
July 18, 2018

OCDEL Announces Child Care Reimbursement Changes

The PA Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) announced the Child Care Works (CCW) program will both lift the base rate freeze for STAR 1 and STAR 2 providers, as well as, apply a general Maximum Child Care Allowance (MCCA) base rate increase of 2.5% across all counties, provider types, STAR levels, and care levels effective August 1, 2018.

Early Learning Resource Center (ELRC) will contact providers in July or August to both gather their program’s current private pay rates and to sign updated provider agreements. If a program serves children in Philadelphia or Allegheny County, they will receive this information through their Child Care Information Service Office. OCDEL is requesting that early learning providers be responsive to the ELRCs when they reachout around the provider agreements.

Shared via The PA Key.


June 11, 2018

Rates to Increase for Child Abuse Clearances

Rates for the cost of child abuse clearances will increase next month.

Beginning July 1, 2018, the cost of clearances will increase from $8 to $13. Fees for volunteers will still be waived once within a five-year period. In December 2014, individuals who require clearances expanded to include: volunteers, youth camp employees, coaches, youth mentors, Boy Scout and Girl Scout leaders, work study programs, internships, family-living home employees, and community-home employees for individuals with disabilities.

In 2016, DHS received 951,414 child abuse clearance applications and identified 2,272 substantiated or alleged perpetrators of child abuse.

For more information on clearance and background check requirements as required by the CPSL, please visit