January 29, 2020 Census Mini-Grants Now Available The Pittsburgh Foundation, Allegheny County-City of Pittsburgh Complete Count Committee, and Census 2020 Philanthropic Fund recently partnered together to create a mini-grants program to support census-related activities. Community-based organizations in Allegheny County are eligible to apply for a grant of up to $2,500 to advance the work of the 2020 Census with populations identified to be at risk of an undercount. Eligibility Eligible applicants must be either: an incorporated 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization operating in the City of Pittsburgh and/or Allegheny County; a school or educational institution operating in the City of Pittsburgh and/or Allegheny County; or a municipality in Allegheny County. Community-based organizations that are not schools, municipalities, or incorporated 501(c)(3)s must obtain a fiscal sponsor that is an eligible 501(c)(3) in Allegheny County to apply. For questions on how to obtain a fiscal sponsor, contact Emmie Calland at callande@pghfdn.org. Priorities Proposal submissions should focus on outreach activities to increase participation in the 2020 census and must benefit historically undercounted and hard-to-reach communities in Allegheny County. These populations include: seniors, people of color, foreign-born residents, children ages birth to five, low-income residents, persons experiencing homelessness, persons with disabilities, and persons who do not live in traditional housing. Use of Grant Funds Proposed activities should take place between now and July 31, 2020. Grant activities should focus on increasing census participation among the hard-to-count groups above. Activities could include: alleviating language barriers in promoting census awareness and completion, hosting events that encourage people to answer the census, creating unique materials to encourage census participation for the populations you serve, and purchasing technology to allow people to fill out the census on the spot. How to Apply To apply for a mini-grant, complete the online application. All applications must be submitted no later than February 1, 2020. For technical questions related to the application, contact Jennifer Steinmetz at steinmetzj@pghfdn.org. More Information To learn more about the 2020 Census, visit the Allegheny County-City of Pittsburgh Complete Count Committee website. For questions about the program or content of the grant application, contact Emmie Calland at callande@pghfdn.org. *Information provided by The Pittsburgh Foundation
August 2, 2019 2019-20 PA NAP SACC Mini-Grant The Pennsylvania Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care (PA NAP SACC) program is seeking licensed child care providers for their 2019-20 Mini-Grant Project! About the Program PA NAP SACC is a continuous quality improvement process focused on nutrition and physical activity practices and policies within early care and education settings. The program utilizes Go NAP SACC, an online, evidence-based tool to guide providers through self-assessment action planning, implementation, policy development, re-self-assessment, and reflection. The process empowers program leadership and includes individualized technical assistance to increase knowledge and improve the quality of practice and policy. With this, a limited number of programs will receive onsite, targeted technical assistance from a Child Care Health Consultant (CCHS) at no cost to the site. The CCHC reviews current practices and policies, assisting with developing sustainable policies and offering guidance for continuous quality improvement. Program Participation Beyond the reward of making a difference in the health of children in your care, those who participate and complete project requirements will receive a $500 mini-grant to support their action steps and enhance their nutrition and physical activity practices and policies. For STAR 3 and 4 programs, and STAR 2 programs moving to STAR 3, participation in all components of the program satisfies the performance standards and/or bonus point requirements related to utilizing a health care consultant to establish and maintain health policies above those required by certification. In addition to this, the program ensures participation in an organized effort to promote nutritional health for children. Technical support and policy consultation will be available to all participating programs. Timeline The PA NAP SACC Mini-Grant Project will follow the following timeline: Applications Due: August 27, 2019 Notification of Acceptance: September 12, 2019 Orientation & Kick-Off: October 2019 Implementation: Period of 8 to 9 months Reflection & Wrap Up: June 2020 How to Apply If you’re interested in participating, complete and submit the electronic application. All applications must be submitted by August 27, 2019. More Information For questions or more information, contact Lori McMonigal at 717.248.4942, x 112 or lmcmonigal@tiu11.org. *Information provided by PA NAP SACC