October 22, 2019 Webinar Available | Meeting the Requirements of CPSL In response to changes to the child abuse clearances required of child care providers, the Pennsylvania Child Care Association (PACCA) partnered with the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) to conduct the webinar, “Meeting the Requirements of CPSL: Ensuring the Safety of all Children in Care throughout PA.” About Due to high demand, PACCA posted a recording of their live webinar that was hosted on October 9, 2019. Featuring Tanya Vazquez and Diane Michel from OCDEL’s Bureau of Certification, the webinar discusses changes in Child Protective Services Legislation (CPSL). Webinar Topics Webinar topics include: requiring the National Sex Offender Registry verification certificate (NSOR), requiring individuals who have resided outside of Pennsylvania within the past five years to provide clearances from their previous state(s) of residency, and changes to clearance requirements for volunteers and individuals with an ownership interest in regulated child care. Watch the recording or visit their page to learn more. More Information For questions, contact your Regional Office of Child Development and Early Learning: Central Region: 717.772.7078 or 800.222.2117 Northeast Region: 570.963.4371 or 800.222.2108 Southeast Region: 215.560.2541 or 800.346.2929 Western Region: 412.565.5183 or 800.222.2149
November 19, 2018 OCDEL Releases Four New Vodcasts The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) Bureau of Certification released four new vodcasts containing important information about operating a child care facility. These 10-15 minute videos can easily be shared with early learning staff, linked within an email or on a website, or shared via social media. Vodcast Topics Child Protective Services Law Vodcast This video details the requirements for child care providers in meeting the Child Protective Service Law (CPSL) and the importance of these requirements. Child care providers and other employees who have contact with children are responsible for obtaining the proper clearances and ensuring that clearances are obtained within the proper time frame. Requirements for an Effective Director of Child Care Center Vodcast Child care directors are responsible for the overall management of a successful child care center. This video explains the commitments directors must make to ensure proper communication with staff and parents, maintain up-to-date child and staff files, have knowledge of the Pennsylvania child care regulations, and provide oversight for the overall health and safety of children in care. Supervision Vodcast Supervision is the most critical requirement in keeping children healthy and safe while they are in care. Staff must always be able to see, hear, direct and assess children at all times in order to provide proper supervision. This video is helpful in providing a more in-depth look at supervision, as well as guidance to help staff meet this requirement. Writing a Plan of Correction Vodcast All certified child care facilities are required to undergo an annual inspection. Many times, a facility is in full compliance with all the regulations. However, there are occasions when the Legal Entity has to be cited for non-compliance with one or more of the child care regulations. This video explains the process for writing and submitting a plan of correction for regulatory violations that your certification representative may cite during a licensing inspection. Visit the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services website for the complete listing. *Information provided by NAEYC*