
December 3, 2024

Pittsburgh Launches Snow Angels Program Ahead of Winter Season

Pittsburgh has launched its 2024-25 Snow Angels program, which pairs community volunteers with seniors and residents with disabilities who need assistance shoveling and salting their sidewalks and walkways during the winter.

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The number of city residents in need of assistance has far surpassed the number of volunteers who sign up in many parts of the city, data shows. This year, the city is working to develop new partnerships with community organizations, youth sports leagues, faith-based groups, and employers to close the gap.

Neighborhoods where the city is aiming to increase volunteers include:

  • Allentown
  • Banksville
  • Beechview
  • Belzthoover
  • Brighton Heights
  • Brookline
  • Carrick
  • Elliott
  • Greenfield
  • Homewood
  • Hill District
  • Perry South
  • Sheraden
  • 31st Ward

The office of Mayor Ed Gainey will honor the neighborhood with the most volunteers with the Golden Shovel Award. Last year’s winter was Bloomfield.

“The Snow Angels program is a vital service that helps some of our most vulnerable residents to continue to live in their homes,” Gainey said. “I am asking residents to once again be present in our community and volunteer to become a Snow Angel to ensure that seniors and Pittsburghers with disabilities can continue to thrive during and after winter weather events.”

Snow Angels also makes Pittsburgh’s sidewalks safer for those who are regularly outside during inclement weather – such as postal carriers, firefighters, and police officers.

To learn more about the program or to sign up, visit the City of Pittsburgh’s website. Residents can contact the program directly at 412-255-2621 or