November 8, 2018 ECE Professionals Invited to Participate in ELPIC Survey The Early Learning Instructional Coaching (ELPIC) program is working with educators across PA to develop an Early Learning Administrator Leadership (ELAL) endorsement to support educational leaders in utilizing instructional coaching, professional development (PD), and professional learning communities (PLCs) to leverage change in pre-k-4 learning environments. For educators with a Level I or Level II Instructional Certification, completion of the four-course sequence would result in an endorsement. In order to best develop an endorsement that works for educators from both the K-12 and ECE worlds, ELPIC created two surveys that ask about current needs across the state and seeks to determine how the ELAL endorsement might address those needs. Participants’ responses will be kept confidential. Data from across the state will be aggregated and used to support the endorsement proposal that will be submitted to PDE. For ECE/K-12/IU Please complete this survey based on your experience and the needs that you see in your district, building, or center. For IHES Please complete this survey based on your experience preparing PreK-4 educators, as well as the needs you see in the field of early learning leadership. Information Provided by the Office of Child Development and Early Learning