
February 22, 2023

ELPA Poll Shows Strong Support for Investments into Early Childhood

A new poll, commissioned by the Early Learning PA Coalition and conducted by Susquehanna Polling and Research from February 1 – 7, 2023, found that 98% of PA voters believe that early childhood education is important. The poll also showed strong voter support for increased investment for early care and education programs like pre-k, high-quality child care and home visiting services.

There has been significant growth in voter’s overall support from a June 2022 poll, where 90% of voters said they found early childhood education to be important.

Poll Details

Partners of the Early Learning PA Coalition released the new polling data on voter support for early childhood care and education programs during a press conference held on Tuesday, February, 21, 2023 at the Capitol Rotunda in Harrisburg, PA.

According to the poll:

  • 78% of PA voters support increasing state funding to serve more eligible children in pre-k programs, which is an increase from 65% in 2022;
  • 78% of PA voters also support increasing state funding to help more low-income working families afford high-quality child care, up from 67% in 2022;
  • 68% of PA voters support increasing state funding to provide voluntary home visiting services to eligible families , up from 60% in 2022; and
  • 81% of PA voters favor allocating state funding to increase wages of child care workers.

“As we start budget season here in Harrisburg, the partners of the Early Learning PA Coalition urge Governor Shapiro and all members of the General Assembly to respond to this level of voter support for growing the Commonwealth’s investments in early care and education,” said Kristen Rotz, President of the United Way of Pennsylvania and principal partner in the Early Learning PA Coalition. “Pennsylvania must make these programs more accessible to children and families that qualify and further stabilize and strengthen the system by addressing historic teacher shortages caused by low wages.” said Rotz.

Visit the Pre-K for PA Facebook page to watch the February 21, 2023 press conference in full.


March 27, 2020

Pennsylvania Adjusts Mail-In Ballot Deadlines for COVID-19

Pennsylvania is now offering two options that community members can choose from to submit their vote if they are unable to get to the polls on election day, including mail-in and absentee ballots. Registered voters can submit either ballot via mail or in person at their County Election Office. Election and deadline dates for ballots have now changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Thanks to sweeping reforms included in Act 77 of 2019, which take effect for the first time in the upcoming 2020 primary election, mail-in ballots will be available as an effort to increase voter access and security. Mail-in ballots not only offer an additional option for voters who are unable to make it to the polls but also provide a new option for Pennsylvanians who do not qualify for absentee ballots. Both mail-in and absentee voters will receive a ballot in the mail to complete and return to their county election office by 8 p.m. on election day (June 2, 2020).

In order to request either ballot type, you must be registered to vote. Visit Check Your Registration Status to review your registration information. The deadline for voter registration is now May 18, 2020

Absentee Ballots

If you plan to be out of the municipality on election day or if you have a disability or illness, you can request an absentee ballot. Voters will be required to list the reason for submitting this ballot type. This ballot type is best suited for:

    • college students who are not registered to vote at their school address,
    • people whose work or vacation take them away from the municipality where they live,
    • those with a physical disability or illness that prevents them from going to the polling place,
    • members of the military,
    • people who may have a conflict due to the celebration of a religious holiday, and
    • inmates who haven’t be convicted of a felony.
Submit an Application

Applications to receive an absentee ballot for the 2020 primary election must be received by your County Election Office by 5 p.m. on May 26, 2020. Complete the online application by clicking here.

Special election voters can apply for an absentee ballot by completing the paper application form and submitting it to your County Election Office.

Mail-In Ballots

If you aren’t an absentee voter, you may apply for a mail-in ballot. Voters will not be required to list a reason for submitting this ballot type. This ballot type is suited for any person who wishes to submit their vote without visiting a polling place. Please note that mail-in ballots are not available for any election prior to the 2020 primary election.

As of April 17, 2020, all registered voters in Allegheny County will receive a mail-in ballot application in the mail for the June 2 primary election due to the impact of the COVID-19 health crisis. Applications will be mailed with postage-paid addressed envelopes for community members to return their completed applications. Registered voters can also apply online to receive a mail-in ballot.

Submit an Application

Applications to receive a mail-in ballot for the 2020 primary election must be received by your County Election Office by 5 p.m. on May 26, 2020. Complete the online application by clicking here. After receiving your ballot in the mail, your completed ballot must be received no later than 8 p.m. on June 2, 2020.

Registering to Vote

Community members must register to vote at least 15 days before the election. To participate in the 2020 Primary Election, voter registrations must be submitted by May 18, 2020. Individuals can register to vote online, by mail, in person at your county voter registration office, or at a number of government agencies, including PennDOT Photo License and Driver’s License Centers.

For more information on eligibility and registering to vote in Pennsylvania, visit the Votes PA website.

More Information

Visit the Votes PA website for more information on mail-in and absentee ballots, registering to vote in Pennsylvania, what to expect as a first-time voter, upcoming elections, and more.

Information provided by Votes PA and Keystone Votes 

For more information on COVID-19, please visit our COVID-19 Resources page here.