
August 18, 2020

Virtual UnConference: Caring in a “New Normal”

Join Trying Together from September 14–23, 2020 for our second free Virtual UnConference: Caring in a ‘New Normal’. PQAS and Act 48 credit hours will be available. Registration is required.


Virtual UnConference: Caring in a ‘New Normal’ will feature a panel discussion and three workshops on topics including finance, interacting with young children, and social-emotional health during the COVID-19 health crisis. This UnConference will build on guidance shared during our first Virtual UnConference: Re-Opening to Our ‘New Normal’. To watch a recording, visit our UnConference page.

Featured Workshops

    • Positive Interactions During the Pandemic
      Monday, September 14, 2020  |  10:00 – 11:30 a.m.  |  Register

      In this workshop, Sarah Grubb from ELRC Region 5 will walk early childhood educators through the essential elements of positive interaction, the educator’s role in co-regulation, and strategies for supporting children best through positive, day-to-day interactions.

    • A Conversation on How to Support the Social/Emotional Needs of Children
      Thursday, September 17, 2020  |  10:00 – 11:30 a.m.  |  Register

      Join Diana Schwab for a conversation and Q&A focused on the social and emotional needs of children. In this workshop, participants will discuss early childhood social and emotional development with a particular focus on how children communicate social and emotional needs through behavior. This workshop will also discuss how to focus a child’s behaviors as a communication of developmental strengths and vulnerabilities, as well as mental health needs.

    • Building a Foundation for Your Organization’s Financial Wellness
      Monday, September 21, 2020 | 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.  |  Register

      This workshop will discuss the importance of building a business plan and budget as the foundation of your organization’s financial wellness, especially during this time of changing external forces due to COVID-19. Presenter Chris Pentrack of Supporting Strategies will suggest beginner tools and methods to build these items, as well as resources for additional assistance. Presenters will discuss topics such as profit and loss statements, balance sheets, monitoring, and forecasting cash for the organization.

    • Providing Safe and Healthy Care in Child Care Now and Beyond the Pandemic
      Wednesday, September 23, 2020  |  1:30 – 3:00 p.m.  |  Register

      This workshop will feature a panel of directors who will discuss the measurements currently being followed to prevent the spread of illness in their individual child care programs. A portion of the conversation will include health and wellness tips that can help support your staff and teachers during these challenging times. The discussion will conclude by identifying which health and safety practices will most likely be permanently incorporated into everyday practice moving forward beyond COVID-19.


Registration for this UnConference is being completed on the PD Registry. If you do not have a PD Registry account, please complete this online form to create one. If you are unable to create an account, please contact Jasmine Davis at for more information.

Click the links below to register for each workshop you are interested in. Registration is required.

More Information

For questions, contact UnConference Director Yu-Ling Cheng at


August 30, 2019

Enrolling and Supporting Families Experiencing Homelessness

Join the National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement on October 1 for their upcoming webinar, “Enrolling and Supporting Families Experiencing Homelessness: Conversations with Families about Living Experiences and Housing Goals.”


Staff in Head Start, Early Head Start, and child care programs are often in a position to have talks with families about their living situation. They can use the definition of homelessness included in the McKinney-Vento Act as a blueprint for providing information and support to families.

In this webinar, develop a shared understanding of McKinney-Vento definition and common terms as they appear in regulation and practice. Learn how relationship building and exemplary practices are key when in engaging in sensitive conversations with families.

This is the first webinar in the Enrolling and Supporting Families Experiencing Homelessness Webinar Series.


To register and learn more, visit the event webpage!

*Information provided by ECLKC


Webinar | Improving Outcomes for Opioid-Exposed Newborns

Join the National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness (NCECHW) on September 24 for their upcoming webinar, “Improving Outcomes for Opioid-Exposed Newborns: Together, We Can Do Better.”


Join part two of NCECHW’s three-part webinar series to learn about how Head Start and Early Head Start programs are uniquely qualified to support children and families impacted by opioid and other substance use disorders. An expert specialist will provide information on perinatal opioid use, the most effective treatments for opioid addiction, and infants exposed to opioids. Explore how to help support young children and their families impacted by opioid and substance misuse.


To register and learn more, visit the event webpage!

*Information provided by ECLKC


August 16, 2019

Improving Outcomes for Families Affected by Opioids

Join the National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness on August 22 for “Improving Outcomes for Families Affect by Opioids” to learn how Early Head Start and Head Start are uniquely positioned to support children and families impacted by opioids and other substance use disorders.


In this three-part webinar series, expert specialists will provide information on:

    • perinatal opioid use;
    • infants exposed to opioids;
    • the impact of the opioid crisis on young children, parents, families, and communities; and
    • how to help support young children and their families impacted by opioid and substance misuse.


To register for the webinar, visit the event webpage.


May 9, 2019

Historic Increases for Early Learning & Development Programs

The House Appropriations Committee recently approved the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education spending bill for FY2020, which outlines funding for early care and learning programs critical to babies’ development. The first three years are a time in development unmatched by any other later point in life. But the recently released State of Babies Yearbook: 2019 reveals troubling early warning signs that too many young children face conditions that place their development – and our future – at risk.

About the Bill

The bill includes historic increases to key early learning and development programs that can help to reverse this path we have set for our future, including:

    • An increase of $2.4 billion for the Child Care and Development Block Grant;
    • $525 million increase in the set-aside for the expansion of Early Head Start, including through EHS-Child Care Partnerships;
    • Doubling of the Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Grant Program, to a total of $10 million; and
    • An increase of $21.3 million for Part C Early Intervention.

By laying the foundation today for 12 million infants and toddlers living in the U.S., we are investing in our society’s future.

Learn More

To learn more, see Zero to Three’s full statement.

*Information provided by Zero to Three