May 30, 2023 May Recalls on Children’s Products Parents and caregivers should be aware of several child-related product recalls. Learn More Here is a list of May recalls collected from the following major federal agencies: the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the Food and Drug Administration, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The Good and the Beautiful recalled Math 1 and Math 3 Boxes due to laceration hazard. Bunch Bikes recalled The Preschool Electric Bicycles due to violation of the Federal Lead Paint Ban and lead poisoning hazard. Juratoys recalled Janod Sweet Cocoon Activity Tables due to choking hazard. The Company Store recalled Children’s White Robes due to violation of federal flammability standards and burn hazard; sold exclusively at CultureFly recalled L.O.L. Surprise! Trick or Treat Subscription Boxes Sold with Metal Doll Pins due to violation of the Federal Lead Paint Ban and lead poisoning hazard. Walker Edison Furniture recalled Twin Over Twin Bunk Beds due to fall and impact hazards. Nature’s Energy recalled Children’s Chewable Colostrum Products due to undeclared milk. Gerber Good Start recalled Powdered Infant Formula due to potential cronobacter sakazakii contamination. More Information For recall details, visit the links above or review the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the Food and Drug Administration and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration websites.
April 27, 2023 Resources for May Observances Various organizations, states, and nations recognize a number of observances each month. Resources help parents, caregivers, and child care professionals acknowledge and navigate them. Here is a list of resources for May observances: Month-Long Observances May is National Foster Care Month Foster and Adoptive Families, Trying Together What to Know About Becoming a Foster Parent in PA, Pennsylvania Statewide Adoption & Permanency Network (SWAN) Top 10 Tips for New Foster Families, Fostering Families Today Parenting Resources for Foster Parents, Child Welfare Information Gateway Ways to Help Foster Children, Adopt US Kids National Foster Care Month 2023 Virtual Event: Foster Care and Mental Health, Children’s Bureau 5 Things Foster Youth Want All Teachers to Know, We Are Teachers May is Mental Health Awareness Month Where to Find Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents in Pittsburgh, The University of Pittsburgh: Youth and Family Research Program Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series: Childhood Mental Health, Trying Together Preventing Parent Burnout: Meeting the Emotional Challenges of Caring for Children with Mental Health Issues, The Child Mind Institute Parenting with a Mental Health Condition, Mental Health America 44 Children’s Books About Mental Health, The Child Mind Institute Creating an Inclusive Classroom for Neurodivergent Learners, Edutopia May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Month Recognizing the Influence, History, and Achievements of Pittsburgh’s AAPI Residents, Visit Pittsburgh DEI Resources: Supporting AAPI Communities, National Head Start Association A Guide for Parents on Talking to Kids about Asian American Identity & Racism, Immigrant History Initiative AAPI Books for Kids of All Ages, Chicago Parent 85 Brilliant Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month (AAPI) Children’s Books, Imagination Soup 18 Student Activities for AAPI Heritage Month, We Are Teachers Weeks of Recognition May 1 – 7 is Children’s Book Week Children’s Book Week Poster and Activity Pages, Every Child a Reader Creative Ways to Celebrate Children’s Book Week, BookTrust 125 Books We Love for Kids, New York Public Library May 8 – 12 is National Teacher Appreciation Week 10 Ways Families Can Celebrate Teachers, National PTA Teacher Appreciation Week: How Caregivers Can Celebrate and Show Gratitude, Harper Collins Publishers How Can Parents Best Support Teachers? We Asked, Education Week Why Teacher Self-Care Matters and How to Practice Self-Care in Your School, Waterford Days of Recognition May 7 is National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day Data and Statistics on Children’s Mental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Children and Mental Health: Is This Just a Stage?, National Institute of Mental Health A Teacher’s Guide to Anxiety, The Child Mind Institute Parenting Guides on Child Mental Health Disorders, The Child Mind Institute Find additional resources under “Mental Health Awareness Month” above. May 12 is National Child Care Provider Appreciation Day Self-Care for Child Care Professionals, HiMama Remember to Take Care of Yourself: Six Ideas for Family Child Care Providers, National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) 101 Thoughtful Ways to Express Gratitude for Your Childcare Staff, Brightwheel Raise Child Care, Start Strong PA Advocate: Take Action, Trying Together Find additional resources under, “National Teacher Appreciation Week” above. May 14 is Mother’s Day Celebrate Mother’s Day in Pittsburgh, Visit Pittsburgh 10 Mother’s Day Craft Ideas for Kids, Artful Parent 33 Preschool Activities to Honor Mom in the Classroom, Teaching Expertise Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series: Caring for the Caregiver, Trying Together Find Child Care, ELRC Region 5 Moms’ Mental Health Matters, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development National Maternal Mental Health Hotline: 1-833-943-5746 (1-833-9-HELP4MOMS) Working Together to Reduce Black Maternal Mortality, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Resources to Share with Expectant Families, Office of Head Start May 28 is World Hunger Day Hunger & Poverty in America, Food Research and Action Center Child Hunger in America, Feeding America Food Resources for Pennsylvanians, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Food Resources in Pittsburgh, City of Pittsburgh Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank Walk-In Food Distribution at The Hub, Trying Together
May 16, 2019 Foster Care Awareness and National Mental Health Month Did you know that May is Foster Care Awareness Month and National Mental Health Month? In recognition of these important subjects, Every Child Inc. has highlighted information and statistics for individuals to consider as we work to better support Pennsylvania’s children, families, caregivers, and community members. Foster Care Facts Approximately 13,000 – 15,000 PA children are currently in foster care and part of the child welfare system. Between 400,000 – 500,000 children in the U.S. are in foster care each year. In 2013, more than 8,000 youth 13 and older lived in the foster care system in PA. One in four PA youth who “age out” of the system experience homelessness and/or struggle with mental health challenges such as depression, substance abuse, and anxiety disorders, with nearly 1 in 4 youth having been arrested since leaving care. Young PA women in foster care are two and a half times more likely to become pregnant by 19 than young women were not in foster care. Mental Health Facts ADHD, behavior problems, anxiety, and depression are the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders in children. Treatment rates vary among different mental disorders: Nearly 8 in 10 children (78.1%) aged 3-17 years with depression received treatment. 6 in 10 children (59.3%) aged 3-17 years with anxiety received treatment. More than 5 in 10 children (53.5%) aged 3-17 years with behavior disorders received treatment. Mental, behavioral, and developmental disorders begin in early childhood: 1 in 6 U.S. children aged 2–8 years (17.4%) had a diagnosed mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder.
December 12, 2018 Child Development Associate Courses Available In partnership with the YWCA Greater Pittsburgh, Westmoreland County Community College (WCCC) is offering a series of courses that fulfill the educational training requirements for the infant-toddler, preschool, or renewal Child Development Associate (CDA) credentials. Additionally, a series of professional development courses are available that can be taken individually for required DHS training hours or as a full 3-hour college credit course. Available Courses Child Development Associate Based on the CDA pursued, students may choose from the following courses, which will be offered at the Youngwood campus and by Web Conferencing (video conference) to all WCCC education centers: Child Health, Safety & Nutrition – ECE 190-CDA May 13 – July 29, 2019, Web Conference Observation & Assessment – ECE 191-CDA January 15 —April 30, 2019 Choose one: Infant & Toddler Development – ECE 179-CDA April 15—July 29, 2019 Child Growth & Development – ECE 180-CDA April 4—July 25, 2019 For more information, see this flyer. Early Childhood Professional Development Child Health, Safety & Nutrition – ECE 190-KU January 16 – May 1, 2019, Westmoreland-New Kensington For a listing of all available courses, see this flyer. Certification and Costs Each course is three college credits and can be applied towards an Associate degree at Westmoreland County Community College. The initial certifications require three courses, while renewal requires one course. The additional work experience, portfolio, and professional requirements required by the CDA Council must be completed independently by the candidates. Tuition is $210 per course (or $14 per class) and $100 for the textbook. Rising STARS Tuition Assistance and the TEACH Scholarship are both accepted. Registration To register, call 1.800.262.2103, ext. 4204. Questions Questions should be directed to: Dr. Brandi Weekley at 724.925.6715 or Vicki Hricik at 724.925.4013 or