
March 31, 2020

How to Practically Implement the Six Keys to Early Childhood Reading

Are you interested in learning how and why the reading gap exists in children and how educators can help bridge the gap? Join Reading Expert John Lant on April 8 for his webinar, “How to Practically Implement the 6 Keys to Early Childhood Reading.”


In this webinar, participants will hear from reading experts who have spent 17 years in the classroom with children. Presenters will make it easy for attendees to understand how to apply and teach children the six keys to early childhood reading (as outlined by the NICHD) in a practical way. These six keys include the following:

    • teaching direct phonemic awareness;
    • teaching explicit letter-sound correspondence;
    • teaching frequent letter-sound relationships systematically;
    • demonstrating how to sound out words with letter-sound blending;
    • using connected, decodable text to practice letter-sounding relationships; and
    • reading interesting stories to develop language comprehension.

This webinar will be of interest to pre-k through elementary teachers and school and district leaders. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.


To register and learn more, visit the event webpage. Space is extremely limited.