
October 2, 2024

Mandated Reporter Training Offered for Free Through iLookOut

Penn State College of Medicine is inviting teachers and other child care staff to complete their mandated reporter training for free through iLookOut.

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The mandated reporter training requirements can be completed at no cost through iLookOut’s online, interactive, and story-based training.

It can be completed over multiple sessions on a smartphone, tablet, or computer. The training includes two parts:

  • Mandated Reporter Training: a three-hour, interactive video-based storyline
  • Advanced Training: a three-hour series of five- to 12-minute animated micro-learning exercises

Training Benefits

Those complete the trainings will be able to:

  • Satisfy Act 31 mandated reporter training requirements and Act 126 requirements for Pennsylvania teachers
  • Receive six hours of early childhood professional development credit from the PA Key
  • Learn how to better support at-risk children and their families
  • Help to determine the most effective way to prepare mandated reporters
  • Receive a $15 gift card for completing both trainings and a follow-up quiz

The training sessions can be completed on iLookOut’s website.


September 10, 2024

Early Childhood Educators Should Update Mandated Reporter Training for New School Year

Early childhood educators looking to update mandated reporter training for the school year should visit iLookOut for new online courses.

Update Mandated Reporter Training

Educators are required to keep up to date with their required three hours of Act 31-mandated reporter training

The iLookOut for Child Abuse Project offers online courses about protecting and supporting children and their families free of charge. Visitors to the site will learn how to support at-risk children and their families and meet required training with interactive, video-based storyline training.

The site includes eight- to 12-minute micro-learning exercises and is available to all Pennsylvania-mandated reporters. Participants can receive a $15 gift card for completing iLookOut’s mandated reporter training.

About iLookOut

iLookOut is a multimedia, online learning program that prepares mandated reporters to meet their professional, ethical, and legal responsibilities for identifying and reporting suspected child abuse. 

Part of Penn State College of Medicine’s Department of Humanities and Center for the Protection of Children, iLookOut engages learners through real-life scenarios that raise concerns about possible child abuse. Through video and narrative, interactive learning activities help participants acquire and operationalize knowledge to protect children from harm.

For more information and to update mandate reporter training,  visit iLookOut’s website.


May 6, 2024

iLookOut Enrolling for Free Mandated Reporter Training

iLookOut’s enrollment is currently open for mandated reporter training. The iLookOut Core Training was designed to ensure that professionals can master basic information about how to identify signs of child abuse.

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iLookOut’s Core Training provides instructional activities along with various didactic exercises and resource handouts, requiring participants to master the learning objectives.

iLookOut is a multimedia, online-learning program that prepares mandated reporters through evidence-based training to meet their professional, ethical, and legal responsibilities for identifying and reporting suspected child abuse. 

The iLookOut Training can be completed over multiple sessions on your smartphone, tablet, or computer, and has two parts:  

  1. Mandated Reporter Training:  interactive video-based storyline (three hours total) 
  2. Advanced Training:  5-12-minute animated micro-learning exercises (three hours total)

Those who participate in both trainings can:

  • meet their required three hours of Act 31 mandated reporter training
  • meet Act 126 requirements for PA teachers
  • receive six hours of early childhood Professional Development credit from the PA Key 
  • receive a $15 gift card for completing the training sessions. 

During the course, they will learn about supporting at-risk children and their families. For more information, visit the iLookOut website.