December 4, 2024 Trying Together Releases 2022-24 Donor Impact Report Trying Together released a donor impact report for 2022-24 that discusses various initiatives donors have helped support over the past two years. The report also highlights stories of impact and information on giving opportunities. Strategic Goals Trying Together’s mission is to support high-quality care and education for young children by providing advocacy, community resources, and professional growth opportunities for the needs and rights of children, their families, and the individuals interacting. It works in Southwestern Pennsylvania and takes its expertise and models to statewide and national models. The donor impact report outlines numerous strategic goals that Trying Together has met over the past few years, including: Expanding the Buzzword early literacy initiative in Allegheny County Providing developmentally appropriate resources to caregivers of young children on various topics Providing free diapers and infant formula to families in need Launching The Institute for Early Childhood Career Pathways to support new and current early care and education professionals in achieving goals Providing 9,670 hours of professional development to nearly 3,500 educators Supporting 44 teachers to achieve their Level II Teacher Certification Providing immediate support to families and early educators through the Rapid Response Team if a child is in danger of suspension or expulsion Consulting with private industries to remove barriers such as child care access Collaborating to increase investment in local child care programs Starting the state’s first Provider Advisory Board with 40 early care and education professionals Facilitating a fellowship for 22 early educators to train them in advocacy for the early childhood field and profession Advising on legislation updates, resulting in fewer operational barriers for home-based child care providers in Pittsburgh Implementing a multi-year development and fundraising plan increasing individual giving by 540% Meeting and exceeding its Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community fundraising goal for the first time Having 100% Board of Directors participation in giving to Trying Together Individual Giving The report also provides information on how to donate to Trying Together. It lists the three donation levels: Early Childhood Supporter: $5 per month or $60 annually Early Childhood Sustainer: $10 per month or $120 annually Trying Together Champion: $83.33 per month or $1,000 annually Download the Donor Impact Report to see how Trying Together’s initiatives have impacted the community.