July 29, 2024 Tips for Protecting Children During August’s Summer Sun Safety Month With the summer season in full swing and school being out – which means more youth outdoors – now is a good time to consider how to keep children safe while spending long periods of time in the sun. Learn More August is observed as Summer Sun Safety Month. So, now is a good time to learn how to stay safe while spending time in the sun and preventing sunburn, sun poisoning, skin cancer, or other heat-related ailments. Skin cancer is often caused by ultraviolet (UV) rays, which come from the sun, tanning beds, and ultralamps. UV rays are an invisible type of radiation that can cause damage to skin cells, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It is important to protect children from UV rays all year-round. The rays can reach individuals on cloudy days and can reflect off such surfaces as water, cement, sand, or snow. There are a number of methods for keeping children safe while spending time outdoors on hot, sunny days. The CDC recommends: Making sure they spend time in the shade, especially when engaging in activities Encouraging the use of hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen Not scheduling outdoor activities on days when the sun is strongest or the temperatures are especially high Providing breaks during outdoor activities to allow children to reapply sunscreen and drink water More Resources Additional tips on staying safe in the sun – but also tips on water safety, bug bites, and other topics – can be found in a 2023 brochure released by Allegheny County. Below are some resources on how to protect children and yourself during Summer Sun Safety Month – and during all months when outdoor activity is prevalent. CDC Shares Sun Safety Tips for Schools, Trying Together Allegheny County Shares Summer Safety Guidance, Trying Together Summer Safety Brochure, Allegheny County Health Department, Trying Together Reducing Risk for Skin Cancer, CDC Be Safe in the Sun, American Cancer Society Sun Protection, American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Sun Protection Tips for Those with Black and Brown Skin, Boston University Sun Safety and Prevention, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
June 8, 2023 CDC Shares Sun Safety Tips for Schools The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have shared sun safety tips for schools, as recess and other outdoor activities can excessively expose children to the sun. Teachers, school administrators, child care providers, out-of-school time (OST) professionals, and support staff can take steps to protect students from sun exposure and developing sun-related skin conditions later in life. Sun Safety Tips For Schools Increase Shade Provide shade structures or trees. Move outdoor activities to shaded areas. Plan for shade when developing or renovating school buildings, playgrounds, or athletic fields. Shade Planning for America’s Schools [PDF-975KB] can guide you. Promote Sun-Safe Behaviors Encourage students to wear hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen outdoors. Try to avoid scheduling outdoor activities when the sun is strongest. Provide breaks during outdoor activities so that students can reapply sunscreen and get water. Use Proven Educational Programs Proven skin cancer prevention interventions and educational programs are available for child care centers and schools. The National Cancer Institute’s Evidence-Based Cancer Control Programs website lists sun-safety programs for schools. Additional Information & Resources About UV Rays and Sun Exposure Ultraviolet (UV) rays are an invisible kind of radiation that comes from the sun, tanning beds, and sunlamps. UV rays can damage skin cells. Protection from UV rays is important all year, not just during the summer. UV rays can reach individuals on cloudy and cool days, and they reflect off of surfaces like water, cement, sand, and snow. In the continental United States, UV rays tend to be strongest from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daylight saving time (9 a.m. to 3 p.m. standard time). The UV Index forecasts the strength of UV rays each day. If the UV index is 3 or higher in your area, protect skin from too much exposure to the sun. Additional Resources The following resources offer additional information on sun exposure and sunscreen application: Guidelines for Applying Sunscreen in a Child Care Program, Extension Alliance for Better Child Care Summer is Here and So Is the Sun, PennState Extension: Better Kid Care Sunscreen Protection, Pennsylvania Department of Education Sunscreen FAQs, American Academy of Dermatology Association Sunscreen: How to Help Protect Your Skin from the Sun, U.S. Food and Drug Administration Learn More To learn more, visit the CDC website.
July 17, 2020 New Summer Safety Brochure Available for Families Thanks to the warm weather and sunshine, summer in Pennsylvania offers plenty of opportunities to get outside, get active, and enjoy family activities. By heeding some simple tips, parents and caregivers can ensure that summer is both safe and fun! New Brochure Available The Allegheny County Health Department and Allegheny County Department of Human Services developed a new Summer Safety brochure, featuring important information and tips on how families can enjoy summer while staying safe. The brochure includes tips on the following topics: bug bites and stings; safety in the sun; safety on wheels; water safety; car safety; chemical and poison safety; and more. To view the full list of tips, download the brochure. More Information For more information about summer safety, visit the National Safety Council’s Summer Safety page.