March 29, 2019 Trauma-Informed Care: Training Session Our past experiences – personal, familial, societal – influence our brain development and shape how we interpret and respond to the world. Sometimes adults do not recognize how these experiences manifest as behaviors and they unintentionally harm children. This introductory session is designed to change participants’ approach to the behaviors children exhibit to decrease the likelihood of triggering them. Session Objectives Participants will be introduced to the Trauma-Informed Care framework. Participants will become familiar with the foundations of Trauma-Informed Care. Participants will understand complex trauma and the parts of the brain related to trauma. Participants will learn to recognize the impacts of trauma. To pre-register for this session, visit their Eventbrite page. *A certificate of participation will be given upon request. Session Focus Areas General Overview Trauma-Informed Care Framework Complex Trauma including Brain Development Impacts of Trauma What ELIE Circle Is Bringing Self-Reflection Self-Care Growth Mindset Intentionally Building Relationships Importance Barriers including Race and Gender Techniques Communication Importance Barriers Techniques including Motivational Interviewing, Empathic Communication, Restorative Practices About ELIE Circle ELIE Circle works to eliminate that through professional development training sessions that create trauma-informed communities – environments that focus on not re-traumatizing individuals and assist with development that may have been lost or delayed due to trauma – emotion regulation and empathy for example. ELIE Circle provides the following professional development services: Collaboration to create training sessions for organizations Consultation on creating trauma-informed out-of-school programs Facilitation of discussions with Q&A *Each customer receives a free consultation meeting to discuss organizational needs. Questions & Concerns For any questions or concerns, contact Debralyn Woodberry-Shaw, MSW, LSW at