
July 7, 2023

2023 Lights On Afterschool Poster Contest Deadline Approaching

The 2023 Lights On Afterschool poster contest will close on Monday, July 10 and interested individuals must enter their submissions before the midnight deadline.

About the Lights On Afterschool Poster Contest

Sponsored by the Afterschool Alliance, the 2023 Lights On Afterschool poster contest is a great opportunity for an afterschool program to gain national recognition for the opportunities it offers.

With the winning submission printed on more than 50,000 posters, it will be seen at more than 8,000 Lights On Afterschool events around the world. Additionally, the winning artist will be featured on the Afterschool Alliance website and blog, as well as in a national press release, and their afterschool program receive a grand prize of $500.

Closing on July 10, voting will take place July 11-13 on the Afterschool Alliance Facebook and Instagram pages, where followers can vote on the top five submissions.

Rules and Guidelines

  • Submit any artwork that represents the spirit of afterschool programs.
  • Submit either new or existing artwork.
    • If your program has pre-made artwork celebrating afterschool, you can submit it.
    • The artwork does not have to be created specifically for the Lights On Afterschool Poster Contest, but it must represent afterschool.
  • Submit any of many kids of art (e.g. murals, paintings, graphics, etc.)
  • Be creative!
    • Think of the many ways your program has opened the doors to new opportunities for children.
    • Also, look for artwork that can represent how afterschool staff has been an inspiration to children.
  • Portray ideas in abstract or realistic renderings.
    • Additionally, encourage students to use bright, bold markers, or paint to bring life to their images.
  • Submit all physical artwork on 11 x 14 size paper.
  • For digital submissions, make sure the artwork is in PDF format and is no larger than a 2 MB file with a DPI of 350. For higher resolution photos, email and request a link to our file transfer account.


  • Use a specific program name within the submission.
  • If your artists do include the phrase Lights On Afterschool in their designs, make sure “afterschool” is written as one word, consistent with the national branding of the celebration.

Submit a Poster

To submit a poster, simply:

  1. Review the rules and guidelines to verify that you’re submission is eligible for contest entry.
  2. Complete the entry form.
  3. Either:

Mail your completed entry form and physical poster submission to:

Afterschool Alliance, Lights On Afterschool Poster Contest
1101 14th Street NW, Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20005


Email your completed entry form and digital poster submission to:

Please note: Mailed submissions must be postmarked no later than Monday, July 10. Additionally, artwork sent via email must be in PDF format and no larger than 2 MB with a DPI of 350. For higher resolution photos, email and request a link to our file transfer account. 

Learn More

To learn more, visit the Afterschool Alliance website.


Information for this post was taken directly from the Afterschool Alliance website. Some text may have been added, paraphrased, or adapted for readability and comprehension.

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