
June 7, 2022

Register: Live Demonstration of New Keystone STARS Designation System

The Pennsylvania’s Professional Development (PD) Registry will be holding a live demonstration of the new Keystone STARS Designation System for directors, administrators, and owners of child care programs in Pennsylvania.


On July 1, 2022, the new process for Keystone STARS pre-designation and designation applications launches into Pennsylvania’s Professional Development (PD) Registry. Moving more functionality into the PD Registry streamlines multiple processes into one system and designation for providers.

Child care providers can register for one of the following live demonstrations:

The demonstration will be recorded and posted to the Pennsylvania Key ( website.

Other Ways to Prepare

Other ways directors, administrators, and owners can prepare for this transition include:

  1. Completing an individual or personal PD Registry profile.

  2. Applying for placement on Pennsylvania’s Early Childhood Education (ECE) Career Pathway.

  3. Claiming your organization profile for your program.

  4. Assisting staff members in completing their PD Registry profile and applying for Career Pathway placement.

  5. Verifying your staff and complete classroom information in your program profile.

The Pennsylvania Key website has PD Registry tip sheets and video tutorials to complete these steps and more.