June 29, 2023 Resources for July Observances Various organizations, states, and nations recognize a number of observances each month. Resources help parents, caregivers, and child care professionals acknowledge and navigate them. Here is a list of resources for July observances: Month-Long Observances National Parks and Recreation Month City of Pittsburgh Department of Parks & Recreation, CitiParks Summer Program Guide, Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy Top Green Spaces and Public Parks in Pittsburgh, Visit Pittsburgh Growing Equity in City Green Space, Eos Rocking and Rolling. Fresh Air, Fun, and Exploration: Why Outdoor Play Is Essential for Healthy Development, National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Why Kids Need to Spend Time in Nature, Child Mind Institute Free Worksheet: Thank a Park Ranger Card, Education.com Become a Junior Ranger, National Park Service Five Fun Activities for Teaching Kids About Conservation, National Recreation and Park Association Allegheny County Shares Summer Safety Guidance, Trying Together National Make a Difference to Children Month 5 Pittsburgh Organizations supporting Our Most Vulnerable Children–and Inspiring Us to Help, Kidsburgh Most Popular Pittsburgh Children & Youth Nonprofits and Charities, Great Nonprofits Positive Parenting, National Institute of Health The Power of Positive Parenting, UC Davis Health 8 Ways to Strengthen a Parent-Child Relationship, Family Services of Northeast Wisconsin Bonding with Stepchildren: 7 Tips for Building a Strong Relationship, Care.com Three Principles to Improve Outcomes for Children and Families, Harvard University Center on the Developing Child Strategies to Support Black Students, Teachers, and Communities in Schools, Education Northwest 12 Powerful Statistics That Prove Why Teachers Matter, We Are Teachers Family Engagement, Office of Head Start and Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center Raise Child Care, Start Strong PA National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month Prioritizing Minority Mental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) BIPOC Mental Health, Mental Health America Mental Health Disparities: Diverse Populations, American Psychiatric Association Contextualizing BIPOC Youth Mental Health, National Black Women’s Justice Institute Mental Illness Doesn’t Discriminate, so Why Do BIPOC Communities Have Difficulty Accessing Care?, Jefferson Center for Mental Health Erasing Mental Health Stigma in the Black Community, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) BIPOC/AAPI Mental Health Resources, NAMI New Hampshire Where to Find Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents in Pittsburgh, The University of Pittsburgh: Youth and Family Research Program Anti-Racism Resources for Families, Trying Together Multilingual Trauma Resources, The Child Mind Institute Days of Recognition July 4 is Independence Day Ways to Celebrate Independence Day in Pittsburgh in 2023, VisitPittsburgh 23 Crafts and Activities for Independence Day, WeAreTeachers The History of Independence Day, History Channel A Nation’s Story: “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?”, National Museum of African American History & Culture (NMAAHC) The Fourth of July is a Black American Holiday, The Washington Post 19 Children’s Books to Inspire Courage and Activism, HarperCollins Publishers July 14 is International Non-Binary People’s Day Gender Identity Development in Early Childhood, Trying Together Resource List: LGBTQ+ Organizations, Trying Together A Guide to Gender Identity Terms, NPR & WESA Understanding Nonbinary People: How to Be Respectful and Supportive, National Center for Transgender Equality 10 Ways to Step Up as an Ally to Non-Binary People, Stonewall 20 Picture Books to Help You Raise Kind, Tolerant Kids, Today Early Childhood Book List: Learning About Gender Diversity, Social Justice Books July 24 is National Parents’ Day 7 Fun Ways to Celebrate Parents’ Day This Year, Parents Caring for the Caregiver, Trying Together Positive Parenting Tips, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series, Trying Together Outside Gender Norms: Father’s Day and Mother’s Day Aren’t Easy First for LGBTQ Families, The Standard-Times Parenting Resources for Foster Parents, Child Welfare Information Gateway Being a Step-Parent and Raising Your Partner’s Child, Raising Children Resources to Share with Expectant Families, Office of Head Start Find Child Care, ELRC Region 5 July 25 is World Drowning Prevention Day Drowning Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Drowning Prevention & Facts, American Red Cross Water Safety at Home, Safe Kids Worldwide Water Safety Tips for Families, Seattle Children’s Hospital Toddler Water Safety: 14 Ways to Keep Safer, Stop Drowning Now Water Safety for Your Special Needs Child, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Resources: Learn to Swim, Allegheny County 4 Places To Get FREE Summer Swim Lessons For Kids In The ‘Burgh, Macaroni Kid How to Perform Child and Baby CPR, American Red Cross Trying Together and ELRC Region 5 Partnering to Offer First Aid & CPR Training, ELRC Region 5 July 26 is National Disability Independence Day Guide to Disability Rights Laws, U.S. Department of Justice: Civil Rights Division Ideas for Celebrating the ADA, ADAAnniversary.org Disability and Autism Supports, Allegheny County Department of Human Services Disability Resources in the Community, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) 16 Shelf-Worthy Children’s Books About Disabilities for All Students, WeAreTeachers Representation Matters: Kids Books That Embrace Disability and Difference, New York Public Library Service Dogs 101—Everything You Need to Know, American Kennel Club Assistive Devices for Children: Walking and Mobility, KidsHealth
April 27, 2020 From the Inside Out: The Power of Reflection and Self-Awareness From the Inside Out: The Power of Reflection and Self-Awareness brings to participants the quest for professional contentment and success. Beginning with an inner quest to discover who we are–our passions, values, talents, personal resources, and even those foibles and annoying habits we might prefer not to acknowledge. Having a better understanding and reflection of our self-awareness is the first step toward achieving a better relationship with others. This free online course is an invitation to self-discovery. The Power of Reflection and Self-Awareness will provide thought-provoking discussion forums and engaging activities, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their personal and professional journeys as well as envision new possibilities for decades ahead. Course Information Timeline: May 18 – June 8, 2020 Trainer: Mimi Loughead CKC: K6.9.C2 Keystone STARS Alignment: LM.3.4.3 CDA Subject Area: Maintaining a commitment to professionalism. Three PQAS and Act 48 hours available. Register for From the Inside Out: The Power of Reflection and Self-Awareness To register for this course, please visit the event registration page. All registrations must be submitted by May 14, 2020 at 5 p.m. Limited spaces are available. More Information For more information, contact Jasmine Davis at 412.567.3933 or jasmine@tryingtogether.org. Share this flyer with your network.
October 16, 2019 Promoting Self-Awareness through Dance Early childhood educators are invited to join the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust on December 14 for their workshop, “Promoting Self-Awareness through Dance.” About Dance offers children a way to explore their environment, engage with peers, and express their unique selves. During this workshop, participants will learn dance strategies that will foster all of these experiences by promoting children’s self-awareness. Participants will learn ways to bring these ideas into your center to create a classroom of students with strong self-control and body awareness! Act 48 and PQAS hours available. Registration To register and learn more, visit the event page.
July 15, 2019 Cliff Effect Public Service Announcement Seeks Focus Group Circles Greater Pittsburgh and the University of Pittsburgh’s Office of Child Development are seeking individuals who are willing to be interviewed and recorded for a Public Service Announcement that will raise awareness on the Cliff Effect. Participants selected will be compensated. About The Cliff Effect impacts individuals who are: working, but still eligible for certain subsidies such as Section 8 or public housing, Child Care Assistance, Medicaid, Food Stamps, and more at risk of losing benefits because of an increase in income faced with choosing between a raise/increased income or receiving benefits Available Sessions There are two available session dates: Thursday, July 18, 6 – 8 p.m. Carnegie Library East Liberty | 130 S. Whitfield Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Saturday, July 20, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Gallery on Penn | 5937 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Registration To register for the Cliff Effect groups, complete this form. Share this flyer with your network.
July 3, 2019 4th Annual Autism Awareness Fun Day Families are invited to join together on August 11 for the 4th Annual Autism Awareness Fun Day. About This event will feature free fun activities, resources for the whole family, and a variety of vendors to explore and shop at. Participating kids eat free and will receive backpacks filled with school supplies while supplies last! Register To register and learn more, visit the event page.
May 16, 2019 Foster Care Awareness and National Mental Health Month Did you know that May is Foster Care Awareness Month and National Mental Health Month? In recognition of these important subjects, Every Child Inc. has highlighted information and statistics for individuals to consider as we work to better support Pennsylvania’s children, families, caregivers, and community members. Foster Care Facts Approximately 13,000 – 15,000 PA children are currently in foster care and part of the child welfare system. Between 400,000 – 500,000 children in the U.S. are in foster care each year. In 2013, more than 8,000 youth 13 and older lived in the foster care system in PA. One in four PA youth who “age out” of the system experience homelessness and/or struggle with mental health challenges such as depression, substance abuse, and anxiety disorders, with nearly 1 in 4 youth having been arrested since leaving care. Young PA women in foster care are two and a half times more likely to become pregnant by 19 than young women were not in foster care. Mental Health Facts ADHD, behavior problems, anxiety, and depression are the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders in children. Treatment rates vary among different mental disorders: Nearly 8 in 10 children (78.1%) aged 3-17 years with depression received treatment. 6 in 10 children (59.3%) aged 3-17 years with anxiety received treatment. More than 5 in 10 children (53.5%) aged 3-17 years with behavior disorders received treatment. Mental, behavioral, and developmental disorders begin in early childhood: 1 in 6 U.S. children aged 2–8 years (17.4%) had a diagnosed mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder.
May 6, 2019 Positive Racial Identity Development in Early Education Join the Positive Racial Identity Development in Early Education (P.R.I.D.E.) program for a professional development training centered on exposing directors to strategies that promote positive racial identity in African American children. This session will offer 6 credit hours; PQAS approved. Training Objectives Upon completion, the learner will be able to: Describe racial awareness (i.e., the ages and stages at which children develop an awareness of physical characteristics related to existing social categories of race in America), Display awareness of the role of early educators in supporting children’s healthy understanding of race, and Illustrate techniques for working with staff and families to integrate conversations and activities that support children’s racial awareness and positive racial identity. Registration To register for this training, visit the Pennsylvania PD Registry website. Questions For registration questions, contact Emily Bengel at 412.255.1453 or ebengel@ywcapgh.org. For course questions, contact Aisha White at 412.383.7372 or aiw9@pitt.edu. Share this flyer with your network.