June 28, 2023 2023 Infant/Toddler and School-Age Child Care Institute (ITSACCI) Child care leaders and their partners continue to work together to ensure that all children, families, and their caregivers have access to high-quality resources that equitably support their social-emotional development and mental health needs. Social-emotional and mental health supports are foundational to children’s healthy development and learning and are associated with positive long-term health, educational, and well-being outcomes. Children, families, and child care professionals all thrive when effective social-emotional and mental health supports are intentionally integrated and aligned. The Virtual 2023 Infant/Toddler and School-Age Child Care Institute (ITSACCI) will provide professional development opportunities on the topics of social-emotional development and mental health to child care leaders and their partners, whose work is focused on infant/toddler and school-age policies and practices carried out under the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program. Hosted by the Administration for Children & Families and its Office of Child Care, this interactive event will enable attendees to learn about promising practices from their peers and to collaboratively problem-solve to address challenges in supporting the social-emotional development and mental health of every child and caregiver. Event Details ITSACCI will be a three day event. Day one will focus on infants/toddlers and school-age care, day two will focus only on school-age care, and day three will focus only on infant/toddler care. When: Tuesday, August 15 – Thursday, August 17 | 1 – 4 p.m. daily Where: Virtual Registration: Register Learn More To learn more, visit the OCC website or view the event flyer. Please contact the Child Care Communications Management Center at occ-cmc@strategixmanagement.com with any questions.
December 22, 2020 Virtual Community of Practice Meetings Are you interested in discussing topics of interest and current trends with fellow professionals in the early childhood field? Join Early Learning Resource Center (ELRC) Region 5 for their virtual Community of Practice sessions! About ELRC Region 5 offers Communities of Practice (COP) for early learning professionals to discuss topics of interest, current trends in the field, and offer insight and inspiration to one another. In January, the COP virtual sessions will give providers the opportunity to discuss their school-age care program successes, needs, and questions. Participants will be given the most current school-age care updates, information, resources, and professional development opportunities. Available Sessions Saturday, January 9, 2021: School Age Child Care Check-In 10 a.m. | Zoom Meetings | Attend the Session Thursday, January 21, 2021: School Age Child Care Check-In 10 a.m. | Zoom Meetings | Attend the Session 1 p.m. | Zoom Meetings | Attend the Session More Information For questions, contact elrc5@alleghenycounty.us or 412.350.3577. Share this flyer with your network.
December 18, 2020 Families Invited to Complete Online COVID-19 Survey Do you have an elementary-age child (five to 12 years old) who goes to a public school? If yes, you are invited to participate in an online survey to share your experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. About The purpose of the Children, COVID-19, and its Consequences (the “Triple C”) Project is to analyze how COVID-19 is affecting familial economic and child well-being. Triple C is the first study to provide a comprehensive portrait of the well-being of families and children across multiple cities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Families who complete the survey will receive a $25 electronic Amazon gift card. Researchers may contact survey participants to complete follow-up surveys three months and nine months after the completion of the first survey. Sign Up To Participate To sign up, please visit the Triple C study page. More Information This research is sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh in collaboration with Duke University, University of Washington, and Rutgers University. For questions, text 240.449.9898 or email evotruba@pitt.edu. For more information, visit the Triple C Project website. Share this flyer with your network.
October 30, 2020 School’s Out! Challenges and Solutions for School-Age Programs Are you interested in exploring common challenges and solutions for school-age programs? Join presenters Tracy Galuski, Ph.D., Arlene Rider, Ph.D., and Nadia J. Jones, Ed.D. on November 18 for “School’s Out! Challenges and Solutions for School-Age Programs: Meaningful Activities.” About Professionals who work with school-age children in out-of-school environments often struggle with ways to keep the children engaged in programs that run before and after the structured school day. Children have varied needs, and program staff are often dealing with challenges such as a restrictive environment, mixed groupings, and varied schedules. Within the context of child development, this webinar offers a child-centered approach to developing activities that engage and enhance the program. Participants will explore a number of common challenges along with some possible solutions that can be adapted and applied in their work. Time for questions will be provided. Featured Topics This webinar will: review typical learning centers in school-age programs, explore developmental stages and how child development informs practice, and discuss challenges and solutions related to the environment and activities. Registration This webinar is best suited for practioneres in before- and after-school programs in a variety of settings. To register, visit the EdWeb website.
October 14, 2020 Receive A School-Age Professional Credential Are you interested in receiving a School-Age Professional Credential? A School-Age Professional Credential Course will be available online from October 20, 2020 to May 18, 2021. This course is free to those who qualify. Textbooks are provided. About The Pennsylvania School-Age Professional Credential (SAPC) is a competency-based program modeled after the Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential. It provides individuals working in school-age programs the opportunity to examine their work in relation to the Pennsylvania School-Age Competency Standards. A School-Age Professional Credential Course will be available online from October 20, 2020 to May 18, 2021. Course participants will digitally meet on Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and there will be a self-paced weekly assignment that will take approximately two hours to complete. Eligibility Requirements To be eligible for this course, professionals must: be working in a Department of Human Service regulated program that serves school-age children (age five to 12-years-old); have a minimum of a high school diploma or GED credential; complete an individual professional development plan; and have worked at least 480 hours with school-age children. Apply This course is free to those who qualify. Textbooks are provided. Technology and child care supports are available. To apply, visit the PDO at PASSHE webpage. More Information For questions or more information, call 814.836.9295 or email chuck.lytle@nwirelrc.org. Share this flyer with your network.
September 15, 2020 Advancing Anti-Racist Instruction in K-12 Curriculum Are you interested in learning concrete strategies for implementing anti-racist content in your school or district? Join EdSurge on October 14 for their webinar, “Advancing Anti-Racist Instruction in K-12 Curriculum.” About In this webinar, participants will learn how educators, schools, and districts can and should intentionally interrogate representation within their curriculum and support anti-racism more broadly. In a time when actively anti-racist content is urgently needed in virtual and in-person classrooms alike, representative voices, diverse perspectives, and unheard narratives can still be hard to find in instructional content. Hear from a panel of experts and education leaders about concrete strategies for implementing anti-racist content in your school or district, across subject areas and grade levels. Participants will also hear from school and district leaders about strategies for taking a multi-pronged approach. Learning Objectives During this webinar, participants will learn how to: support anti-racism during remote learning; develop robust instructional content that promotes anti-racism; build an anti-racist culture and safe community in virtual and in-person spaces; support teacher training on anti-racism; and create buy-in for school and district-wide anti-racism efforts. Registration To register and learn more, visit the event webpage.
September 2, 2020 August OCDEL Child Care Provider Survey Since March, the COVID-19 pandemic has had significant impacts on child care providers. To better understand the successes and challenges child care providers are experiencing, the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) is collecting information monthly through online surveys on staffing and enrollment. Complete the survey today to share your experience. About This survey is only intended for child care providers and will be utilized to gain an understanding of the status of child care in Pennsylvania. The August survey will be particularly helpful as it will provide insight into the impact of changes in local school district schedule and school-age child care enrollment. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes and must be completed by Tuesday, September 8, 2020. Participation is voluntary. OCDEL will issue the final survey at the end of September to compare and analyze changes. Take the Survey To submit your experience, complete the survey.
August 31, 2020 Virtual Community of Practice Meetings Are you interested in discussing topics of interest and current trends with fellow professionals in the early childhood field? Join ELRC Region 5 for their virtual Community of Practice sessions! About Community of Practice sessions provide early learning professionals with opportunities to discuss topics of interest, current trends in the early childhood field, and offer insight and inspiration to their fellow professionals. In September, these virtual sessions will discuss the most current school-age care updates, information, trends, resources, and professional development opportunities. Participants will connect with out-of-school-time partners and professionals, and they will receive support as new or existing school-age care programs. The session will also focus on supporting virtual learning, daily schedules, and keeping the children engaged. Available Sessions Saturday, September 12: School-Age Care Updates 10 a.m. | Zoom Meetings | Attend the Session Thursday, September 17: School-Age Care Updates 10 a.m. | Zoom Meetings | Attend the Session 1 p.m. | Zoom Meetings | Attend the Session More Information For questions, contact ELRC Region 5 at elrc5@alleghenycounty.us or 412.350.3577. Share this flyer with your network.
August 20, 2020 School-Age Child Care Update from OCDEL As local education agencies and private schools in Pennsylvania are finalizing and announcing their plans for the 2020-21 academic school year, OCDEL is becoming increasingly aware that many school districts are implementing hybrid or full remote instruction models for the school year. These announcements have raised questions about how families with children enrolled in Kindergarten and beyond will be supported if they need expanded child care. Continue reading below for answers to common questions. Frequently Asked Questions Can school-age children enroll in child care if their schools have announced moving to part-time or full-time remote instruction? Yes. During the 2020-21 school year, children whose schools have announced various schedule changes to prevent the spread of COVID-19 can enroll in child care. If the district has announced that children will not attend school for face-to-face instruction, then working families can enroll children in child care during those days. Will OCDEL revise the school-age blended rate for children attending child care during the portion of the day that has typically been considered “school hours”? For the 2020-21 school year, the calculation of the blended rate will not change. It will still be based on 25 full-time days and 180 part-time days. If a child attends a school district where students will not return to school for in-person, five-day-a-week instruction, a child care provider who accepts the blended rate will receive a part-time blended rate for the days the child attends school in-person and attends child care part-time. The provider may receive a full-time payment rate on the days the child is not scheduled to attend school in-person and attends child care full-time. Paying the part-time blended rate, instead of a part-time rate, will compensate for any days the child was supposed to attend part-time buy may need to attend full-time because of a school’s closure, such as staff in-service days, holidays, professional development, and snow days. If school districts change how school instruction will be administered throughout the school year, related to COVID-19, the child’s schedule will be updated to reflect the school’s current schedule. View the full guidance. Will non-licensed programs be able to serve school-age children? Yes. Enrollment in a licensed child care facility is preferred, however, part-day school-age programs will be available to enroll school-age children during the 2020-21 school year. Enrolled children must be kindergarten age or older. School District Reopening Plans To view school districts’ reopening plans, visit the PA Schools Work website. To learn about the phased reopening of pre-k to 12 schools in Pennsylvania, visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education website. More Information For more information, view this email from the Pennsylvania Key.