October 1, 2019 Fred Rogers Center Teacher Technology Convening Join the Fred Rogers Center and fellow teachers on November 16 for a day of deep conversation about integrating technology into the classroom. About With the support of the Grable Foundation, the Fred Rogers Center is hosting a convening of elementary school teachers from Western Pennsylvania to dig into a conversation about integrating technology in the classroom. This is a follow up from a project aimed at understanding what technology looks like in everyday practice, how teachers are balancing new technologies with existing practice, and how to strive for equitable access to technology. Participants will receive a $75 stipend and Act 48 credit as well as breakfast and lunch. Registration To register and learn more, visit the Eventbrite page. Questions For questions, contact Annie White at annie.white@stvincent.edu. *Information provided by Remake Learning
July 1, 2019 Fred Rogers Educators’ Neighborhood to Launch Reflecting on a piece she wrote in December 2018, Melissa Butler identifies long-term benefits observed with the same group of children five months after the initial observation. Additionally, the Fred Rogers Center announced that they will be launching “Educators’ Neighborhood: Learning and Growing Together” in support of early childhood teachers. Overview In December 2018, Melissa Butler wrote a blog article named, “Beechwood Kindergarteners Learn with Mister Rogers,” observing LeeAnne Kreuger’s kindergarten classroom as they gathered every Friday morning to watch an episode of “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.” Labeled “Mister Rogers Friday,” teachers selected an episode each week for their students based on key themes, needs, or interests expressed in the classroom. What they observed from April through June 2018 was that by the end of the school year, the children were actively singing along, naming characters, and making fun connections throughout the school day. In addition to this, teachers noticed benefits as well, having significant learning opportunities to reflect on child development, cultural relevancy, and ways to weave Fred Rogers’ lessons into the school day. Five months after, this same group of children continues to watch a new episode of “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” every week. By doing so, they’re still observing significant impacts and benefits. Benefits for Children Butler highlights that this group of children: talk with each other during and after each Picture-Picture video because they have so many questions and connections; know the difference between real and make-believe; sing songs with confidence; answer Mister Rogers’ questions with eager attention; allow for the silence and slowness of episode moments; and have come to trust in the learning and joy each episode bring during and in the classroom. Benefits for Educators Teachers have also displayed key benefits, including: more trust in their instincts; more collaboration with each other; more sharing of personal stories with students; more confidence with developmentally appropriate practice; more improvisation with what they choose to do after each episode; and an overall approach that trusts in the larger picture of what they do as teachers. Conclusion Needless to say, the benefits of incorporating meaningful videos, especially those of “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood,” are substantial. When educators and students are allotted a period to slow down, reflect, and talk with one another about influential topics, all parties benefit in and out of the classroom. For more, read Butler’s full blog piece. About Educators’ Neighborhood Educators’ Neighborhood: Learning and Growing Together is a place for educators to learn more and with each other, inspired by the life and work of Fred Rogers. Fred Rogers Center will grow an expanded community of educators to study episodes of “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood,” read from the Fred Rogers Center Archive, and generate new ideas together connected with their daily practice with young children. If you’re interested in joining, sign up for news, register for Educators’ Neighborhood Online, or apply to be part of the local Educators’ Neighborhood Learning Community. More Information For more information, read Butler’s full blog piece. Share this flyer with your network.
June 4, 2019 Empowering and Strengthening Relationships Across Early Childhood Settings Join the Harvard Graduate School of Education on June 27 and 28 for “Empowering and Strengthening Relationships Across Early Childhood Settings,” a new program intended for early education leaders, principals, program directors, administrators, and teacher leaders. About “Empowering and Strengthening Relationships Across Early Childhood Settings” is offered as part of the Zaentz Professional Learning Academy, featuring the tools and resources of “Simple Interactions,” a collaboration between the Fred Rogers Center on Early Learning and Children’s Media and the Zaentz Initiative. Led by Faculty Co-Chairs Junlei Li, Nonie Lesaux, and Stephanie Jones, this two-day on-campus institute offers participants a combination of practice-based learning experiences, research and theoretical insights from both within and beyond the early childhood field, and community-supported problem-solving. Program Objectives Participants will: Define what is a developmental human interaction and how such interactions contribute to the full range of child development goals from language to social and emotional learning; Envision and plan how to support the development of young children’s helpers and empower adult-child human interactions; and Engage in practice-based conversations for professional learning settings and re-examine early childhood systems with a relationship-focused lens. Program Costs The program will be hosted on campus and will require a $199 tuition payment per person. Special rates are available for Program, Community, District, and Network Teams. Participants will receive a certificate of participation and a letter confirming clock hours of instruction. Tuition includes all instructional materials, however, participants will have to pay for associated travel expenses and hotel accommodations. For more information, visit their Payment page. Registration Registrations must be submitted by June 20, 2019, via the event website. More Information For more information, visit the event webpage or email ppe@gse.harvard.edu. Share this flyer with your network.
May 31, 2019 Mister Rogers Family Day 2019 On June 8, families and community members are invited to join Mister Rogers Family Day in downtown Labrobe–the “original” Neighborhood of television personality Mister Rogers–for a FREE day of activities to celebrate Fred Rogers’ life and legacy. About At the event, families and community members are invited to enjoy activities, live entertainment, food, a trivia stroll, and more, all centered around the center of downtown Latrobe, making for a fun-filled day for the entire family. Activities Examples of activities at the event include: Storytime, Puppets, Arts & Crafts, Silk Screen Painting, Live Performances, Fred Rogers Trivia Stroll, Bouncy House, Obstacle House, and more! Learn More This event is free and open to the public. Free Parking available. To learn more, visit the Facebook event page!
May 30, 2019 Senator John Heinz History Center: Kids Enter Free! During the month of June, kids enter for FREE each Sunday at the Senator John Heinz History Center! This opportunity is available thanks to UPMC. About On Sundays in June, all children ages 17 and under receive free admission to see the History Center’s six floors of award-winning exhibitions and interactive learning spaces. Families are invited to zoom down a 12-foot spiral “Liberty Tune” slide, throw an epic touchdown pass to legendary Steelers, explore the Neighborhood of Make-Believe featuring the original set and puppets from “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood,” and so much more! If you punch your stamp card on all six floors, you’ll even receive a free Heinz pickle pin! Regular admission fees apply to all adults. Learn More To learn more, visit the History Center’s event page! For questions, call 412.454.6000.
April 8, 2019 Fred Rogers: Be My Neighbor Day Are you interested in volunteering small acts of kindness towards your neighbors this April? Children and families are invited to join Fred Rogers Productions on Saturday, April 13th for a day filled with fun family volunteer activities that aid neighbors in need, including: Washing fire trucks, Cleaning a park or playground, Making greeting cards, Play games with seniors, and Helping out at a library! Volunteering stations range in location, time slot, and task, please visit their volunteer information page for more details and registration links. Learn More To learn more about this opportunity, visit the event website! For questions, contact event staff at education@wqed.org. Share this flyer with your network.