June 12, 2024 OCDEL to Kick Off Third Annual Summer Learning and Literacy Road Trip The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) will kick off its third annual, eight-week virtual Summer Learning and Literacy Road Trip on Monday, June 24. Learn More Families, teachers, and early childhood education partners are invited throughout the summer to follow along and discover activities and resources that support early learning and literacy. The virtual road trip provides information about Pennsylvania libraries and state parks. It also includes fun resources, activities to do with children, and book recommendations to support early literacy and language. All activities in the road trip align with PA Early Learning Standards and can be done anywhere. This year’s theme represents elements from the 2024 Pennsylvania One Book selection – Rachel Bright’s “Slug in Love.” Participants should look through the travel journal to find characters from the book who tag along during the road trip. Resources The 2024 summer resources include: Summer literacy and learning road trip map (available in English and Spanish): Use the map to follow along with the road trip. Print it for children to follow along. My Summer Learning and Literacy Road Trip Travel Journal: This feature will help children explore books and activities. Each week, discover something new with a child, then help them to complete their journal. Identify three favorite books they read and activities they have done during the week. Each week, learn about a different library, get book recommendations, and find activities to do at a state park. For more information, visit the Summer Learning and Literacy Road Trip website.