June 18, 2018 Call Congress and #KeepFamiliesTogether What is going on at our border is shameful. Take action now and call Congress. Senator Pat Toomey: 412-803-3501 (Pittsburgh); 202-224-4254 (Washington D.C.) Senator Bob Casey: 412-803-7370 (Pittsburgh); 202-224-6324 (Washington D.C.) Congressman Keith Rothfus: 412-837-1361 (Pittsburgh); 724-359-1626 (Beaver) Congressman Connor Lamb: (412) 344-5583 (Pittsburgh) (202) 225-2301 (Washington D.C.) Congressman Mike Doyle: 412-390-1499 (Pittsburgh) 202-225-2135 (Washington D.C.) Your two Senators and one Representative are in the best position to force the administration to abandon this new policy of separating kids from their families at the border. If you don’t call them, they don’t know that people are paying attention to this issue. Tell them that you will call back regularly for updates on this issue (and then call back!). Also, tell them that this issue is so important to you, that if they do not act, you will actively work to get someone else elected instead of them. #KeepFamiliesTogether Photo Credit: AP