
August 20, 2024

Pennsylvania to Discontinue PA Position Statements for Environment Rating Scales

As of Aug. 1, the state has discontinued the use of PA Position Statements for the Environmental Rating Scale (ERS) and School-Age Environment Rating Scale (SACERS).

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The sunsetting of the scales was part of an effort to simplify guidance and strengthen consistent use of program observation instruments for continuous quality improvement.

Programs may continue to use ERS, third editions, and SACERS-U as a quality assessment tool without the position statements.

State Department of Human Services regulations are the foundation of all quality work and compliance is required for all certified programs.

If variance occurs between ERS quality expectations and PA DHS Certification regulations, programs must ensure that regulations are met. Programs utilizing the most updated ERS or SACERS are encouraged to review PA DHS Certification regulations around the following to ensure compliance with regulations:

  • Use of hand sanitizer
  • Handling of soiled diapers
  • Placement of nap equipment
  • Mandated Reporter training and policies
  • First Aid training


ERS focuses on the typical daily experiences of children in early childhood and school-age settings. The assessment considers how teacher engagement, the spaces and equipment used by the children, accessible play materials, and children’s activities combine to enhance learning. It includes a variety of factors, including indoor and outdoor space and furnishings as well as supports for parents and staff, and personal care routines, including health and safety practices.

SACERS is a tool used to evaluate group-care programs for children, ages 5 to 12. It consists of 49 items that are organized into seven subscales. Items include everything from space and furnishings to health and safety.

More information on Program Quality Assessment can be found on The Pennsylvania Key website.


December 9, 2019

Environment Rating Scale (ERS) 101

This 2-hour seminar is part of the Keystone STARS Core training series an is a pre-requisite for the ITERS-R, ECERS-R, or SACERS seminars. Participants will learn how the Environment Rating Scale (ERS) measures quality; how the ERS scales are used in PA; and how to accurately score the ERS. Upon completion of this seminar, participants will be properly prepared for the specific scale PD seminars: 201 ITERS-R; 202 ECERS-R; 203 SACERS.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:

    • describe the purpose and intent of the ERS;
    • identify how the scales measure quality;
    • identify how to use the scales to conduct a self-assessment; and
    • prepare participants for specific ERS professional development.

This session was developed by the PA Key Program Quality Assessment team and includes content used with the permission of the ERS authors. The session is facilitated by a PA Key Program Quality Assessor reliable in the ERS instruments. If you have taken an ITERS-R, ECERS-R, and/or a SACERS prior to July 2007, this course is not required. PQAS hours provided.


To register and learn more, visit the Pennsylvania PD Registry website.

PD Registry Event ID: 309219

More Information

For questions, contact Michelle Long at

*Information provided by The Pennsylvania Key