April 2, 2024 Touchpoints in Schools: The How of Child and Family Engagement Building collaborative relationships is among the most important responsibilities for teachers, principals, and other K-6 education professionals. The Brazelton Touchpoints Center is offering a course on how to strengthen collaborations with families, even when educators and family members have different points of view. Learn More The Touchpoints in Schools course consists of 22 training hours, including six monthly hour-long virtual reflective practice sessions. Attendance is required at all live sessions, each of which is four hours long. Participants who complete the course will receive a certificate of attendance. What You Will Learn In the course, the Touchpoints approach will offer strategies for educators to: Understand the process of students’ development and examine how and why change in behavior occurs Partner with families to promote child and family strengths Address developmental or behavioral concerns with families Reexamine assumptions, biases, interactions, and communication with families to foster students’ overall success The training is ideal for teachers, instructional assistants, school counselors, family and community engagement specialists, out-of-school time providers, and administrators in a K-6 setting. More Details The course will run from noon to 4 p.m. ET and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. PT on Aug. 27 and 29 and Sept. 3 and 5. The class requires a minimum of 10 participants and the maximum amount of attendees is 20. The cost for the course is $795.
Touchpoints in Schools: The How of Child and Family Engagement Building collaborative relationships is among the most important responsibilities for teachers, principals, and other K-6 education professionals. The Brazelton Touchpoints Center is offering a course on how to strengthen collaborations with families, even when educators and family members have different points of view. Learn More The Touchpoints in Schools course consists of 22 training hours, including six monthly hour-long virtual reflective practice sessions. Attendance is required at all live sessions, each of which is four hours long. Participants who complete the course will receive a certificate of attendance. What You Will Learn In the course, the Touchpoints approach will offer strategies for educators to: Understand the process of students’ development and examine how and why change in behavior occurs Partner with families to promote child and family strengths Address developmental or behavioral concerns with families Reexamine assumptions, biases, interactions, and communication with families to foster students’ overall success The training is ideal for teachers, instructional assistants, school counselors, family and community engagement specialists, out-of-school time providers, and administrators in a K-6 setting. More Details The course will run from noon to 4 p.m. ET and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. PT on Aug. 27 and 29 and Sept. 3 and 5. The class requires a minimum of 10 participants and the maximum amount of attendees is 20. The cost for the course is $795.
Touchpoints in Schools: The How of Child and Family Engagement Building collaborative relationships is among the most important responsibilities for teachers, principals, and other K-6 education professionals. The Brazelton Touchpoints Center is offering a course on how to strengthen collaborations with families, even when educators and family members have different points of view. Learn More The Touchpoints in Schools course consists of 22 training hours, including six monthly hour-long virtual reflective practice sessions. Attendance is required at all live sessions, each of which is four hours long. Participants who complete the course will receive a certificate of attendance. What You Will Learn In the course, the Touchpoints approach will offer strategies for educators to: Understand the process of students’ development and examine how and why change in behavior occurs Partner with families to promote child and family strengths Address developmental or behavioral concerns with families Reexamine assumptions, biases, interactions, and communication with families to foster students’ overall success The training is ideal for teachers, instructional assistants, school counselors, family and community engagement specialists, out-of-school time providers, and administrators in a K-6 setting. More Details The course will run from noon to 4 p.m. ET and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. PT on Aug. 27 and 29 and Sept. 3 and 5. The class requires a minimum of 10 participants and the maximum amount of attendees is 20. The cost for the course is $795.
Touchpoints in Schools: The How of Child and Family Engagement Building collaborative relationships is among the most important responsibilities for teachers, principals, and other K-6 education professionals. The Brazelton Touchpoints Center is offering a course on how to strengthen collaborations with families, even when educators and family members have different points of view. Learn More The Touchpoints in Schools course consists of 22 training hours, including six monthly hour-long virtual reflective practice sessions. Attendance is required at all live sessions, each of which is four hours long. Participants who complete the course will receive a certificate of attendance. What You Will Learn In the course, the Touchpoints approach will offer strategies for educators to: Understand the process of students’ development and examine how and why change in behavior occurs Partner with families to promote child and family strengths Address developmental or behavioral concerns with families Reexamine assumptions, biases, interactions, and communication with families to foster students’ overall success The training is ideal for teachers, instructional assistants, school counselors, family and community engagement specialists, out-of-school time providers, and administrators in a K-6 setting. More Details The course will run from noon to 4 p.m. ET and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. PT on Aug. 27 and 29 and Sept. 3 and 5. The class requires a minimum of 10 participants and the maximum amount of attendees is 20. The cost for the course is $795.
June 14, 2023 How Family Engagement Supports Kindergarten Readiness & Early School Success Family engagement is a critical driver in ensuring that all children enter kindergarten “ready to learn” and experience early school success. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, kindergarten readiness can impact how successful a child is in high school and beyond, leading to better grades and lower dropout rates, as well as better health and lifestyle habits. Children who enter school with key readiness skills have an 82 percent chance of mastering basic skills by age 11, compared with 45 percent for young children who are not “kindergarten ready.” Yet, many children nationwide are still unable to reach this pivotal benchmark. Join the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) at this webinar to hear from education leaders and practitioners who will share the latest research and on-the-ground lessons for how family engagement has improved kindergarten readiness and early school success in their states, districts, and communities. Moderated by Yolie Flores, President and CEO of Families In Schools, this panel conversation will explore: Why engaging families early matters for children’s long-term success How innovative technologies can be leveraged to support families The role that curriculum, professional development, and supplemental resources play in family engagement Session Details Tuesday, June 27 | 1 – 2:30 p.m. Virtual Register Learn More This webinar is the fifth in a series of conversations designed to boost family engagement practices between school and home. The six-month series, produced by the U.S. Department of Education in partnership with Carnegie Corporation of New York and Overdeck Family Foundation, will explore bright spots in the field and provide education leaders and practitioners with resources and evidence-based strategies to support student success. Featured panelists include: David Cintron, Superintendent, District 14, NYC Department of Education, New York, NY Rebecca Crouse Kelley, J.D., Executive Vice President of Advocacy, Waterford.org Shawn Foster, Ed.D., Superintendent, Orangeburg County School District, Orangeburg, SC Kai-ama Hamer, Director, ParentCorps Priscilla Hopkins, Executive Director, Denver Public Schools, Denver, CO Deborah Leong, Ph.D., Co-founder and President, Tools of the Mind To learn more, visit the event page on Eventbrite.
November 2, 2022 New Opportunities Available to Families to Help Impact Early Learning in PA Two new exciting opportunities are available for families to share their experiences and make an impact in Pennsylvania’s early learning. P3D/PDO Family Voices Parents as Partners in Professional Development (P3D), with the Pennsylvania Professional Development Organizations (PDO), are recruiting a cohort of families to participate in P3D/PDO Family Voices. Family members of young children who attend an early childhood program in Pennsylvania are invited to apply. P3D/PDO Family Voices seeks a diverse group of families who have experiences with many aspects of early childhood services in Pennsylvania like child care, PA Pre-K Counts, Head Start, Early Intervention, Home Visiting, etc. Reimbursement for travel and child care costs are provided to participants. Learn More about P3D/PDO. Applications are due Friday, November 18, 2022 and all applicants must agree to attending the full day virtual training on December 6, 2022. Access the P3D/PDO application. Interstate Family Engagement Leadership Collaborative Families are invited to serve on the Collaborative Action for Family Engagement (CAFE)’s Interstate Family Engagement Leadership Collaborative. As a critical partner in the early childhood field, families are invited to serve in a leadership capacity on CAFE’s Advisory Board to share their expertise to implement high-impact school, family, and community engagement strategies. Family Leaders will commit to an estimated two hours a month for meetings, and compensation/reimbursement is provided for a stipend and mileage. Reimbursement for mileage will be offered for any in-person meetings or training. Please direct any questions to Jessica Webster (Pennsylvania Advisory Council). Learn more about CAFE Interstate Family Engagement Leadership Collaborative. Applications are due Friday, November 11, 2022. Access the CAFE application.
February 16, 2022 Learning to Listen: Conversations for Change Join Brazelton Touchpoints Center (BTC) for an virtual webinar series, “Learning to Listen: Conversations for Change.” Hear from luminaries who are working on the frontlines of current and emerging issues for children and families. Registration is required for this event. Session Information March 2, 2022 | Listening to Children and Families in Court In this first conversation of BTC’s Learning to Listen: Conversations for Change spring series, the Honorable Judge Erica Yew will share what she has been learning over the course of her convention-shattering career, and the importance of listening to families and partnering with them to improve justice outcomes for all. May 11, 2022 | Listening to Families Resettling in the US On any given day, there are more than 80 million refugees around the world, nearly half of whom are children. Join Sesame Workshop’s Maria del Rocio Galarza, Vice President of US Social Impact, and Tara Wright, Senior Manager of Content Design for a conversation about how Sesame Workshop aims to support children, families and providers as they arrive and resettle in the US. through creating resilience-building resources and celebrating the unique strengths of different communities.
October 21, 2021 Strengths-Based Family Engagement Workshop Series Are you interested in connecting with families about their child’s care and development? Join Brazelton Touchpoints Center for their upcoming professional development, “Strengths-Based Family Engagement Workshop Series.” Each workshop is 90 minutes, includes a certificate of attendance, and offers live Spanish translation. Participants may register online to attend live or receive recordings of each session. Additional Information Workshop 1: A View from All Sides: Perspective-Taking to Support Family Engagement Tuesday, 11/9 | 12 p.m. Workshop 2: Choosing Your Attitude: Using Strength-Based Family Assumptions Tuesday, 11/16 | 12 p.m. Workshop 3: I Hear You: Active Listening to Engage Families Tuesday, 11/30 | 12 p.m. Workshop 4: The Power of Observation: Connecting with Families Through the Child’s Behavior Tuesday, 12/7 | 12 p.m. Workshop 5: Valuing Passion: Connecting with Families Around What They Care About Tuesday, 12/14 | 12 p.m. About Brazelton Touchpoints Center The Brazelton Touchpoints Center provides professional and leadership development, organizational learning and change, and research and evaluation for family-facing professionals in pediatrics, early childhood, infant mental health, children’s libraries and museums, home visiting, and child welfare. The Brazelton Touchpoints Center is home to the Touchpoints Approach, the Brazelton Institute (the Newborn Behavioral Observations system and the Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale), Family Connections, the Indigenous Early Learning Collaborative, and the BTC Research and Evaluation team.
October 20, 2021 Online Toolkit to Support Multilingual Students in Pre-K to Third Grade Early Edge California and American Institutes for Research (AIR) released the Multilingual Learning Toolkit last month, an online hub of research-and evidence-based instructional resources and strategies on how to best-support multilingual learners (MLs) in grades pre-k to three. Additional Information The Multilingual Learning Toolkit website provides an overview of foundational principles of dual language learning and development. Additionally, educators can access a wide variety of instructional strategies and resources related to the following areas: Family Engagement Social-emotional Health and Development Classroom Environment Oral Language Development Literacy Development Bilingual Classrooms Home Language Development Additional ELD Strategies Content Learning Assessment Building Educators’ Capacity New resources will be added on an ongoing basis. While the Toolkit draws heavily from California-based policies, programs, and resources, practitioners across the country may find value in accessing this online hub of research-based, asset-focused principles.