
June 21, 2023

SEL and Mental Health Supports for Out-of-School Time: A Conversation on Strategies and Systems

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and mental health shape high-quality out-of-school time (OST) programming.

Hosted by the National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment (NCASE), this interactive webinar will begin with a presentation on building SEL and mental health capacity for OST programming, followed by a facilitated discussion with system leaders on the best strategies to equitably address the SEL and mental health needs of children and families with consideration for culture, ethnicity, linguistic needs, income, historical context, and other factors.

Event Details

Thursday, June 29 | 3 p.m. – 4 p.m.



Learn More

To learn more, visit the NCASE webpage on the Education Development Center website.


April 26, 2023

Supporting Children’s Social-Emotional Wellbeing: A Closer Look at Temperament and Goodness of Fit Theory

Do you ever wonder how two children with the same parents can be so different? About why some children are so easy going and others are more challenging? One major factor at play is temperament. Temperament is an important feature of children’s social emotional well-being, and describes the way in which they approach the world.

In “Supporting Children’s Social-Emotional Wellbeing: A Closer Look at Temperament and Goodness of Fit Theory,” participants will explore different temperament traits and learn how goodness of fit theory supports children’s social and emotional wellbeing.

Hosted by Trying Together and ELRC Region 5, this course, while available for all STAR programs, meets the STAR 3/4 PD topic requirements in PSCECE Area 4.

Session Details

Thursday, May 18 | 6 – 9 p.m.
Virtual via Zoom
Cost: $15

Instructors: Katie Streiff and Jillian Miller
Standards: PSCECE Area 4: Developmentally, Culturally, and Linguistically Appropriate Teaching Practices (3 hours)


Learn More

For questions about the course or credit, contact Paige Kizior at


November 25, 2020

Research Study for Pre-k Classroom Teachers

Are you a teacher currently working in a pre-k classroom in Pennsylvania? If so, participate in the “Social and Emotional Learning in Pre-K Programs” research study conducted by Cynthia Speer, a Ph.D. Candidate at Waynesburg University.


The purpose of this proposed study is to sample educators from both public and private pre-k programs in Pennsylvania to ascertain information regarding their perception of and experiences with social and emotional learning (SEL).

Study participants will provide personal and school-based demographic information and complete a survey of social and emotional learning (SEL) perception and experiences. Completing these surveys will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes. All responses will remain anonymous and no identifying personal information (such as name, email address, or IP address) will be collected.

Sign Up To Participate

If you are interested in signing up as a participant, complete this online form.

More Information

For questions regarding the research, contact Cynthia Speer at or 412.952.4469. For information regarding rights as a research subject, contact Dissertation Committee Chair, Dr. Michelle Steimer at or 412.722.7602.


November 20, 2020

Stay-At-Home Advisory in Allegheny County

On November 18, the Allegheny County Health Department issued a stay-at-home and stop social gatherings advisory to slow the rapid spread of COVID-19. If left unchecked, the spread of COVID-19 poses a risk to communities and healthcare systems in Allegheny County.


Beginning immediately, Allegheny County residents are asked to stay at home and stop social gatherings to stem the rapid rise of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in the county. Residents are advised to only leave home to go to work or school, for essential needs such as seeking medical care, going to the grocery store or pharmacy, getting food, or the like.

Residents must always wear a face mask and practice physical distancing by staying at least six feet away from others in accordance with the November 17 state masking order. Additionally, residents are strongly encouraged to:

    • not have guests in their homes unless they are essential workers (e.g., home healthcare providers, child care workers, or educators),
    • cancel traditional Thanksgiving celebrations and celebrate virtually with non-household members,
    • avoid unnecessary travel, and
    • limit social event gatherings.

This advisory will remain in place for 30 days or until such time as the Health Director determines a change to the guidance is appropriate. All restrictions put in place by the Commonwealth and the Pennsylvania Department of Health remain in effect.

More Information

To view the full list of recommendations, please read the full advisory.


November 16, 2020

2020 SOC Symposium | Father Family Involvement

Are you interested in learning how Pennsylvania can build better futures for children through greater father family involvement? Join the National Association of Social Workers on December 1, 8, and 15 for the 2020 SOC Symposium. This event is virtual.


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Includes a brief presentation of Pennsylvania’s Journey to ensure child wellbeing, safety, and permanency for every child within the Commonwealth, as well as personal interviews with two Distinguished Pennsylvania System Change Leaders for Greater Father Family Involvement: “From Whence They Come.”

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Addresses the consequences of Father Absence and or Father Non-Involvement, and the need to move forward, a diverse group of expert panelists will help participants to unravel the question, “Are Fathers intentionally included, or not, in Pennsylvania’s child and family services and programming that are designed to enhance well-being outcomes for both?”

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

A Call to Action, as the Symposium comes to a close, with Media Q&A. Drs. Myers, Goode, Horn will emphasize why this mission is so crucial and will illuminate the strategy for moving Pennsylvania forward now!


To register for the Symposium, visit the event webpage. Online registration will be available until December 1, 2020. CEU credits available.

More Information

For registration questions, please contact

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October 30, 2020

Teaching Digital Citizenship Through SEL Skill Building

Did you know that social-emotional learning (SEL) can help develop the skills students need to be empowered digital citizens? Join Carrie Rogers-Whitehead and Joyce Whitby on November 11 for their webinar “Teaching Digital Citizenship Through SEL Skill Building” to learn about this topic more!


This webinar, informed by thousands of direct hours teaching K-12 students digital citizenship, narrows down the most important social-emotional learning (SEL) skills for digital citizenship. It also shares practical ideas and real-life examples to effectively teach those skills to multiple age groups.

Participants will leave with activities and ideas they can use immediately in their classroom and learn more about a different approach to digital citizenship education. Time for questions will be provided.


This webinar is best suited for K-12 teachers, librarians, and school and district leaders. To register, visit the EdWeb website.


Recess Advocacy Team Community Conversation

Are you interested in joining fellow advocates to discuss the important roles play and physical activity have in children’s lives? Join the Recess Advocacy Team on November 17 for a Virtual Community Conversation.


The freedom to play improves children’s social, emotional, physical, and cognitive skills. Children make sense of what’s happening in the world around them through play, and it impacts their mental health and wellbeing. The Recess Advocacy Team is convening a virtual space for educators, families, and community members to discuss play and physical activity while balancing health, safety, and remote learning in the time of COVID-19. We must ensure children have opportunities to safely experience play and physical activity. This virtual community conversation is for play advocates to come together to discuss successes, challenges, and share strategies to elevate play.


Sessions will be held virtually via Zoom. Please register to receive more information about accessing the sessions.

More Information

For more information about the Recess Advocacy Team and to subscribe to their newsletter, visit the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative website.

Please share this flyer with your networks.


October 21, 2020

Connections and Conversations: Intergenerational Learning

Are you interested in learning how to build positive relationships between adults and children? Join Trying Together on Wednesday, November 11 for our free virtual workshop, “Connections and Conversations: Intergenerational Learning.”


Connections and Conversations Virtual Check-Ins are interactive sessions that highlight topics of interest to the field of early childhood education. Participants will engage in virtual discussions with child development experts while interacting with early learning practitioners to share questions, experiences, and expertise about Intergenerational Learning.

Participants will learn how to build positive relationships between adults and children through the arts. Research has shown that through intergenerational programming young children and older adult participants gain many positive benefits through socialization and building relationships across generations. This workshop will highlight strategies to help establish relationships, communication, and collaboration across generations.

Session Details

    • Session Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2020  |  6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
    • Instructors: Jasmine Davis and Sarah Hamilton
    • Core Knowledge Area: Child Growth and Development
    • CDA Content Area: Principles of Child Growth and Development
    • Registration Deadline: Monday, November 9, 2020


To register, visit the course PD Registry page. Space is limited. Participants will receive the course Zoom link via email within 24 hours before the start date for the course. PQAS and Act 48 credit available.

If you do not have a PD Registry account, please complete this online form to create one. If you are unable to create an account, please contact for more information.

Session Rules and Guidelines

These virtual discussions are designed to provide educators the opportunity to grow professionally and share knowledge on early childhood topics. During the meeting, participants should follow the guidelines below to ensure a successful virtual meeting for all participants.

    • Please allow all participants a chance to speak. Listen respectfully and actively.
    • Commit to learning about each other, not to debating the topic.
    • Embrace differences of opinion as healthy and support each person’s authentic self-expression.
    • Participants will be muted for the beginning portion of the session.
    • Participants may use the “Raise Hand” feature in Zoom to request an opportunity to comment or ask a question. Individuals will be temporarily unmuted by the moderator.
    • Participants may type a comment or question in the Chat or may send comments or questions directly to the moderator for them to share.
    • To receive PQAS credit, you must complete an evaluation at the end of the session and include your PD Registry number.
    • Have fun, make connections, and engage in the conversations!

More Information

For questions or more information, contact Jasmine Davis at


September 18, 2020

The Emotional Development of Infants and Toddlers

Are you interested in learning strategies to support infant and toddlers’ emotional development? Join Gryphon House on October 28 for their webinar, “Crying and Laughing: The Emotional Development of Infants and Toddlers.”


During this webinar, Donna Sasse Wittmer, Ph.D. will highlight ten keys that early childhood professionals can use to support infant and toddler emotional development and learning. When these keys are used, they are the foundation for helping children develop emotional competence. This webinar emphasizes the knowledge and skills that enable you to be a compassionate infant and toddler professional who provides the emotional nourishment that young children need and who supports children’s emotional well-being.

This webinar is best suited for pre-k teachers and school leaders. Time for questions will be provided.


To register and learn more, visit the event webpage.


September 11, 2020

Building Resilience While Social Distancing: Parental Depression & Coping

Join Brazelton Touchpoints Center on October 26 for “Building Resilience While Social Distancing: Parental Depression & Coping” to learn coping skills you can share with parents to address the effects of isolation in the short and long terms.


This webinar will explore the similarities between isolation and depression, paying close attention to the distinct needs and behaviors of parents suffering from depression and anxiety. Participants will learn coping skills they can share with parents to address the effects of isolation in the short and long terms. Participants will also learn when to consult with mental health professionals in their work with families.


To register and learn more, visit the event registration page. Space is limited.