
January 9, 2025

Introduction to ASQ: SE-2

Trying Together and ELRC Region 5 are offering the following professional development opportunity for your team of early learning educators.

Introduction to ASQ: SE-2

Participants will learn how to use the ASQ-SE-2® as a social-emotional developmental screening tool for children ages three months to 5 years. The session provides information on why a developmental screening tool is administered in early childhood programs, how to administer and score the screener, strategies for sharing results with families of diverse backgrounds, and resources to support making referrals to additional services as needed.

Participants must have taken “Introduction to ASQ-3” prior to this professional development course.

The cost is $15 for the session.

Session Details

  • Saturday, January 11 | 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.

  • Location: Trying Together, 5604 Solway Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

  • Register


For questions about the course or credit, contact Amanda Murphy at