October 4, 2019 Developing Social and Emotional Skills Through Positive Relationships Join Senior Fellow Venola Mason from the International Center for Leadership in Education on October 15 for her webinar, “Developing Social and Emotional Skills Through Positive Relationships.” About Relationships are the foundation for the development of the cognitive, social, and emotional skills and competencies that students need to be successful within the classroom and beyond. This webinar is designed to help educators understand the critical nature of these relationships and the impact they have on student learning. Time for questions will be provided. Attendees will leave the session with: A deeper understanding of the science and practice of social and emotional learning Practical tips to establish and maintain relationships with students Strategies to cultivate a sense of belonging within your classroom and among students Registration To register and learn more, visit the edWeb website. *Information provided by edWeb
June 13, 2019 Utilizing Nature Storybooks in Early Childhood Join the Allegheny Land Trust at the Frick Environmental Center on June 28 for a hands-on course that explores opportunities to incorporate nature-themed books in your early childhood classroom. About This hands-on course provides early childhood educators with the knowledge and skills needed to incorporate nature-themed books into their classrooms. Games, dramatic play, songs, craft, and lesson themes will all be explored! PQAS hours are available and ACT 48 hours are available for an additional $5 fee. Registration To register, visit the event website. Questions For questions, contact the Allegheny Land Trust at 412.741.2750 or info@alleghenylandtrust.org.
June 3, 2019 APOST Summer Conference for Out-of-School Time Join Allegheny Partners for Out-of-School-Time (APOST) on June 14 for their Summer Conference for Out-of-School Time. PQAS/Act 48 credit available upon request. About The APOST Summer Conference for Out-of-School Time is a professional development conference that shares best practices in youth development. This conference is open to youth practitioners who desire to increase their skills in working with youth in out-of-school time programs or in mentoring relationships. This year’s event will feature Keynote Speaker Timothy Jones, an expert in youth development and hip-hop culture/pedagogy who has developed, implemented, and evaluated out-of-school time programs inside and outside of schools for over 20 years. Limited free parking is available, but carpooling is recommended. More Information To learn more and register, visit APOST’s Eventbrite page. For questions, contact APOST via phone at 412.456.6876.
May 20, 2019 Development Through the Eyes of an ELL Child Join Professor Lois Wachtel in this edWebinar as she discusses early childhood developmental milestones through the eyes of a child, particularly an English language learner (ELL) child. Those who work with three- and four-year-old children will have the opportunity to take a closer look at their growth. About While we know all young children are amazing individuals, can you recall the vast amount of growth that is taking place in their world on a regular basis? At what age can we expect young children to be able to answer a simple question, name familiar colors, throw a ball, or demonstrate simple problem-solving skills? During this webinar, Wachtel will discuss all this and more, providing a well-rounded perspective of how young children are building language, physical, cognitive, social-emotional, and motor development skills. Specific examples will be provided with ELLs in mind. Time for questions will be provided. Continuing Education Credits available. Registration For more information and to register, visit the event website.
March 29, 2019 Hello Robo: Early STEM Robotics Robots provide unseen services across industries, including transportation, medical, and manufacturing. Early learners need the foundational STEM skills that allow them to imagine and build the robots of the future. About the Event Join the Carnegie Science Center Teaching Excellence Academy for a professional development workshop where participants will use resources from NAEYC and other STEM experts to examine developmentally appropriate concepts to prepare students for robotics technologies. Educators will discover hands-on, standards-aligned activities they can do right away, even if they don’t have a robot — yet! This professional development opportunity is for pre-K through 2nd-grade teachers. About the Academy Carnegie Science Center’s Teaching Excellence Academy offers opportunities for educators in all grade levels, with specific workshops in STEM, early learner education, and digital fabrication. Act 48 credit is provided upon successful completion of each workshop. In addition to onsite workshops, the Science Center offers multiple opportunities for professional development to be delivered at local sites throughout the academic year. For more information, visit their website. Registration & Questions To register or ask questions, contact Toni Stith at StithT@CarnegieScienceCenter.org or 412.237.1616.
February 22, 2019 The Incredible and DINAmic Family About If your child is challenging you with their behavior, learn positive ways to interact with and manage your child’s behavior. At this event, you will learn how to interact, communicate, and bond with your child. This event runs from March 19 to July 16. Benefits Through the DINA School, your children will learn social and friendship skills, which will help reduce problem behavior. Your child can use these necessary tools to improve their readiness for school and increase their coping and problem-solving skills. Schedule Dinner will be at 5:30 p.m. and the class is from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Please note that at least one caregiver must be present for children to attend DINA School. More Information For more information on this event, please view the attached flyer.
October 10, 2018 Community Health Advocate Training Program for Fathers The Community Health Advocate Training Program is a three-week training, one Saturday per week, that will prepare you to make lasting change in the health of families and communities! Take this opportunity to learn more about advocacy and community engagement, gain skills in self-care to help you be at your best to care for your family, and learn how to use your own experiences to make changes in your community. You will receive: 25 hours of paid training Free meals and child care during the training A netbook – yours to keep after the training This program runs from November 3 – November 17. Space is limited. For more information, contact Shannon Lawhorn at (412) 723-1342. Share this flyer with your networks.