May 22, 2024 Toolkit Aims to Educate Early Care Education Providers on Vaccinations The Public Health Foundation (PHF) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have developed a toolkit for early care and education providers to help families keep their children up-to-date on routine vaccinations. Learn More In many early care and education settings, up-to-date immunization is a prerequisite for enrollment. Therefore, early care and education providers and other childcare professionals play important roles in supporting routine vaccinations. This helps to prevent the spread of diseases among children, families, and communities. Early child care programs are instrumental in helping families stay up-to-date on their children’s vaccinations before school starts. Providers engage and assist families in ensuring that their children are fully immunized with all vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) – including the flu, COVID-19, and measles. More Details The PHF and CDC’s toolkit is part of a series being developed for the CDC’s broader Let’s RISE (Routine Immunizations on Schedule for Everyone) playbook. It has been curated to support early care and education providers across a number of settings. These include center-based child care and family child care as well as Head Start, or other early learning, early intervention, and preschool/pre-kindergarten programs offered in schools, homes, or other settings. The toolkit contains evidence-based strategies, tools, and resources that can be used to help families protect their children against diseases by getting them vaccinated. The toolkit incorporates input from the Administration for Children and Families; National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety; National Association of County and City Health Officials; Pennsylvania State University Extension – Better Kid Care; and Child Care Aware of America. For more information, view the Public Health Foundation’s toolkit or email
August 2, 2019 National Immunization Awareness Month Immunizations (also called shots or vaccinations) help keep us healthy and safe from serious diseases. As August is National Immunization Awareness Month, take this time to check in on which shots you or your child needs and when to get them. About Vaccinations can prevent serious diseases like the flu, measles, and pneumonia. As an example, at age 6 months and older, everyone is highly encouraged to get a flu shot every year. However, many other shots work best when they are administered at certain ages. Talk to your doctor or nurse to make sure that everyone in your family gets the shots they need and use the resources below for access to more information: Do you have a child age six or younger? Find out what shots your child needs. Checking in for yourself as an adult? Use this chart to see if you’re up-to-date on your shots. Are you pregnant? Check out this recommended immunization schedule. Assistance If you can’t afford vaccinations for your child, the PA Vaccines for Children Program (VFC) provides vaccinations at no cost to children who might not otherwise receive them. You can also apply for the PA Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) which includes coverage of vaccinations. For information on the VFC program, call 1.888.646.6864. For information on CHIP, call 1.800.986.5437. Information provided by The Pennsylvania Key