July 22, 2024 Nomination Process Open for Award Recognizing Non-Teaching School Employees The nomination process is open for the Recognizing Inspiring School Employees (RISE) Award, which honors full- or part-time non-teaching school employees. Learn More The award was created in 2019 to recognize and promote the commitment and excellence exhibited for full- or part-time school employees who provide exemplary service to students in prekindergarten through high school. Among those who can be nominated for the award include full- or part-time non-teaching school employees or public pre-k or nonprofit private or non-public nursery-12th grade institution employees in the following positions: Paraprofessionals Clerical and administrative services Transportation services Food and nutrition services Custodial/maintenance services Security services Health and student services Technical services and skilled trade Those who can nominate include educational agencies, school administrators, professional associations, labor organizations, educational service agencies, nonprofits, parents, and students. Information that is necessary to include in a nomination includes: Nominator’s name, connection to nominee, phone number, and email address Nominee’s name, position, phone number, and email address Reasons for nomination Nominee’s employer information: local education agency’s name, school’s name, school’s address, chief school administrator’s and principal’s names, phone numbers, and email addresses For more information on how to nominate someone for the RISE Award, visit the Department of Education’s website.
July 7, 2023 PA DHS Accepting Applications for Children’s Trust Fund Grants The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) is accepting applications for the Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) grants to promote primary and secondary child abuse and neglect prevention programs in community-based settings in order to address child and family well-being and prevent abuse and neglect of children in the Commonwealth. The maximum CTF grant award is $50,000 per year. About the Children’s Trust Fund Grants The mission of the Pennsylvania Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) is to prevent child abuse and neglect in Pennsylvania. To do this, the CTF Board of Directors funds community-based primary and secondary prevention programs that support families. The CTF was established in December 1988 by Act 1988-151. It operates under the administration of the CTF Board and is supported by the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL), a dual deputate of the Department of Human Services (DHS) the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE). Funds for the CTF are generated from a $10 surcharge on all applications for marriage licenses and divorce complaints. These surcharges are paid into a special non-lapsing fund. Interest, donations and federal funds also contribute to the CTF. The CTF is dedicated to funding community-based programs to prevent child abuse and neglect. Since its inception, the CTF has invested more than $37 million through 295 grants. See the list of current grantees. The CTF also supports the work of the Pennsylvania Strengthening Families Leadership Team. How to Apply Application details and forms are available at the eMarketPlace website. Each Applicant must submit one complete copy of the Submittal via email to ra-pwrfaquestions@pa.gov. The subject line of the email must indicate “RFA 13-23 Application”. Applications are due by 10 a.m. on July 31, 2023. Please refer to the eMarketplace listing for any changes regarding the deadline. Organizations can view the bid online. Awarded contracts are posted to eMarketplace after they become fully executed. Questions? If you have a question, send an email to Robin Lease at RAPWRFAQUESTIONS@PA.GOV. All emails should include the subject line “RFA #13-23 Question” and must be submitted by July 14, 2023 at 10 a.m. Written answers will be posted on the eMarketPlace website on July 21, 2023.
January 12, 2022 Apply: PA Equity in Early Childhood Education Champion Awards Applications and nominations are now being accepted for the Pennsylvania’s Equity in Early Childhood Education Champion Awards. The awards recognize individuals or programs that have demonstrated support to children and their families through: embracing diversity and full inclusion as strengths, upholding fundamental principles of fairness and justice, and/or working to eliminate structural inequities that limit equitable learning opportunities. About the Awards The awards bring awareness to and highlight the equity work being done within Pennsylvania’s early childhood education and afterschool settings, and by child care, evidence-based home visiting and early intervention professionals, as it aligns with the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Equity and Inclusion Toolkit, and with the position statement of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education Position Statement. Eligibility The following are categories of eligible entities. All must be physically located and operating within Pennsylvania, and providing services to Pennsylvania’s children. Individuals: Individuals, employed at a Pennsylvania certified/licensed child care, afterschool, Early Intervention, or an Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) funded Family Support program. Individuals must be employed at the eligible program at the time of submission. Early Childhood Education/Child Care and Afterschool: Programs must be certified/licensed by Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS), and in good standing with DHS at time of submission. In addition, a Federal Head Start/Early Head Start grantee that operates a program that is certified/licensed by DHS may submit a nomination for the DHS certified/licensed program. Nomination categories include: Child Care Center Group Child Care Home Family Child Care Home Afterschool Program Early Intervention: Programs providing Early Intervention services and supports are eligible to submit a nomination as it relates to early intervention services and equity. OCDEL funded Family Support programs Apply Submissions can be an application (apply on your own or a program/organization’s behalf), or nomination (submit another individual or program/organization) to be acknowledged for their work around equity in the early childhood education or afterschool setting. Self-applications are accepted. Applications/nominations and any supporting documentation will be submitted via electronic online submission process only. Applications may be submitted in English or in Spanish. All applications must be submitted by 5 pm, February 7, 2022. Each completed submission will receive an official signed and framed certificate of placement level (Gold, Silver, Bronze) from OCDEL, appropriate for display. Completed submissions will also receive electronic copy and supporting images for their own digital use on websites, social media, electronic communications, etc. Completed submissions will be promoted during April 2022 Month of the Young Child, with promotion by OCDEL. More Information Visit the Pennsylvania Key website for more information.