
August 2, 2022

COVID-19 Best Practices for Child Care: Vaccinations

The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) has developed best practices for early learning professionals navigating COVID-19 protocols in their child care programs. On July 25, OCDEL updated its best practices around vaccinations in child care settings due to the authorization of the vaccine in children ages six months and older.


To keep child care providers informed on the latest best practices for keeping children, staff, and families safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Pennsylvania Key created a webpage that highlights recommended best practices.

The latest information is about COVID-19 vaccinations in child care settings. Since many child care programs serve children ages six months and older who are now eligible for COVID-19 vaccination, it is important to inform parents and caregivers that COVID-19 vaccination for children is highly recommended.

The rollout of the COVID-19 vaccinations for children ages six months and older will take time, so there will continue to be a mix of vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in child care programs. Therefore, it’s very important to use multiple prevention strategies to protect people, including vaccination of staff, families, and eligible children.

The PA Key offers information about:

  • how programs can use supportive policies and practices for people to get vaccinated as easily and conveniently as possible;

  • how families can learn about how child care programs are using CDC guidance and procedures;

  • and vaccine resources.

For more information, visit the PA Key website.