December 10, 2019 PDE Releases New Family Engagement Framework The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) has released the Pennsylvania Family Engagement Birth through College, Career, Community Ready Framework. About The PDE Family Engagement Framework As a collaborative initiative between PDE’s Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) and Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE), the Pennsylvania Family Engagement Birth through College, Career, and Community Ready Framework is a tool to guide learning communities in the implementation of effective practices, use of shared language, and application of a family engagement continuum for families across their child’s educational lifespan. With this, the framework includes Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)-aligned Family Engagement resources and information for local education agencies (LEAs). Beginning with early learning programs through K-12, effective family engagement is critical to supporting a child’s learning and development. In fact, research has demonstrated that regardless of socioeconomic background, when schools, families, and community groups work together to support learning, children perform better academically, enjoy school more, remain in school longer, and have better long-term outcomes such as higher graduation rates, improved post-secondary educational attainment, and increased career readiness. By establishing this framework, PDE seeks to foster a clear path by identifying a set of common standards of how learning communities can plan and implement family engagement practices. Members of Pennsylvania’s learning communities can employ this framework, with communities including programs and schools to which PDE provides funding, guidance, and monitoring. More Information For more information on the framework, visit the PDE’s website. *Information provided by the Pennsylvania Key
November 13, 2019 Investments in Early Childhood Support Workforce Readiness On November 12, 2019, Governor Tom Wolf joined Pennsylvania’s Adjutant General Major General Anthony Carrelli and retired generals and admirals from Mission: Readiness to release the nonprofit organization’s workforce readiness report. The report outlines how competition for qualified individuals among all employment sectors affects military recruiting efforts and warrants greater investment in our next generation. About In their report, Mission: Readiness identifies research-based solutions to improve the health and education of young adults with the goal of making them more likely to successfully contribute to America’s workforce, including military service if they so choose. With this, they document wins for Pennsylvanians that Mission: Readiness supported in the areas of early childhood education; equitable and adequate K-12 education funding; and youth fitness and nutrition. Retired Air Force Lieutenant General Ralph Jodice spoke out on the importance of early childhood, stating, “Research is clear that brain development from birth to age five sets the foundation for children’s future success. High-quality child care and early education programs like pre-k set the stage for readiness by improving children’s cognitive ability, health, and behavior throughout life. Governor Wolf spoke on his support of early childhood investments, stating that he is “committed to making investments in education at all ages to help ensure we provide Pennsylvanians with the skills needed for every open job,” including open positions with Pennsylvania National Guard and all branches of the military. Building on this statement, Governor Wolf said that “we owe it to the men and women currently serving in the Pennsylvania National Guard and all branches of the military to give them the best possible future troops. That means ensuring we’re providing the best education possible to potential enlistees, starting at the earliest ages, when children learn quickly and eagerly.” What You Can Do Every child deserves an equal opportunity to a quality educational foundation that will prepare them to grow, learn, and succeed. That’s why Trying Together participates in multiple advocacy campaigns, including Pre-K for PA and Start Strong PA. Will you join us? Join Pre-K for PA and advocate for high-quality pre-k access for every 3- and 4-year old in Pennsylvania. Join Start Strong PA and advocate for all young children in Pennsylvania to have access to high-quality child care programs that their families can afford. Visit our Take Action page to learn more! More Information For access to the video and full press release, visit the PAcast website.