January 27, 2022 Updates to Health and Safety Training Requirements for Child Care Providers The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) has issued an announcement updating health and safety training requirements for child care providers. About Due to updated guidance on the federal requirements for Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), all staff in certified child care programs must have preservice or orientation training (to be completed within three months) and an annual minimum of 12 hours in health and safety professional development in topics including: pediatric first aid and pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) safe sleep practices, including risk reduction of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome/Sudden Unexplained Infant Death (SIDS/SUID) prevention and control of infectious diseases (including immunizations) prevention of and response to emergencies due to food and allergic reactions prevention of shaken baby syndrome/abusive head trauma/child maltreatment building and physical premises safety emergency preparedness and response planning handling and storing hazardous materials safely transporting children mandated reporter training Until pre-trainings have been completed, staff can’t care for children unsupervised. All child care staff, who have not already completed the required health and safety trainings, will be expected to show completion and documentation by April 29, 2022. Find Required Trainings The pre-service training is available on the Better Kid Care (BKC) website. The BKC’s online pre-service training courses meet the CCDBG health and safety required training topics and are the only modules that meet the pre-service training requirements for all child care staff. Health and safety training topics can be found on the Professional Development (PD) Registry. Recognition and Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect (Mandated Reporter Training) is available through Keep Kids Safe. Additional training options include PA Child Welfare Resource Center and PA Family Support Alliance. All child care staff must have documentation and verification of completion of preservice training and on-going annual professional development retained in the facility person’s file or maintained in an electronic PD Registry. The documentation must include, but is not limited to: Signature of representative or trainer of the professional development entity Title of a representative or trainer of the professional development entity Date professional development training was completed Questions Read the full announcement for more information and details. Child care providers can direct comments and questions regarding this announcement to their Regional Office of Child Development and Early Learning. The Western Region office number is 800-222-2149.