December 24, 2021 COVID-19 Added to List of Reportable Communicable Diseases The Pennsylvania (PA) Department of Health (DOH) has added COVID-19 to the list of reportable communicable diseases for child care programs. About PA DOH requires that COVID-19 be reported within 24 hours. A link to the updated list of reportable diseases is provided at: PA Dept of Health reportable diseases. After a child or facility person contracts or is showing symptoms of a communicable disease or infection, the child care provider must exclude that person from the facility and must receive notification from a physician or a nurse practitioner (CRNP) that the person is no longer considered a threat to the health of others before the child or facility person may return to the facility. Any child or facility person reporting positive test results or showing symptoms of COVID-19 can’t be in attendance at the child care facility. Upon return, the individual must provide a written note or a negative test result signed and verified by a physician or nurse practitioner (CRNP) clearing them to return to the child care facility. A home test or any other negative test results that have not been reviewed, signed and verified by a physician or CRNP will not be acceptable for a child or a facility person to return to the child care facility. More Information For details, read the Office of Child Development and Early Learning’s (OCDEL) announcement.