
August 29, 2024

OCDEL Bureau of Certification Services’ Western Office Moves to New Address

The Office of Child Development and Early Learning’s (OCDEL) Bureau of Certification Services – Western Office has moved to a new address in Pittsburgh.

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As of Aug. 29, the OCDEL bureau has moved to the following address:

  • Western Region Office
    301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 370
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222

The phone numbers for the Western Region OCDEL office remain the same: 412-565-5183 and (800) 222-2149.

An updated regional map with contact information for each Regional Office of Child Development and Early Learning is also available.


Training: Evaluation of Educator Effectiveness

PA Pre-K Counts lead teachers, administrators, and evaluators are encouraged to register to attend a free online training on the revised Act 82 Educator Effectiveness (EE) process.

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The Pennsylvania Key will present Application of Act 13 of 2020: Evaluation of Educator Effectiveness in Pre-Kindergarten Classrooms in support of the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL).

The revised Act 82 Educator Effectiveness process is used to evaluate professional and temporary professional employees in PK-12 education across the state. The goal of EE models is to reform the way school professionals are evaluated as well as the critical components of training and professional growth.

PQAS and Act 48 credits are available for those completing the course, which is being offered on the following dates:

  • Oct. 14, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Event ID: 371083
  • Dec. 5, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Event ID: 371088

A Zoom link for accessing the online training will be provided with registration confirmation. Registration is now open.


Training: Evaluation of Educator Effectiveness

PA Pre-K Counts lead teachers, administrators, and evaluators are encouraged to register to attend a free online training on the revised Act 82 Educator Effectiveness (EE) process.

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The Pennsylvania Key will present Application of Act 13 of 2020: Evaluation of Educator Effectiveness in Pre-Kindergarten Classrooms in support of the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL).

The revised Act 82 Educator Effectiveness process is used to evaluate professional and temporary professional employees in PK-12 education across the state. The goal of EE models is to reform the way school professionals are evaluated as well as the critical components of training and professional growth.

PQAS and Act 48 credits are available for those completing the course, which is being offered on the following dates:

  • Oct. 14, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Event ID: 371083
  • Dec. 5, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Event ID: 371088

A Zoom link for accessing the online training will be provided with registration confirmation. Registration is now open.


August 19, 2024

OCDEL, Penn State Project ECHO to Host Series for Spanish-Speaking Families

The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) and Penn State Project ECHO will release a new series this fall that features the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and focuses on the needs of Spanish-speaking families.

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The Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO), which launches in the fall, will feature the CDC’s Learn the Signs. Act Early program, which is aimed at serving Spanish speakers.

The CDC’s tools and resources allow families and early care providers to jointly engage in the early identification of developmental delays and disabilities among children from birth through age 5.

Participants in the series will learn how to help support families with developmental milestone monitoring. It will highlight the utilization and promotion of the CDC’s Milestones Tracker App, which is a free developmental tracker resource offered in English and Spanish.

The series is for early care providers only and registration is not limited to those who work only with Spanish-speaking families.

The series will run from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. on the following Wednesdays:

  • Sept. 25
  • Oct. 9
  • Oct. 23
  • Nov. 6
  • Nov. 20
  • Dec. 4

More details and registration information will be announced in the September Early Ed News. Any questions should be sent to Ilecia Voughs at


July 24, 2024

Changes Announced for DOH Staff Visits to Child Care Providers

The Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) will continue their collaboration regarding immunizations for children and staff at child care providers. However, there will be some changes this year regarding visits to providers and the reporting of each child’s immunization status.

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A letter from OCDEL to child care providers states that, beginning in July, DOH field nurses and local Municipality Department of Health field staff will visit randomly selected providers to offer immunization education and resource materials for staff and parents or caregivers. A review of child immunization records can be provided if requested by the child care provider. 

Providers will be able to ask questions and request specific educational resources from the field nurses and staff who visit their facilities. 

Additionally, the DOH will send out electronic surveys to all child care providers regarding the immunization status of every enrolled child at their facility. These surveys will serve as the mandatory reporting requirements for child care settings outlined in DOH regulations. The surveys are expected to be sent out later this summer.

Child care providers who are randomly scheduled for a visit should expect a phone call or email from DOH or the local municipality. Any questions or concerns should be addressed to the DOH’s Janine Strick at 717-878-5681.


July 15, 2024

Pennsylvania Meets U.S. Department of Education’s Highest Recognition of Parts B and C of IDEA

Pennsylvania’s Office of Child Development and Early Learning’s (OCDEL) Bureau of Early Intervention Services and Family Supports has announced that the U.S. Department of Education has determined that the state meets the requirements and purposes of Part C and Part B of the Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA).

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The state’s Infant Toddler Early Intervention program is under Part C of IDEA. It provides services for eligible infants and toddlers and their families from birth until the child’s third birthday. Services are developed by a team and written into an individualized family service plan. Services are delivered in a natural environment for the child and family.

Part B covers special education services for children and their families from preschool through 12th grade. It includes performance measures for the state’s Preschool Early Intervention program.

This is the department’s highest recognition regarding the performance of the state’s Part C and Part B programs.


July 11, 2024

Brown Clarifies Provider Agreements in Video Announcement

Shante’ A. Brown, the Office of Child Development and Early Learning’s deputy secretary, has released an announcement regarding updated provider agreements for certified child care providers.

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The video message, which can be viewed below, clarifies the agreements for all regulated child care providers as well as Early Learning Resource Centers (ELRC), and OCDEL Early Learning Resource Center Program representatives.

In the video, Brown discusses guidance that aims to provide clarity about suspension and expulsion practices. The agreements require that providers contact ELRCs before suspending or expelling a child. This is aimed to ensure that families still have access to resources provided by ELRCs, which can also help families to find alternative care.

Another topic covered by Brown is providers charging the difference between private pay and subsidy rates. She said that OCDEL has received numerous questions about how Keystone STARS and nontraditional add-on rates impact charges. With the passage of new child care subsidy regulations, OCDEL wants to hear feedback from providers. This fall, it will ask providers and families to participate in discussions on the matter.


Certified child care providers will have to complete and sign new provider agreements, which will be effective August 1.

The provider agreement establishes the terms of participation and payment between the payer and a certified child care provider who provides care to children who participate in the state’s subsidized child care program, Child Care Works. To be in compliance with the Child Care Development Block Grant and 55 pa. Code Chapter 3042 Subsidized Child Care Eligibility, OCDEL must update the certified child care provider agreements.

ELRCs mailed the agreements and appendices to providers in June. Providers must read and sign the updated agreement indicating that they agree to follow all rules and return the signed agreement to the ELRC by July 31.


July 10, 2024

PA Launches ELS Website to Replace Management Systems Used by State Agencies

Pennsylvania has launched a new website dedicated to the Enterprise Licensing System (ELS) project.

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The goal of this project is to implement a single ELS that addresses licensing and certification needs, as well as incident and complaint management, across the following state agencies:

  • Department of Human Services (DHS)
  • Department of Health (DOH)
  • Department of Aging (PDA)
  • Department of Drug & Alcohol Program (DDAP)

The ELS will be rolled out by state program offices over the next two years. Stakeholders in impacted program areas will be notified when the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) is scheduled for rollout, ensuring they have enough time to prepare.

ELS will enable staff to manage and process licensing, permitting, registration, certification, and related inspection or survey activities from initial application through issuance. They will also enable staff to offer extensive reporting capabilities. Additionally, the ELS will be used to record, review, investigate, and analyze incidents and complaints.

ELS Project Aims

The project’s aims are to:

  • Increase collaboration and communication across agencies
  • Improve scheduling of licensing, permitting, registration/certification inspections, surveys, and timely issuance of licenses/permits/registrations/certifications and renewals
  • Streamline business processes, including electronic sharing and storing of documents and pre-populated forms and templates
  • Reduce maintenance and operations costs from multiple systems to one system

The ELS will provide a standardized enterprise-wide solution that is configurable and can provide a limited degree of configurability by each agency to meet specific needs.

To receive website and project updates, subscribe to the ELS ListServ or visit the website.


July 9, 2024

Nia Harris Chosen as OCDEL’s Bureau of Operations and Monitoring Director

Pennsylvania’s Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) has named Nia Harris as its Director of Bureau of Operations and Monitoring.

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Harris was previously OCDEL’s Director of Bureau of Early Learning Resource Center Operations and Monitoring. She has worked for the state since 2013, beginning her civil service career as an income maintenance caseworker, human service program specialist, and human service program representative 1.

Harris graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where she majored in psychology and minored in sociology.

Bureau of Operations and Monitoring

The Bureau of Operations and Monitoring provides oversight and technical assistance to Early Learning Resource Centers (ELRCs). It is responsible for monitoring ELRC grantee program integrity and accountability, proper use of funds, and accurate application of program rules and procedures.

The bureau also serves as a source of support to ELRCs in their daily operations and program management.


July 8, 2024

Free Leadership Training Offered for Families of Children in Early Intervention or Preschool

Parent to Parent Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania’s Office of Child Development and Early Learning will host upcoming free leadership development training for families of children receiving early intervention or preschool services.

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Competence and Confidence: Partners in Policymaking will provide free training during a series of sessions from September through May. 

Participants in the course will:

  • Learn about the infant/toddler and preschool early intervention (EI) system
  • Connect with other families
  • Build skills to advocate for their family and others

Participation is limited, so those interested should apply right away. The application deadline is 5 p.m. on August 5, 2024. Applicants will be notified by September 6 if they are accepted.

Applicants should:

  • Have a child between the ages of birth and five years who is currently receiving state infant/toddler or preschool EI services
  • Have a desire to advocate for themselves and others
  • Can commit to participate in all eight sessions

Lodging, meals, mileage, and child care reimbursement will be provided to participants.


The schedule of sessions is:

  • September 27, 2004 (virtual) – Noon to 1:30 p.m.
  • October 18-19, 2024 (DoubleTree Hotel in Lancaster) – Friday at 1 p.m. to Saturday at 3:30 p.m.
  • November 15-16, 2024 (DoubleTree Hotel) – Friday at 1 p.m. to Saturday at 3:30 p.m.
  • January 31, 2025 (virtual) – 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • February 28, 2025 (virtual) – 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • March 21-22, 2025 (DoubleTree Hotel) – Friday at 1 p.m. to Saturday at 3:30 p.m.
  • April 25, 2025 (virtual) – 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • May 16-17, 2025 (DoubleTree Hotel) – Friday at 1 p.m. to Saturday at 3:30 p.m.

The sessions are funded by the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning, with support from the Temple Institute on Disabilities.