverse effects on the baby’s brain and development, increased danger of child abuse and neglect, and increased medical care costs. Will you sign-on to support Pennsylvania’s mothers and infants? What is #StrongMomStrongBaby? #StrongMomStrongBaby is a statewide effort to amend the existing early intervention law (Act 212 of 1990) to add postpartum depression as an at-risk condition allowing infants to undergo assessments, parents to receive assistance in bonding with their babies, and if needed, Early Intervention services to ensure moms and babies have the best start together. To learn more and stay up-to-date, follow the campaign’s Facebook page. Take Action Show your support for Pennsylvania’s mothers and infants by adding your name to the #StrongMomStrongBaby petition.
April 8, 2019 BreastFED: Breastfeeding Summit Join Healthy Start for BreastFED, Pennsylvania’s only regional breastfeeding summit. BreastFED is a two-day regional symposium aimed at providing information from professionals and community experts locally, regionally, and nationally on innovative approaches to address the needs of mothers and lactation practitioners in this region. Throughout the two days, participants will receive both clinical and community perspectives and will be able to share insights and experiences to move forward with best practices and groundbreaking methods to changing the culture of feeding our babies. See the full agenda. Continuing Education Units & Credits CEU’s are available for: Lactation Nursing Social Work Midwifery This summit is approved for a maximum of 10.75 continuing nursing education contact hours. The University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Learn More To learn more about the summit and to register, visit the event website. For any questions, contact Healthy Start by phone at 412.247.4009 or email at