July 9, 2020 Virtual Service Delivery Webinar Series To support family-facing providers in their online work with children and families, Brazelton Touchpoints Center is offering a series of free one-hour webinars and an online learning community that will explore how to manage the challenges posed by virtual service delivery and share strategies providers have found for building and sustaining strong relationships with families virtually. About In partnership with Parents as Teachers and the Rapid Response Virtual Home Visiting (RR-VHV) Collaborative, Brazelton Touchpoints Center will build on lessons learned from virtual home visiting, adapted for all family-facing providers. All professionals who work with families of young children—including those who work in health care, early care and education, early intervention, child welfare, and family support—are encouraged to attend these webinars. Brazelton Touchpoints Center is pairing the webinars with an online learning community where webinar participants can engage with one another and BTC facilitators on topics and strategies discussed in the webinars. Featured Webinars Engaging Families Using a Strengths-Based Approach in the Virtual World Wednesday, July 22 | 2 – 3 p.m. | Register Partnering with Families Virtually Wednesday, August 5 | 2 – 3 p.m. | Register Providing Staff Support and Supervision Virtually Wednesday, August 19 | 2 – 3 p.m. | Register Developmental Screenings on Your Screen Wednesday, September 2 | 2 – 3 p.m. | Register Challenging Conversations with Families Virtually Wednesday, September 16 | 2 – 3 p.m. | Register Taking Care of Yourself as a Virtual Service Provider Wednesday, September 30 | 2 – 3 p.m. | Register Registration To register and learn more, visit the Brazelton Touchpoints Center website. Participants can register for the entire series or for individual webinars. More Information For questions, email touchpoints@childrens.harvard.edu.
April 20, 2020 The Importance of Supervision: Indoors & Out The Importance of Supervision: Indoors & Out is a live, interactive webinar that explores the important role that supervision plays in early childhood and discusses the consequences of inadequate supervision. This course will also explore legal responsibilities, strategies, and the role of a supervision policy. About Two PQAS hours will be offered. Participants are expected to fully participate with their digital device microphones and cameras on. This is not a log-in and leave event. Arriving 15 minutes late may result in no credit for the session. Please note, no refunds will be provided for cancellation or no show. Learning Objectives Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to: explain expectations by DPW, STARS, and the community, identify the consequences of inadequate supervision, and implement improved strategies to account for each child and ensure their safety. Available Date To access this course, use the link below or enter the event ID on the Pennsylvania PD Registry website. May 5, 2020 | 12 – 2 p.m. | Event ID: 312716 More Information For questions, please contact Karen Rucker at 717.314.8368 or krucker@respectingchildren.com. For more events and courses like this, please click here. *Information provided by the Pennsylvania Key
June 3, 2019 The 10th Annual PA Infant Mental Health Conference Join the Pennsylvania Association for Infant Mental Health (PA-AIMH) on August 1 and 2 for the 10th Annual PA Infant Mental Health Conference. Keynote Topics PA-AIMH strives to provide a meaningful professional learning environment for all cross-sector professionals working with very young children and their families. Keynote topics will include: Infant and early childhood mental health-focused policy and messaging; Clinical interventions; Disaster and critical incident response; and Reflective supervision and practice. PQAS and Act 48 credits available for professionals in the Early Childhood Education system. Keynote Speakers Jordana Ash, LCSW, IMH-E Director of Early Childhood Mental Health Director, State of Colorado Sherryl Scott Heller, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Tulane University Joy Osofsky, Ph.D. Professor of Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Public Health Head, Division of Pediatric Mental Health, Louisiana State University Christopher Watson, Ph.D., IMH-E Director of the Center for Reflective Practice at the Center for Early Education and Development, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Registration To register, visit the event website. Registration cost: Member: $315 General: $350 More Information For more information, visit the event website. For questions, contact PA-AIMH via email at pa-aimh@pa.-aimh.org.
November 19, 2018 OCDEL Releases Four New Vodcasts The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) Bureau of Certification released four new vodcasts containing important information about operating a child care facility. These 10-15 minute videos can easily be shared with early learning staff, linked within an email or on a website, or shared via social media. Vodcast Topics Child Protective Services Law Vodcast This video details the requirements for child care providers in meeting the Child Protective Service Law (CPSL) and the importance of these requirements. Child care providers and other employees who have contact with children are responsible for obtaining the proper clearances and ensuring that clearances are obtained within the proper time frame. Requirements for an Effective Director of Child Care Center Vodcast Child care directors are responsible for the overall management of a successful child care center. This video explains the commitments directors must make to ensure proper communication with staff and parents, maintain up-to-date child and staff files, have knowledge of the Pennsylvania child care regulations, and provide oversight for the overall health and safety of children in care. Supervision Vodcast Supervision is the most critical requirement in keeping children healthy and safe while they are in care. Staff must always be able to see, hear, direct and assess children at all times in order to provide proper supervision. This video is helpful in providing a more in-depth look at supervision, as well as guidance to help staff meet this requirement. Writing a Plan of Correction Vodcast All certified child care facilities are required to undergo an annual inspection. Many times, a facility is in full compliance with all the regulations. However, there are occasions when the Legal Entity has to be cited for non-compliance with one or more of the child care regulations. This video explains the process for writing and submitting a plan of correction for regulatory violations that your certification representative may cite during a licensing inspection. Visit the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services website for the complete listing. *Information provided by NAEYC*