December 3, 2024 Nominate an Organization for the Engage Every Student Recognition Program Those who benefit from out-of-school time programs can nominate an organization for the 2024-25 Engage Every Student Recognition Program. Learn More In 2023, the U.S. Department of Education and partnering organizations designed the Engage Every Student Recognition Program in regard to the Engage Every Student initiative. The initiative’s aim is to ensure that every student who wants a spot in a high-quality out-of-school time program gets one. High-quality is defined as meeting students’ social, emotional, mental, and physical health as well as their academic needs. Out-of-school programs – which take place after the school day or outside of the regular school year – include everything from comprehensive afterschool or summer-learning and enrichment programs to vacation academies, work-based learning programs, youth development programs, and experiential or service-learning programs. Criteria For an organization to be eligible for a nomination, it must be a: Nonprofit organization working in collaboration with local education agencies City municipality or local government entity working in collaboration with local education agencies Local education agency working with a nonprofit organization or city/municipality or local government entity Additional criteria can be found on the Engage Every Student Recognition Program page. Those interested in nominating an organization must do so by Jan. 31. Eligible entities can self-nominate or be nominated.